OCinBuffalo Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-04/last-gasp-of-the-keynesians.html Let's redefine the problem, or, let's just change the nature of the problem...or...whatever it takes to admit we aren't wrong! Yes, in an age where new technology is literally being invented every single day, if not hour...let's pretend that it's lack of capital, investors willing to invest, rough and ready entrepreneurs, or the old standby: "general malaise", that is causing a lack of growth. Let's not consider that its our own stupid policies that are both the root cause of, and causes dependencies that create, the problem. And of course? What's the prescription? Even more of the awful policies that got us here to begin with. It's never the policy itself, its always that we didn't do enough of it. Hilarious that there's apparently no such thing as increments in Paul Krugman's world. No. We must do 100% of what he wants, because we can never see half his promised results for half of what he wants. "It doesn't work that way". Imagine if your job was so easy: you tell your boss that you didn't get things 100% your way, so, you are not responsible for any results whatsoever. If in the future you were to get 100%, then you'd get great results, and anybody who doubts it is an idiot. The rest of your time: you tell other people what their problems are, and chide them for not getting results when they don't get 100% of things their way. Again, like the article asks: what has changed, really? The ONLY thing that has changed is Dodd/Frank, Obamacare, idiot environtologist-driven energy policy, dumb moves overseas...which translates to skittish investment strategy at home...the list goes on and on and on, and the lucid among us know everything that's on it, in detail. Here's what won't change: dolts like Krugman and his "heads I win, tails you lose" approach to everything. Everything is a black box, and is unimaginably "difficult to measure"...when the outcome is bad for Krugman. However, when the outcome support his positions? Oh, no then everything is empirical and causal down to the centimeter.
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