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Nelson Mandela has passed


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From each according to their musical talents. To each according to their ability to download.

You have the right to a profit, in the sense that as long as you can make money at a thing in it's natural state, that money is yours. You do not have the right to make a profit, in the sense that if something is unprofitable under natural conditions, the government should intervene and put rules in place that create unnatural scarcity in order to grant you a profit. Your big government bent is showing.


Besices, I thought you had agreed to refrain from polluting other threads with your idiocy.



Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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It doesn't offset his starvation of Ukranians. :wacko:


They wouldn't accept the magnificent tractor!


But yes, maybe the Tsar, had he survived in power would have industrialized more smoothly


You have the right to a profit, in the sense that as long as you can make money at a thing in it's natural state, that money is yours. You do not have the right to make a profit, in the sense that if something is unprofitable under natural conditions, the government should intervene and put rules in place that create unnatural scarcity in order to grant you a profit. Your big government bent is showing.


Besices, I thought you had agreed to refrain from polluting other threads with your idiocy.



So tariffs are all evil?


And where was your hatred of "unnatural profits" with slavery. That wasn't a free market system at all

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They wouldn't accept the magnificent tractor!


But yes, maybe the Tsar, had he survived in power would have industrialized more smoothly


So tariffs are all evil?


And where was your hatred of "unnatural profits" with slavery. That wasn't a free market system at all


You're a !@#$ing retard.

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You have the right to a profit, in the sense that as long as you can make money at a thing in it's natural state, that money is yours. You do not have the right to make a profit, in the sense that if something is unprofitable under natural conditions, the government should intervene and put rules in place that create unnatural scarcity in order to grant you a profit. Your big government bent is showing.


Besices, I thought you had agreed to refrain from polluting other threads with your idiocy.




Thanks for the Econ 102 update. Do you think your prof is so brilliant because he looks like a hippy or because he drinks ultra hip coffee or perhaps because of his British accent? I bet you got a really good grade because you really seem like a sick of pants.


Your understanding of reality though is a little off. Can you give an example of something that is profitable in its natural state, excluding real estate, --- ah heck include real estate if you want --- so I can shoot it down? Optional: For bonus points, include an explanation of how the item is profitable.


As a tie in to the original topic, explain Mandela's sin against this which would merit us mocking his death and have his body dumped into a hole or stacked in a pile.

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They wouldn't accept the magnificent tractor!


But yes, maybe the Tsar, had he survived in power would have industrialized more smoothly


So tariffs are all evil?


And where was your hatred of "unnatural profits" with slavery. That wasn't a free market system at all


Every time you say something establishing new bounds of absurdity, I think to myself, "Wow... he topped himself again... That's abso!@#$ingloutely incredible... There's no way anyone could possibly ever say anything dumber than this..." But then you march right out there, and against all odds, continue to stun me with your ability to bring saying ridiculous things to a new level.


Thanks for the Econ 102 update. Do you think your prof is so brilliant because he looks like a hippy or because he drinks ultra hip coffee or perhaps because of his British accent? I bet you got a really good grade because you really seem like a sick of pants.


Your understanding of reality though is a little off. Can you give an example of something that is profitable in its natural state, excluding real estate, --- ah heck include real estate if you want --- so I can shoot it down? Optional: For bonus points, include an explanation of how the item is profitable.


As a tie in to the original topic, explain Mandela's sin against this which would merit us mocking his death and have his body dumped into a hole or stacked in a pile.


You can come talk to me about anything related to capitalism when you rub elbows with the folks that I do; making them, and myself fists full of money in the process.


Your argument boils down to nothing more than, "Whaaaaaa!!!!"


I don't do low rent, I don't do childish impetuousness, and I certainly don't do stupid.


You're all three

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Every time you say something establishing new bounds of absurdity, I think to myself, "Wow... he topped himself again... That's abso!@#$ingloutely incredible... There's no way anyone could possibly ever say anything dumber than this..." But then you march right out there, and against all odds, continue to stun me with your ability to bring saying ridiculous things to a new level.




You can come talk to me about anything related to capitalism when you rub elbows with the folks that I do; making them, and myself fists full of money in the process.


Your argument boils down to nothing more than, "Whaaaaaa!!!!"


I don't do low rent, I don't do childish impetuousness, and I certainly don't do stupid.


You're all three


You're a sick of pants alright.

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You can come talk to me about anything related to capitalism when you rub elbows with the folks that I do; making them, and myself fists full of money in the process.


Your argument boils down to nothing more than, "Whaaaaaa!!!!"


I don't do low rent, I don't do childish impetuousness, and I certainly don't do stupid.


You're all three

it certainly can't be from your economic theories, you'd go broke..
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Coming from the guy defending Stalin, no less. I'm just waiting for you to tell us that Hitler was just misunderstood.


He was simply cleaning up the mess left to him from the previous administration. You just didn't understand what he meant when he elaborated on his 'final solution'. He didn't kill those "undesirables", someone else made that happen.

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He was simply cleaning up the mess left to him from the previous administration. You just didn't understand what he meant when he elaborated on his 'final solution'. He didn't kill those "undesirables", someone else made that happen.


In Hitler's defense, when the German ambassador to Paris was assassinated, he didn't find out until he read about it in Voelkischer Beobachter.

Edited by DC Tom
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it certainly can't be from your economic theories, you'd go broke..

It comes from my understanding of the theories you espouse, which drastically shift the advantage to folks like me.


The theories I espouse are not our operating economic system, they are simply what I advocate for, in the wake of the failures of your heroes.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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You're a sick of pants alright.

he's making huge deals at the club with orthopods and neurosurgeons who drop an entire days schedule on a moments notice to play golf with him. as to whether he's carrying theirs bags, washing their balls and wiping their putters, we're left to wonder.
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he's making huge deals at the club with orthopods and neurosurgeons who drop an entire days schedule on a moments notice to play golf with him. as to whether he's carrying theirs bags, washing their balls and wiping their putters, we're left to wonder.

Guys I went to school with, though here in New England we don't golf through the winter months unless we're traveling, which, unfortunately isn't in the cards during the 4th quarter. Too much going on.


You, however, should just get back to somthing you're more familiar with, like mistreating your unsuspecting patients, and disparaging charitable giving.

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Guys I went to school with, though here in New England we don't golf through the winter months unless we're traveling, which, unfortunately isn't in the cards during the 4th quarter. Too much going on.


You, however, should just get back to somthing you're more familiar with, like mistreating your unsuspecting patients, and disparaging charitable giving.

many of the really financially successful folks i know would never think of mentioning it and few others are aware it. the others let their wealth speak for itself, either by reputation or conspicuous consumption. the folks that actually vulgarly state their wealth verbally or in writing tend to be all hat and no cattle, as they say.
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many of the really financially successful folks i know would never think of mentioning it and few others are aware it. the others let their wealth speak for itself, either by reputation or conspicuous consumption. the folks that actually vulgarly state their wealth verbally or in writing tend to be all hat and no cattle, as they say.



Sounds like a pile of jealousy and self-righteousness to me. I'm proud of what I've built, and I don't mind telling you so.


Why not simply get back to destroying the middle class' access to Health care?

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You can come talk to me about anything related to capitalism when you rub elbows with the folks that I do; making them, and myself fists full of money in the process.


Your argument boils down to nothing more than, "Whaaaaaa!!!!"


I don't do low rent, I don't do childish impetuousness, and I certainly don't do stupid.


You're all three

OK I finally get what going on here, someone is creating characters for sketch comedy or sitcoms , you should of stopped at DCTom and OC this TYTT character just puts it over the top and makes it obvious, I mean how many personality deficient, delusional egomaniacs could really end up in one place - it's like being in a room with Milburn Drysdale , Mr Burns, Newman,Louie De Palma and Dwight Schrute, come man that's overkill - just as a critique I think you are suppose to add a shred of humanity to any reoccurring character something you haven't done yet with your characters. Edited by ....lybob
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