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Call Ralph's Bluff


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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.


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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.


What a refreshing new outlook that I have never heard before!


You askin' me to go cold turkey?? Where will I get my fix of frustration and heartache??


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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.


Dude. It's a game.


But cut your support all you want. We'll take you back when the Bills are good and you forgot you ever quit on them.

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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.


I think you identified the problem. The real question is, do you have the guts?

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I think you identified the problem. The real question is, do you have the guts?

I do....but the masses it seems don't. If it spurred change I would drop support in a heartbeat.



If you are really interested use the nice search feature of this forum. This has been discussed ad nauseam. I prefer not to feed the trolls.

Troll !? Yeah you got a good pulse of this room.
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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.



Hey, no need to get personal.

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But cut your support all you want. We'll take you back when the Bills are good and you forgot you ever quit on them.


Any time accumulated before jumping back on the bandwagon does not count though. So when they jump back on next year, they can only say they've been a fan since 2014.

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The first question I have is what has this organization done to earn and keep the support of this fanbase?

The answer is not much. Every Bills fan that wastes their money on tickets and team memorabilia not to mention a huge emotional investment is just doing their part to ensure nothing changes. As long as Bills fans fear the team leaving and continue with unwavering and frankly unwarranted support , THIS TEAM WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK!!!!!!!!! The only way things will change until Ralph dies is too cut support completely. I know that seems unrealistic but if I'm in charge of financials I'm saying its OK if we're not competitive these rubes will keep buying and supporting. That's the size of it folks. Nothing will change unless the fan base changes it themselves by cutting off the team financially. That's the only thing that will work. If the team threatens to leave because of lack of support so be it. It will be better then dealing with this crap every year. This fan base is loyal and supportive to a fault. Time to do something about the putrid return on our investments.



While I suppose that a logical argument will fall flat on its face here, I'm going to present one anyway:


Without selling one single solitary ticket, one piece of merchandise, or one advertising spot, the Bills make their money--and then some. The revenue from the NFL's TV contract is enormous; they'll barely notice you "cutting them off".


If you want to retract any of your support, feel free to do so...I do find it hilarious that you act as though the team sits around doing nothing about their situation. They have a new GM, new head coach, new coaching staff, new QB, etc. etc. You really think things are going to change overnight?


If you're tired of waiting, that's fine; I get it. Your entire rant posted here, however, is nothing more than pining for changes that have already been made and subsequent impatience when you don't see immediate results. This is a team, not a microwave dinner; it may take longer than 3 months.

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