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Call Ralph's Bluff


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Over the years, I've seen too many RIDICULOUS - IMPOSSIBLE losses like what we all witnessed on Sunday. I'm no longer convinced that it's just a coincidence. We either really are "cursed" or it's somehow designed for us to lose by the NFL.


The problem is, watching the Bills is like being a drug addict. I can't stop watching (in hopes that I'm wrong, I guess).


At this point, the best thing for my sanity is them moving. Honestly.

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That will show Ralph. All that 93 year old man wants to do is fatten his pockets in the economically rich Western New York area. He is just swimming in gold like Scourge McDuck. Ralph also needs to stop fumbling and telling our undrafted free agent rookie QB to stop throwing 100 yard pick 6s.


Impeach Ralph!!!!

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Would you rather have the Bills and suck every year or not have a team at all?


As for the OP, my best suggestion is to not take the Bills so serious. Like someone mentioned, its just a game.


WIll you call the Mayflower vans or shall I?

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I really don't understand all the hated toward Ralph. I understand the frustration about the results of the team over the last 14 years, but come on.


If you are referring to the fact that he hasn't sold the team to someone that would ensure the Bills stay in Buffalo, I'd like to redirect your spite to the fact that this city is declining in relative population and has been doing so for generations. That's the ONLY reason why the idea of the Bills leaving is even being entertained.


Relative Rank of Buffalo:

1960: 20th

1970: 28th

1980: 39th

1990: 50th

2000: 59th

2013: 73rd


So let me ask you this, if you owned a business that when you started it was in the 20th largest market in the Country, but years later dropped to the 73rd largest market, what would you do? You'd pick up and move. That's what rationale business people do.


Now I recognize that Ralph and the Bills still make money, but the market isn't competitive like it used to be. In my opinion, the dopes in charge of this area and the people voting for them are to blame.

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Over the years, I've seen too many RIDICULOUS - IMPOSSIBLE losses like what we all witnessed on Sunday. I'm no longer convinced that it's just a coincidence. We either really are "cursed" or it's somehow designed for us to lose by the NFL.


It is just a losing culture, brought about by a loser of an owner born with a silver spoon and happened to buy a football team eons ago. 1 total playoff win post merger outside of the Kelly years.


The owner treats this like his coin purse. Play it as safe as possible and make 2 nickels, results be damned. While you could take a little risk of making 1 nickel, but possibly get good results and make 4 nickels.



Regardless, our worst enemy is an outside perception of apathy. Best case, a boycott would result in a 10% loss in ticket sales (and that is generous). That would do nothing but make us look unwilling/unable to support an NFL team and the NFL would have more public "buy-in" to allow the team to leave. One of our best allies at this point is other fans, who hold Buffalo fans in high regard. The NFL does not want any bad press and may possibly hesitate to move a team with history and fans like this.


It makes no good sense, especially when the owner is 95.


I really don't understand all the hated toward Ralph. I understand the frustration about the results of the team over the last 14 years, but come on.


If you are referring to the fact that he hasn't sold the team to someone that would ensure the Bills stay in Buffalo, I'd like to redirect your spite to the fact that this city is declining in relative population and has been doing so for generations. That's the ONLY reason why the idea of the Bills leaving is even being entertained.


Relative Rank of Buffalo:

1960: 20th

1970: 28th

1980: 39th

1990: 50th

2000: 59th

2013: 73rd


So let me ask you this, if you owned a business that when you started it was in the 20th largest market in the Country, but years later dropped to the 73rd largest market, what would you do? You'd pick up and move. That's what rationale business people do.


Now I recognize that Ralph and the Bills still make money, but the market isn't competitive like it used to be. In my opinion, the dopes in charge of this area and the people voting for them are to blame.


Buffalo itself doesnt have the poulation... But factor in WNY and you have 2.5 Million. not shabby or far fetched considering an hour is nothing to travel for an NFL game.



Buffalo #44 and Rochester #45. Combined and you jump up a great deal.

Edited by May Day 10
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It is just a losing culture, brought about by a loser of an owner born with a silver spoon and happened to buy a football team eons ago. 1 total playoff win post merger outside of the Kelly years.


The owner treats this like his coin purse. Play it as safe as possible and make 2 nickels, results be damned. While you could take a little risk of making 1 nickel, but possibly get good results and make 4 nickels.



Regardless, our worst enemy is an outside perception of apathy. Best case, a boycott would result in a 10% loss in ticket sales (and that is generous). That would do nothing but make us look unwilling/unable to support an NFL team and the NFL would have more public "buy-in" to allow the team to leave. One of our best allies at this point is other fans, who hold Buffalo fans in high regard. The NFL does not want any bad press and may possibly hesitate to move a team with history and fans like this.


It makes no good sense, especially when the owner is 95.




Buffalo itself doesnt have the poulation... But factor in WNY and you have 2.5 Million. not shabby or far fetched considering an hour is nothing to travel for an NFL game.



Buffalo #44 and Rochester #45. Combined and you jump up a great deal.


It's a good point, but I am not sure how absolutely correct that is. For example, while adding two metro areas for the Bills, you'd also have to do the same for all the other metro areas in the US. I would be interested to see that analysis. My suspicion is that it's the same story.

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1 - I think EJ Manuel is gonna be a franchise QB

2 - The minute he was announced the opening day starter I knew this was a rebiuld year

3 - Take a look at our friggen schedule.....how many teams are we playing off byes or semi byes this year

4 - We have been ravaged by injury yet again

5 - Despite our record......this team better then last years

6 - Rookie HC......Rookie OC

7 - This team wants to play run up the middle football....but is missing pieces on this team to do it


It is frustrating to lose for so long.....but you cannot fall into the trap of blaming the CURRENT guys for prior year guys mistakes........you have to give these guys a chance

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yes. But Kansas City for example.... is there really that much population surrounding it?

You can also include Southern Ontario (and not even including Toronto). I would also contend that WNY miles are much shorter than miles in more populous areas. Can get from Buf to Roc in much less time than half the distance, in say, Atlanta.


We are not some megalopolis, but people citing the 270K population figure is misleading.


Here is the data that combines areas


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yes. But Kansas City for example.... is there really that much population surrounding it?

You can also include Southern Ontario (and not even including Toronto). I would also contend that WNY miles are much shorter than miles in more populous areas. Can get from Buf to Roc in much less time than half the distance, in say, Atlanta.


We are not some megalopolis, but people citing the 270K population figure is misleading.


Here is the data that combines areas



Cool man. Thanks!

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I really don't understand all the hated toward Ralph. I understand the frustration about the results of the team over the last 14 years, but come on.


If you are referring to the fact that he hasn't sold the team to someone that would ensure the Bills stay in Buffalo, I'd like to redirect your spite to the fact that this city is declining in relative population and has been doing so for generations. That's the ONLY reason why the idea of the Bills leaving is even being entertained.


Relative Rank of Buffalo:

1960: 20th

1970: 28th

1980: 39th

1990: 50th

2000: 59th

2013: 73rd


So let me ask you this, if you owned a business that when you started it was in the 20th largest market in the Country, but years later dropped to the 73rd largest market, what would you do? You'd pick up and move. That's what rationale business people do.


Now I recognize that Ralph and the Bills still make money, but the market isn't competitive like it used to be. In my opinion, the dopes in charge of this area and the people voting for them are to blame.

it was the same dog and pony show in the 60's through 80's (with a few exceptions) when the population and local economy were healthier. the population isn't the limiting factor. losing and wilson are. if i owned a business that was financially successful beyond my wildest dreams, that was carried for years on the backs of loyal, long suffering customers, willing and unwilling taxpayers, desperate for a decent product after a lifetime of shoddy product, i'd stay, do everything possible to make things right and attempt to ensure that the franchise stayed. i'll bet many here would do the same.

Edited by birdog1960
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Ralph is just a shortsighted and old-fashioned businessman who has a tendency of being both petty and too clever by half. The Toronto series is a decent (not perfect) example of what I'm saying. Yes he gets money in his pocket right away. But it comes at the expense of long-term fan loyalty in Buffalo and also comes at the expense of WINNING GAMES. You know that winning creates longer-term profitability, right? You play more games, in primetime, and you also increase your fanbase, if you actually make the playoffs and win a couple of Superbowls. Just ask the Patriots, who managed to regionalize their team successfully after first making sure to invest in a winning product. That franchise was just as much of a mess if not worse before they went on a run.


But Ralph is too stupid to undertand this. He prefers to shave nickels off of the margins. Why pay a coach top dollar? Why pay for veteran depth to the roster? Unless something boosts the bottom line directly, he's not going to do it. And he's always shown a willigness to take the short-term cash-in-hand over the long-term investment in a sustainable product.


Oh, and the lease negotiations were another case-in-point here, but I won't get into that. He took the easy cash, perhaps at the expense of long-term viability of the franchise.


Screw Ralph. I don't appreciate him at all. I don't buy the myth that he is some kind of martyr for keeping the Bills in Buffalo when he easily could've left. Screw him, I have zero respect for the man. ZERO. He took the easy, steady gravy train in Buffalo for many years. He treated the community like a piggy bank full of suckers. He helped feed the myth that we're lucky to have him and the crappy, half-baked product he provides. And the one time - the ONE TIME - he hit gold with a competent GM, he had to start an ego war with the guy.


That's it, I'll stand down from my soap box. But you can underline and frame it: I have zero respect for Ralph Wilson.

Edited by Coach Tuesday
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While I suppose that a logical argument will fall flat on its face here, I'm going to present one anyway:


Without selling one single solitary ticket, one piece of merchandise, or one advertising spot, the Bills make their money--and then some. The revenue from the NFL's TV contract is enormous; they'll barely notice you "cutting them off".


If you want to retract any of your support, feel free to do so...I do find it hilarious that you act as though the team sits around doing nothing about their situation. They have a new GM, new head coach, new coaching staff, new QB, etc. etc. You really think things are going to change overnight?


If you're tired of waiting, that's fine; I get it. Your entire rant posted here, however, is nothing more than pining for changes that have already been made and subsequent impatience when you don't see immediate results. This is a team, not a microwave dinner; it may take longer than 3 months.

The average fan does not realize the economics of an NFL franchise revolve around the TV contract, seat licenses and merchandise. The Bills might get max $2m per game in their half of ticket sales, times 16 is $32Million per season. Big Deal. Each team gets well over $100Million per year on the TV deals (networks + Directv) . Boycott the games all you want. Ticket sales to the average man don't matter much compared to media revenue, seat licenses and merchandise. And with the huge out-migration from WNY since 1980 there are actually more Bills fans like me and my kids outside of Erie County than inside (who drive the TV ratings). We fantasize about the in-market fan base (hey i used to be one) , but other than nostalgia value, they don't figure into the economics as much as you might think. The NFL is not a gate revenue business, its a TV business enhanced by fans in the stands.

Edited by 8and8Forever
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