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Stevie Alligator Arms

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His quote about it not mattering is being blown way out of proportion. He seemed to mean that they had chances to overcome mistakes like that but never did. He is a good, not great receiver, and lots of teams would like to have him. He just isn't a number 1 receiver.


I don't blame him for short-arming that pass. It would be foolish to risk your body at this point. EJM is gonna get a receiver paralyzed if he doesn't improve his ball placement.



Easy to say, but then you aren't the one absorbing the hit.


Um, it's easy to say when his game day check is a decade's worth if earnings for most Bills fans.

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Um, it's easy to say when his game day check is a decade's worth if earnings for most Bills fans.


Um, it's already in his pocket.

No player is obligated to take unnecessary risk. The Bills are out of the playoff race, and that catch wasn't gonna change anything. He doesn't have a history of short arming passes.


I know some people want to see the players suffer for their paycheck, but I don't see the need for them to step in front of trains.


Cutting Stevie will make another team stronger - can't you just see him on the Pats!! A trade makes more sense, but it'll have to wait till the offseason if it is to come to pass.


S Johnson would immediately be picked up, and the Pats would take him in a heartbeat.


How about a coach being "set free"? How about the Special Teams coach being shown the door?

Edited by Marauder'sMicro
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S Johnson would immediately be picked up, and the Pats would take him in a heartbeat.


I read this on here over and over. He'll go to NE and be a star. I doubt it. Bill Bellyache, like most winning coaches, have no use for WRs who drop a lot of passes especially in crunch time. If Bill does want him I say it's a great day for Buffalo. In all likelihood, he'll drop one in the next game we play vs us giving us a win.


with a good QB Stevie can be a good piece and I beleive EJ will be a good QB. So far Manuel has played parts of 9 games, takes more time


So, SJ gets on a team with a good QB and all of the sudden he stops dropping passes and catches everything thrown to him crunch time? All of his greatest crunch time drops have been perfectly thrown footballs that hit him in full stride. How is a "better QB" going to change that?

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Stevie is gonna get HAMMERED if he catches it.




In the modern NFL there's no excuse for alligator arms as they've outlawed those type of hits. Sure the guy might hammer you anyway but the odds are against it.


I've defended Stevie for years but I've just about had enough of him. He's the type of player that kills losing teams. He's a selfish guy who doesn't lay it all on the line and runs his mouth in the process. On a winning team those can all be overlooked because of his production. On a losing team is exacerbates all the other issues plaguing the team.

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In the modern NFL there's no excuse for alligator arms as they've outlawed those type of hits. Sure the guy might hammer you anyway but the odds are against it.


Gee, explain that to Robert Woods. He looked like he need a stretcher (ironically, hit by the same guy that had SJ lined up).

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Gee, explain that to Robert Woods. He looked like he need a stretcher (ironically, hit by the same guy that had SJ lined up).



Reading comprehension is not your forte. I didn't say it never happens or couldn't happen. I said odds are it doesn't. More often than not these days guys pull up and don't blast WRs coming over the middle. Yeah, it still happens and you'll almost always get the penalty when it does. There are the exceptions obviously. Leave it to people on this board to point to the exceptions and act like they're the norm.

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Reading comprehension is not your forte. I didn't say it never happens or couldn't happen. I said odds are it doesn't. More often than not these days guys pull up and don't blast WRs coming over the middle. Yeah, it still happens and you'll almost always get the penalty when it does. There are the exceptions obviously. Leave it to people on this board to point to the exceptions and act like they're the norm.


It was the SAME game, the same DB!


Plus, when your team is up, controlling a game, and your season is already ruined, guys aren't so worried about personal fouls. It's open season for busting people up. It's not like the coach is gonna be mad at him or something. It's more like pre-season, where you are trying to impress the coaches.

I believe that if it was a playoff game, SJ would have made the effort. I'm aware of the implications of that, but I think there are many good players that would do the same.

Not that I think ANY of this is going through any of the players minds in that moment. Pulling up in that situation is instinctual, and something that players fight to overcome, but if their mindset isn't right (like when you have nothing to play for...), it's harder to overcome. Fans may not like it, but the season is done and SJ has been through some bad seasons, and the QB's (especially EJM) have been hanging guys out to dry all season.


I'm not a huge supporter of SJ, I think he is a good #2, and he has annoyed me with childish behavior at times.But I don';t blame him for the short arms there.

Edited by Marauder'sMicro
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or CJ


or Gilmore

Why would either of these guys be cut? CJ is not playing well but hasn't ever shown a bad attitude. The same with Gilmore, except he's playing better recently. In my opinion, Stevie's shown himself to be the weak link and clearly hasn't shown he deserves his big salary. His casual attitude after messing up recently is wearing thin. He'll be the one to go. Edited by BillnutinHouston
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Why would either of these guys be cut? CJ is not playing well but hasn't ever shown a bad attitude. The same with Gilmore, except he's playing better recently. In my opinion, Stevie's shown himself to be the weak link and clearly hasn't shown he deserves his big salary. His casual attitude after messing up recently is wearing thin. He'll be the one to go.


Neither CJ or Gilmore are going to be cut, it's just some message board drivel.

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I don't blame him for short-arming that pass. It would be foolish to risk your body at this point. EJM is gonna get a receiver paralyzed if he doesn't improve his ball placement.



Easy to say, but then you aren't the one absorbing the hit.

If I was his coach, or yours, my attitude would be, fine. You can sit and I'll find someone who will sacrifice their body to make a play to help us win. There are many waiting in the wings to take your place. Edited by BillnutinHouston
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In the modern NFL there's no excuse for alligator arms as they've outlawed those type of hits. Sure the guy might hammer you anyway but the odds are against it.


I've defended Stevie for years but I've just about had enough of him. He's the type of player that kills losing teams. He's a selfish guy who doesn't lay it all on the line and runs his mouth in the process. On a winning team those can all be overlooked because of his production. On a losing team is exacerbates all the other issues plaguing the team.


I am not defending Stevie at all and think he should have made a much better effort. But he WAS going to get absolutely leveled on that particular play. Ironically, on his 33 yard catch and run later in the game, he faced a similar situation and made a nice play.

Edited by dave mcbride
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SJ drops too many passes and has gotten flagged for a lot of stupid demonstration penalties in the past (although I can't recall any this season). Whether the drops are a lack of concentration, hand to eye coordination, or something else, he isn't that clutch guy you can count on to make a play when it matters. That seems obvious to all. Another part of his problem is his candid honesty in making comments to the press and public. He tells you what he really thinks and sometimes its better to keep things to yourself or in the locker room.


The team needs an upgrade at the #1 receivers spot. If you look around the league most successful passing games have big, physical, athletic WR' (or TE's which is another area). You're not going to win the phyical battles downfield when your receivers are outmuscled by aggressive secondary play. SJ isn't that guy but who on the roster is?

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In the modern NFL there's no excuse for alligator arms as they've outlawed those type of hits. Sure the guy might hammer you anyway but the odds are against it.


I've defended Stevie for years but I've just about had enough of him. He's the type of player that kills losing teams. He's a selfish guy who doesn't lay it all on the line and runs his mouth in the process. On a winning team those can all be overlooked because of his production. On a losing team is exacerbates all the other issues plaguing the team.


I totally agree with this. That alligator arm when it's not even needed anymore clinched it for me. So weird that he volleyballed it, and then his reaction again of giving up after the ball goes up.


He's not worth it, I finally decided.

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Did you happen to hear Chris Brown on the John Murphy show this morning? I know, he is, essentially, a Bills PR guy, but occaisioanlly he offers the "inside skinny" without calling it by name. Today, he was giving a strong indication that there will be a "major roster move" over the last 3 weeks of the season...he seems to think that somebody will be an "ex-Bill" very shortly. From the way he was saying it, it wasn't going to be a benching, but a cutting...don't remember his exact words, though the did say "Whaley and Marrone have indicated they will not settle for "staus quo"....winds of change are blowing at 1 Bills Drive". Most obvious thought is Stevie....


Any updates on this ?

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