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Around the league 12/8


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I dont recall a time when so many games had snow in the same week.


Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh have snow falling now. Green Bay field has gotten some snow. Looking at the field their was some snow fall but not right now.

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Philly has snow---they arent alone---Baltimore, Pittsburgh, aWashington has snow. Green Bay has gotten some snow earlier with snow on the field.


Yea but it's about the heaviest I've ever seen come down. Goodell has to be thinking twice about the Super Bowl in NY right now

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Cincinnati got a big break---it was Tripplet again. The defender tripped the RB around the 5 and he stumbles and dives and knee lands around the 2 with the ball around the 1 and then he slides into the end zone.


Tripplett rules he wasnt tripped---this is like the 2nd time he blew a big play. Id be surprised to see him working the playoffs.


So I posted it in the snow thread but man - at one point in the second quarter the lions had 6 fumbles and the eagles had negative yards and had just thrown a pick.... How worried is goodell today?


I agree---you get that Philly snow in the superbowl it will destroy the competitive balance. Detroit went for 2 without trying a kick. Philly goes for it near the endzone instead of kicking a FG.


Brady not having a good day....


Pittsburgh tries Auburn-alabama with a lateral


Im fine with merging the threads instead of closing one

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Cincinnati got a big break---it was Tripplet again. The defender tripped the RB around the 5 and he stumbles and dives and knee lands around the 2 with the ball around the 1 and then he slides into the end zone.


Tripplett rules he wasnt tripped---this is like the 2nd time he blew a big play. Id be surprised to see him working the playoffs.




I agree---you get that Philly snow in the superbowl it will destroy the competitive balance. Detroit went for 2 without trying a kick. Philly goes for it near the endzone instead of kicking a FG.


Brady not having a good day....


Pittsburgh tries Auburn-alabama with a lateral


Plus getting to and from the game from NYC, and you hate to say it but executives and celebs sitting in the stands.... 6 inches of snow would be a disaster all around

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looking at the radar---Philly looks like snow throughout the game. Washington may end in 3rd, NY may get some in the 2nd half. Pittsburgh looks like more scattered snow the rest of the game---same for Green Bay.


If Chicago played today there would be a chance of snow.

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