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Under the fan code, a fan becomes a fan free agent when rooting team no longer exists via relocation or dissolvement.


I was at one time an LA Rams fan when I lived in California as a kid. I have never been a St. Louis Rams fan. Simiarly I know of a gentleman who was a diehard Baltimore Colts fan but the team in Indy and the "replacement" Ravens are dead to him.

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Not a chance.


The NFL is nearly unwatchable as it is now with all the rule changes and subjective, biased refereeing each week. Take the Bills out of Buffalo and what's the point of caring about it any more?

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That would be the end for me. I wouldn't even care watch games anymore. It just wouldn't be the same. Best case scenario I would latch on to the Browns, because their franchise has the same feel as ours and it is relatively close. But honestly I would probably shun the NFL, and have a bucket sent to Goodell from poopsenders.com.

if your sister moves away and changes her name, do you still love her ?

If I cared for my sister and all she did was kick me in the change purse as hard as she could every day, then suddenly moved after years of me paying her grocery bill, then heck no.
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A thousand times no. I would not support another team either. I'd adopt the same mindset I use during the Playoffs (without the Bills), just watch to be entertained and not care who won. Focus on fantasy football.

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If the Bills were to move, (I would be crushed if they did) would you still be a fan even though they wouldnt be the Bills anymore?



Nope...after a few years of acquiring players there will be no one left that were Bills players


Ok follow up question.


If the Bills move, do you think Buffalo would ever get another NFL team like the Browns did?





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I'm mostly with the consensus in I definitely would not be a Bills fan.


I can't imagine ever caring about another team nearly as much so I'm pretty certain I would be done with the NFL all together.


What scares me is what if the Bills remain in Buffalo as a home base but start sharing the games with Toronto 50/50?


They'd kind of still be staying but really not.... No idea how long I could sustain being a fan with that.

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Funny how many around here who have moved away from Buffalo for financial gain are death on the Bills doing the same thing. Ah well.


As a kid, when there were no Bills, my favorite teams were the Brooklyn Dodgers, the Minneapolis Lakers and the Cleveland Browns. All 3 of them moved (and the Browns were replaced in my affections by the new Bills franchise). I hated the Dodgers and Lakers for moving...but then so did I, to Los Angeles, and the romance was renewed. So if you want to continue being a Bills fan if they move, the solution is to move yourself wherever they go.

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The better question is, if the Bills moved, will there even be a Two Bills Drive? Huh? Think on that one.


I might turn to Carolina, though


Cammy Cam is a very handsome young man that's great at football and 89 is boss.


If only the Bills properly tanked in 2010...


You're absolutely right. I always said better looking players play with more confidence. Imagine if everyone on our team looked like Terrell Suggs and had gums in his mouth for days and played like him. Oh wait!

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