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HFBD to the board's most intelligent and erudite poster


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DC Overrated. Tom just makes up bull **** on Wikipedia then cites his own garbage wiki entries as it suits him in arguments. No matter how many times you tell him that Wikipedia is unreliable at best and suggest he get off the internet, turn off the history channel and actually pick up some primary source material he just blasts you with links from youtube and wikipedia.


I remember one time Tom and I were discussing the Anglo-Zulu Wars and he cites his OWN wiki entry regarding Rorke's Drift. I did a little background checking and it turns out there was no battle at Rorke's drift, in fact there is no such place! I'll give him points for being clever enough to craft such a ruse, but hes no OCBills. That guy is a real genius (Tom could learn a little bit about humility from OC too). I'd probably put ...lybob and Frenkle ahead of Tom too. Don't get me wrong, Tom is pretty smart, but hes about 3.5 spaces away from being top of the heap.


Happy birfday DC Tom!

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Funny, HFB Tom. Wait, does he actually have a BD? I thought he was a non human life form? maybe not even carbon based?

I think you are on to something. He can't be of this earth. No way. Happy BDay

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Happy birthday Thomas. And 89!


It'd be just a fun day if someone had his cell # and posted it here so we could wish him happy birthday. Though, no one but Gugny would call it.


Where has she been? She's okay, right?

I think she was at the home opener.
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