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Remain Calm, all is not as lost as it appears

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Would I have liked to see EJ with a better completion percentage and more deep passes? Sure. But the bottom line us that he put the team in position to win the game, only to have Stevie, and the Chandler, fumble it away. He is not the problem with the offense.

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Great post.


About 2 hours after the game ended I was over the loss, remaining optimistic about the big picture.


It's obvious in the post game that we have a head coach that deeply cares, and doesn't shove monitone answers down our throats as if it's just another loss.

Alot of people bag on Chandler, but I think he is an above average tight end that has been dependable for most of the season. I've seen him keep many drives alive, and I think he's a great outlet for Manuel.


Stevie has his moments, and he can be a big time player. However, consistancy...or lack of...kills his game. I know he cares, but I don't think he is a receiver that can "lead" a team.


I've seen the Bills play the run in the past alot better than they did today. The pressure they are putting on the QB is great, and is a welcome site to see.


Overall, I am excited about Manuel playing more and seeing him progress. Unlike the OP, I think Manuel has a great arm and with experience and timing with is receivers will be a great deep ball QB. I love his mobillity, and scrambled a few times out of the pocket where if he made the decision alot sooner would have turned into long scrambling gains. I really like what we have in Woods and Goodwin. I think the Bills defense is a couple pieces away from being tops in the league. I love our pass rush. Lawson and Alonzo are awesome. I think a healthy and more experienced Spiller is going to be the difference maker he was in the past. We've had some injuries take away some key pieces that have put us where we are. From third string QB's to decimated secondaries. Yet we are a 4-8 team that could easily be 8-4 with some close losses to NE, Cincy, Atlanta, and KC (a game we should have won and I believe we would have won had Manuel or Lewis started).


I feel that's how close we are. Even pulling out two of those games would put is right in the thick of the playoff picture.


The Bills need to learn how to win those close games. Reminds me alot of the 86-87 teams that had sub 500 records and lost alot of close games....mostly because they didnt know how to win.


In 88, they figured it out.


Staying with my original comments at the beginning of the season, this is a year where progress and growth was critical...and I think weve seen that. This year wasn't about the playoff drought, but making strides in order to get closer to ending it. They are playing the great teams tough, and have been totally out of it only once (loss to Pittsburgh due to a rusty Manuel).


A new coaching staff, new QB, a great draft that has 4 key contributors to our team this year, and a new enthusiasm that will eventually lead to success on the field.


Hopefully they can build on that in the final 4 games and head into next season with a full head of steam.


Yes, I see the glass half full. As we all should.


Agree 100% this team seems much like the 86-87 teams...

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I am an EJ "hater" but I thought he looked like a passable game manager the past two weeks. He's shown enough to merit another year of development imo.


You think??? Imagine if we gave up on all qbs after less than a season of play....


This team needs help at the OL and needs a big fast TE. Improve those two areas and the offense will be much better.

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Would I have liked to see EJ with a better completion percentage and more deep passes? Sure. But the bottom line us that he put the team in position to win the game, only to have Stevie, and the Chandler, fumble it away. He is not the problem with the offense.

Correct. EJ is not losing games. He may not be doing enough yet, but he is not Andrew Luck either. He is doing exactly what a rookie QB should do.. not lose games. Now he lost at least 2 by taking that knucklehead hit, but he won't do that again. RGIII learned that being a human pinball cost the Redskins this season. These kids figure it out that guys hit a lot harder and a lot lower in the NFL. He'll be fine. The team will be better next season. This was always a reload, rebuild year. They teased us again, but at the end of the day, this will be 6-10 and draft 11th again.

Edited by 8and8Forever
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Hope for the future? Sorry everybody. There is none.


From the 95-year-old-owner, pinching pennies at his mansion way out in Detroit…

To the joke of a front office, scheming how to spin another disastrous season into 2014 ticket/merchandise sales…

To the lost and confused coaching staff, obviously in WAY over its head…

To the multi-millionaires on the field, who can’t make a crunch-time play to save their lives…


This pathetic football organization will continue to rot in Western New York, losing in unthinkable ways and disappointing the fan base – until the (soon coming) day the team is sold to the highest bidder (not Jim Kelly) and (surprise) moves out of Buffalo… FINALLY putting us out of our misery.


Keep fooling yourself into thinking this team is on the rise. That Brandon, Whaley, Marrone, Manuel, etc. are turning this sinking ship around, and it’s only a matter of time before we catch our break. Go ahead. Blame injuries. Blame inexperience. Blame the refs. Blame the Toronto crowd. Blame the weather. Blame a mystical curse.


Yesterday was all the proof you needed; in order to see what direction the Buffalo Bills are really headed. Completely healthy, in a must-win game against a 2-9 team with nothing to play for. Only our delusional fan base could have expected anything other than a complete and utter failure by the bumbling Buffalo Bills.


Many of us have been watching this train-wreck for 15 plus years. The faces are different, but the results are the same. Trade/Cut Stevie Johnson and Scott Chandler. Another player will arise to take their place and inexplicably drop/fumble games away.


I don’t believe there is an answer. Even when our team was filled with Hall of Famers and superstars in the early 90’s, we couldn’t win it all. Maybe it’s just horrible bad luck. Maybe it’s a losing culture that digs into the psyche of everyone associated with the organization. Maybe Roger Goodell and the NFL is really against us. Maybe Ralph is playing “Major League” and sabotaging us from the inside. Maybe it’s a dying team reflecting a dying city. Maybe a small market team like the Bills just can’t compete in today’s NFL.


Either way, I’m thoroughly convinced this team will never amount to anything ever again. I’ve wasted enough of my time and money, hoping for the day things changed. It’s never coming.


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I know this recent loss by the Bills appears common place in the past decade or more. Fumbles, penalties, shooting themselves in the foot and so on can seem to become common place. But remain calm in reaction and bare in mind, the team is building toward a brighter future as of late.


Take the time to study what our needs our. The teams weaknesses and strengths. Draw a line from A to B and look to the draft to see where the team can benefit the most in new personnel coming in. Don't look at this loss as the end all be all for the Buffalo Bills. Many of you are younger and have endured the past 13 years. Well, many of us that are older have seen this before, the late 70's to 90 period.


Be advised, better times are coming. Draw strength as Bills fans from this experience, don't give in to anger. Instead, focus on what can be achieved in the off season since the playoffs are lost.


With that said, I'd like to offer my most humble opinion on one topic. Put aside the fumbles for a moment. This team has a real issue with the deep ball. The QB is young yes, but after a handful of games with EJ at the helm, I can tell you with most certainty, this cat has no real skill with the long ball and unless he finds that skill, it's all over before it begins. Just my 2 cents on analysing what I see.


On the positive, the defense is monster, not quite perfected, but dam near good enough to get it done.

I see nothing in this team to draw hope from. Same stupid mistakes, same snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Nothing has changed. I see absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel until they start winning football games. That is the only thing that counts in the NFL and this team still can't do it.
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Would I have liked to see EJ with a better completion percentage and more deep passes? Sure. But the bottom line us that he put the team in position to win the game, only to have Stevie, and the Chandler, fumble it away. He is not the problem with the offense.


Completely agree. EJ should not be a point of emphasis today. Stevie, Chandler, coaching, the defense, etc. should.

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Completely agree. EJ should not be a point of emphasis today. Stevie, Chandler, coaching, the defense, etc. should.

SJ13 is what he is by this point in his career. A decent slot receiver throughout most of the game, but chokes on the big ones. No reason for a point of emphasis on him.

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I know this recent loss by the Bills appears common place in the past decade or more. Fumbles, penalties, shooting themselves in the foot and so on can seem to become common place. But remain calm in reaction and bare in mind, the team is building toward a brighter future as of late.


Take the time to study what our needs our. The teams weaknesses and strengths. Draw a line from A to B and look to the draft to see where the team can benefit the most in new personnel coming in. Don't look at this loss as the end all be all for the Buffalo Bills. Many of you are younger and have endured the past 13 years. Well, many of us that are older have seen this before, the late 70's to 90 period.


Be advised, better times are coming. Draw strength as Bills fans from this experience, don't give in to anger. Instead, focus on what can be achieved in the off season since the playoffs are lost.


With that said, I'd like to offer my most humble opinion on one topic. Put aside the fumbles for a moment. This team has a real issue with the deep ball. The QB is young yes, but after a handful of games with EJ at the helm, I can tell you with most certainty, this cat has no real skill with the long ball and unless he finds that skill, it's all over before it begins. Just my 2 cents on analysing what I see.


On the positive, the defense is monster, not quite perfected, but dam near good enough to get it done.


giving up 34 points to road team (sort of) that has 2 wins is NOT monster

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I find it hard to believe that anyone is talking about EJ's performance today, especially after we put up 31 points.


This defense is tragic. We have so much talent, and so little consistency. The sack numbers are dazzling, of course, but all that does is distract attention away from the fact that we continue to allow sub-par offenses to run at will, repeatedly convert 3rd-and-anythings without trouble, and score in the clutch. Everybody seems to be dogging Hackett, but I think if anything our defense is getting out-coached on a regular basis.

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You think??? Imagine if we gave up on all qbs after less than a season of play....

Like Gino Smith??


I find it hard to believe that anyone is talking about EJ's performance today, especially after we put up 31 points.


and w/o the help from the D (scoring a pick 6) two back to back games over 30 ppg.

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