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The FDA approves a new drug


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The first drug to treat Peyronie’s disease — an embarrassing and sometimes painful curvature of the penis — won approval on Friday from the Food and Drug Administration.




“It’s a soul-destroying disease,” said Stan Hardin, a plumber in Colorado Springs, who started the Association of Peyronie’s Disease Advocates after developing the condition 12 years ago.

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As a doctor I can tell you it's hell on the guys who have it.


Very true. As the article alludes to, there have been some off label drugs for this problem, but none that have been particularly successful. I hope this is a true game changer for the folks with this.


PTR...I've never heard of a specific degree of curvature 'required' to make the diagnosis. It is typically 'diagnosed' Peyronies when there is any degree of curvature and a fibrous band (plaque) is noted. As an aside, folks with Plantar fibrosis (fibrous plaques on the soles of their feet) or those with Dupuytren's contractures (plaques in palms) are more susceptible to developing peyronie's. Makes sense as these are all inflammatory type events resulting in scarring/plaque formation. Why it occurs??? that's the dilemma. Hopefully, this treatment helps/works.

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Very true. As the article alludes to, there have been some off label drugs for this problem, but none that have been particularly successful. I hope this is a true game changer for the folks with this.


PTR...I've never heard of a specific degree of curvature 'required' to make the diagnosis. It is typically 'diagnosed' Peyronies when there is any degree of curvature and a fibrous band (plaque) is noted. As an aside, folks with Plantar fibrosis (fibrous plaques on the soles of their feet) or those with Dupuytren's contractures (plaques in palms) are more susceptible to developing peyronie's. Makes sense as these are all inflammatory type events resulting in scarring/plaque formation. Why it occurs??? that's the dilemma. Hopefully, this treatment helps/works.

So your saying Byrdman has it? And we all thought he was being a prick, not that he has a bent one.

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