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Belicheat at it again?


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I see no reason not to believe that the Patriots would cheat against a 2-9 team. Some people might ask "Why?" I think they'd do it just because they can.

Or because they were getting outplayed by said 2-9 team in the first half.

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In Goodell's letter to the Patsies in 2007he wrote:


“This episode represents a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid longstanding rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition on the playing field,”


Most of us would call that cheating instead of using attorney Roger Goodell's $200 weasel words. Patsies were also fined an unprecedented $500,000 and lost a draft pick or two.


Before the 2007 season the league sent all teams a letter outlining the video taping rules. There are strict guidelines as to where cameras can be and can't be. They knew what they were doing. What makes anyone think they've stopped? They've just had to modify their methods I suspect.


This Texans guy is not the first to make these kind of conclusions. It sounds eerily similar to what Donovan McNabb,Hines Ward, and Marshall Faulk have all said.


Flutie, while backup QB for the Patsies had a radio helmet. He said that although the rules say the radio must be turned off with 15 seconds on play clock, he could still hear them talking all the way up to the snap.


Peyton Manning will not talk football strategy in the locker room at Gillette Stadium. He goes outside the locker room because he thinks Ernie Adams is listening. These are not illiterate goofballs. They are hall of famers or soon to be hall of famers some of them.


In BB King's monologue intro to "Someday Baby" on Live at the Regal, he advises men when they catch their woman doing something wrong to not go upside her head, that don't do but one thing. Just make her smarter so you won't catch her the next time.


For the scoffers who say it's just whiners and they were doing what other teams do and didn't help them anyway because they're just so awesome, I suggest you read Spygate. A lot of footnoted facts in there, not conjecture. You might change your mind.

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By filming the signals and mapping them to the plays called? You know, like before? You have heard of it right?

I see smoke , whats burning over there?


Or because they were getting outplayed by said 2-9 team in the first half.

like they got outplayed in the first half by Denver the week before


whats that saying about patterns ?

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I see smoke , whats burning over there?


like they got outplayed in the first half by Denver the week before


whats that saying about patterns ?


The accusation of spying in advance should help in the first half when they catch the opponent totally by surprise, no?


“I said it, but you have to check the manner in which I said it,” Smith said, via the Houston Chronicle. “I didn’t accuse them of beating us with cheating. Come on, don’t you have a sense of humor? Though it may be something I was curious about it, I wasn’t thinking they spied on us or they were cheating. Half the stuff I say is spontaneous and witty, and I don’t think anything else about it. I’m sorry I said the word spying. I was joking and having fun with it.”

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By filming the signals and mapping them to the plays called? You know, like before? You have heard of it right?

Belicheck is a stone cold cheater who showed zero remorse for what he did, and likely, is still doing. The league knew he was illegally taping opponents and specifically told him multiple times to stop before the whole Spygate thing went public. The guy doesn't give a sh*t. I think he's very intelligent and dedicated, but he has no problem pushing the envelope with rules. The fact that the Patriots have consistently been a team that is so good in the second half shows they make great adjustments. But it's how they make the adjustments that is behind his 'genius'. I guarantee they're doing the same things they've always done. Kraft is buddies with Goodell. He's not worried. I can't wait till the whole Patriot's system is finally broken wide open for the public.



They're still doing the same things most likely. Ernie Adams is still with the organization. The 'wizard' of half time adjustments.


Defensive signal calling has been done by radio to helmet for the past 5 years. But go on....


What is telling is that he said the Texans were putting in new stuff that the Pats* were some how figuring out... Even the Texans haven't tried them before in a game! Hmmm... Second half, they just "lined up."


You almost wonder if the weak link is wireless headsets... Those things got to be a lock w/The League and then encrypted? Right?


The game was played in Texas, not Gillette.


Look, the Texans D wasn't too hard to figure out. What do you think all those O and coaches up there in the booths are doing all day but taking pictures of and reviewing D formations that are then printed out for the QBs to look at after every drive? And video is always available at halftime. Halftime isn't for jucie boxes and snacks.

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I see smoke , whats burning over there?


like they got outplayed in the first half by Denver the week before


whats that saying about patterns ?

Nothing. Unlike the Denver game, the Texans didn't lose a key piece of their defense at the end of the 2nd half which allowed the Pats to come back.

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In Goodell's letter to the Patsies in 2007he wrote:


“This episode represents a calculated and deliberate attempt to avoid longstanding rules designed to encourage fair play and promote honest competition on the playing field,”


Most of us would call that cheating instead of using attorney Roger Goodell's $200 weasel words. Patsies were also fined an unprecedented $500,000 and lost a draft pick or two.


Before the 2007 season the league sent all teams a letter outlining the video taping rules. There are strict guidelines as to where cameras can be and can't be. They knew what they were doing. What makes anyone think they've stopped? They've just had to modify their methods I suspect.


This Texans guy is not the first to make these kind of conclusions. It sounds eerily similar to what Donovan McNabb,Hines Ward, and Marshall Faulk have all said.


Flutie, while backup QB for the Patsies had a radio helmet. He said that although the rules say the radio must be turned off with 15 seconds on play clock, he could still hear them talking all the way up to the snap.


Peyton Manning will not talk football strategy in the locker room at Gillette Stadium. He goes outside the locker room because he thinks Ernie Adams is listening. These are not illiterate goofballs. They are hall of famers or soon to be hall of famers some of them.


In BB King's monologue intro to "Someday Baby" on Live at the Regal, he advises men when they catch their woman doing something wrong to not go upside her head, that don't do but one thing. Just make her smarter so you won't catch her the next time.


For the scoffers who say it's just whiners and they were doing what other teams do and didn't help them anyway because they're just so awesome, I suggest you read Spygate. A lot of footnoted facts in there, not conjecture. You might change your mind.

Unfortunately, there are just so many people who refuse to even listen about this. It was swept under the rug expertly by Goodell, and the preprogrammed answers to any cheating questions have been parroted by the 'experts' so much that you get slammed if you even broach this subject. Hopefully one day someone involved with the Pats cheating system will come out and expose it fully.


Defensive signal calling has been done by radio to helmet for the past 5 years. But go on....




The game was played in Texas, not Gillette.


Look, the Texans D wasn't too hard to figure out. What do you think all those O and coaches up there in the booths are doing all day but taking pictures of and reviewing D formations that are then printed out for the QBs to look at after every drive? And video is always available at halftime. Halftime isn't for jucie boxes and snacks.

Not sure what you're point is. That wasn't what I was talking about.
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Still curious to see if smith coming out saying he wasn't serious will be met with


1) doesn't matter still could be true

2) league made him lie about it

3) maybe posters got a little ahead of themselves and simply WANTED it to be true more than anything else.


I'm guessing not 3

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Unfortunately, there are just so many people who refuse to even listen about this. It was swept under the rug expertly by Goodell, and the preprogrammed answers to any cheating questions have been parroted by the 'experts' so much that you get slammed if you even broach this subject. Hopefully one day someone involved with the Pats cheating system will come out and expose it fully.


This.....and the media does their part in NEVER alluding to it EVEN when they speak of the 3 SB's won before getting caught. Makes sense right? It's in the best interests of the NFL to not have the public thinking that it's product is tainted. An entire economy would be at stake.


I watched the 2nd half of the Pats Texans and, weirdly enough, it looked to me on certain plays that Brady didn't have to read where the blitz was coming from. He took the snap and immediately went to the hot read on the biltz side. I didn't think cheating- just how awesome Brady is etc. - but funny how that accusation came out later.

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Unfortunately, there are just so many people who refuse to even listen about this. It was swept under the rug expertly by Goodell, and the preprogrammed answers to any cheating questions have been parroted by the 'experts' so much that you get slammed if you even broach this subject. Hopefully one day someone involved with the Pats cheating system will come out and expose it fully.


Not sure what you're point is. That wasn't what I was talking about.


You said they were "doing the same things they have always done"--which was taping defensive signal calling in an illegal way.


What were you talking about, if not that?

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And yet the fact remains that not a single penalty was called on NE the entire game. Just not plausible. No NFL team goes an entire game without committing penalties. The refs just didn't call any against NE and they rarely do.


meanwhile, Brady throws a hissy fit when a call doesn't go his way. Most classless team in pro sports. I bet they are cheating, and did against Denver as well. Manning won't bring it up because he most likely doesn't want to look like a sore looser, unlike, say, Brady.

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meanwhile, Brady throws a hissy fit when a call doesn't go his way. Most classless team in pro sports. I bet they are cheating, and did against Denver as well. Manning won't bring it up because he most likely doesn't want to look like a sore looser, unlike, say, Brady.

And the worst thing is that this is the SECOND time this season they've had a game without penalties. It is impossible. The NFL is becoming unwatchable
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And the worst thing is that this is the SECOND time this season they've had a game without penalties. It is impossible. The NFL is becoming unwatchable


was just looking - i didnt realize that houston only had 2 penalties and none were called in the entire game after halfway through the 2nd quarter.

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was just looking - i didnt realize that houston only had 2 penalties and none were called in the entire game after halfway through the 2nd quarter.

That's one of my biggest issues--the inconsistency. How do you have games like Bills/Jets week 3 where the Bills had what like 9 or 10 penalties and the Jets 20, and a game where a team has 0 and the other has 2? Obviously, there will be some fluctuation based on how the teams are playing. Some games there will be more penalties occurring--but not fluctuations like we see. And for a team to have 0 penalties twice in a season is just a joke. We all know that Olines hold essentially every play, and the refs sometimes call it and they don't. All 22 and game rewind reveals the Pats are no different in this case. Yet...they have 2 games with no penalties. How many close losses against the Pats have we had with phantom calls negating big offensive gains for us and their oline mauling our dline and no flags? The NFL is quickly becoming unwatchable for me, and it's sad because I love football.
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Keep in mind that the Pats weren't fined/penalized for stealing opponents signals. They were fined and penalized for disobeying the leagues order to stop filming from unauthorized areas. It was Bill Belichick's ignoring Godell's directive that brought down such a severe punishment from the league.


As for Smith .... he plays for a HC who has probably never made a worthwhile halftime adjustment in his career and he's going up against a guy who has been breaking down and analyzing film for over 50 years and who is widely considered to be the zen master, guru, of adjustments.

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That's one of my biggest issues--the inconsistency. How do you have games like Bills/Jets week 3 where the Bills had what like 9 or 10 penalties and the Jets 20, and a game where a team has 0 and the other has 2? Obviously, there will be some fluctuation based on how the teams are playing. Some games there will be more penalties occurring--but not fluctuations like we see. And for a team to have 0 penalties twice in a season is just a joke. We all know that Olines hold essentially every play, and the refs sometimes call it and they don't. All 22 and game rewind reveals the Pats are no different in this case. Yet...they have 2 games with no penalties. How many close losses against the Pats have we had with phantom calls negating big offensive gains for us and their oline mauling our dline and no flags? The NFL is quickly becoming unwatchable for me, and it's sad because I love football.


i guess, much like the rest of this thread, this is where i get mixed up between legitimate gripes vs mad at new england throwing stuff against the wall. if neither team was penalized for pretty much the whole game, is the issue favoring new england, or is it inconsistency between officials? it seems you are using this example as both, and im not sure thats the case. thats not to say there isnt some sort of valid complaint to be had, but once NE gets its name wrapped up in something it seems people get a little wonky with the accusations.


in this very thread, we have a player that made a comment that was later said to be a joke about them spying on practices and id say half the comments were that they were still stealing signals and half time adjustments again and that its up to the pats to prove they werent and they must be investigated.... over a joke... and one that didnt even seem to imply what people were raging against.


in a game where the penalty count is 2-0, and none were called in the last 40 minutes of the game.... its hard to get riled up about the officials being lopsided for the pats. if anything, it seems they just kept the flags stuffed deep in their pockets for both teams, unless the pats were committing a ton of penalties and the texans were truly that clean.

Edited by NoSaint
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