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Glad I don't have kids....

Just Jack

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In the freaky nature of this thread. I visited a friend yesterday who just moved into a new RV park (Long story starting his life over after a divorce). So he takes me out into the yard and shows me a rope still tied to a limb where the previous tenant just hung himself. Pretty weird, my friend wants to leave it there as a reminder that his life isn't so bad after all. I asked him if he saw the dudes ghost. Nope.

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When my whack-a-doo cousin was a kid he had an imaginary friend/enemy who he said was a teacher. I think it was a dead guy. This was my tied for fifth cousin so I didn't see him too much and he was a little bit of a dolt. When we'd get together he talked about this old teacher that talked to him....not at home....but at school.


My uncle shipped my cousin off to England most years to go to school and he would fail out of everything. It was mostly because this dead guy was distracting him. My cousin had binders full of notes but none from the class; all from the teacher. The dude was mocking my cousin; openly sarcastic.....and in a very dark way....it was creepy....my cousin didn't get it and kept taking notes. He exposed all of my cousin's weaknesses which were many. Man some of the stuff was weird with a lot of squid pro quotes in it....like telling my cousin he had to do something before the teacher would allow him something else.


There were other notes where it got even stranger. The teacher confided in my cousin about his home life. The guy's wife was a real psycho. He said she was really fat and that she would beat him to within an inch of his life.....I think one night maybe she went too far and this guy didn't realize he was dead.


Reading that thread made me want to look back at my cousin's old notebook but his twin burned them years ago.

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Selmon Smith was chopped by Beerball

Hossage was chopped up by SDS

Crayonz, Jack

...we all know Bill is just taking his time...


I've had a twisted thing for farmers my whole life ... I was going to hit a certain BMW driver but Nervous Guy got to him first...

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