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Here is the BOTTOM LINE for a NFL team in Canada....


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This is clearly the Bills playing a extra away game a year... Was there and they were handing out tickets today. I paid nothing to get in folks.... There were STACKS of tickets being handed out and no takers. One woman working the mobile vending said they are giving tickets out because there are no buyers and they hope to cash in on vending... Very sad! Attendance: 38,969 As per ESPN and NFL .com sites Capacity

American football: 54,000[5]

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There were thousands of Falcon fans, a good bit of Bills fans, I really wonder how many actual Canadians attended the game because it cant be that many, this with freebies given out all over town. Im not part of the doom and gloomers talking about the Bills moving north. If these games are any measure of Canadians hunger for American football I dont see it. And yes I get that the team playing isnt named Toronto. Maybe Toronto to the shock to noone is a hockey city first and I do think Canadians may think about what having an NFL franchise in one of their largest cities would do to the CFL. Just maybe they have some loyalty to a football league played across their country.

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just reverse , suppose the Toronto Blues Jays needed money to survive and the powers that be decided that Buffalo and Western New York would be a good mark to get needed money to sustain Toronto franchise, I am thinking most Buffalo people would hardly be lining up to purchase tickets. How Toronto has supported this money grab hardly any barometer as to how they would support a NFL tea. Fact is Leafs are the richest team in NHL and a poor on ice product at that, Jays and Raptors, both if you look at attendance records over the years both are right in middle of league in terms of average attendance, both Raptors and Jays on field success towards bottom. Truth is Toronto being a major business center has enough coporated monies to support any team in any league. LIke anywhere else when these teams competitive or winners they sell out with waiting lists.

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All of Toronto's sports teams suck. Jays, Leafs, Raptors. Why should local fans get fired up over another mediocrity?




Don't you grill the Bills fans every year for not buying December tickets. Isn't that a little hypocritical to make a statement like that.

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just reverse , suppose the Toronto Blues Jays needed money to survive and the powers that be decided that Buffalo and Western New York would be a good mark to get needed money to sustain Toronto franchise, I am thinking most Buffalo people would hardly be lining up to purchase tickets. How Toronto has supported this money grab hardly any barometer as to how they would support a NFL tea. Fact is Leafs are the richest team in NHL and a poor on ice product at that, Jays and Raptors, both if you look at attendance records over the years both are right in middle of league in terms of average attendance, both Raptors and Jays on field success towards bottom. Truth is Toronto being a major business center has enough coporated monies to support any team in any league. LIke anywhere else when these teams competitive or winners they sell out with waiting lists.

Your probably right, Toronto is not going to support the Bills playing one game a season under the dome. So why not end this? Its not good for the Bills on the field or the people in Toronto. The Bills objective of expanding their fanbase is clearly not working as evidenced by the lack of interest in the game and the only benefit is on the business end of an addtional $10 million. Certainly they should be able to generate another $10 million somewhere to replace this? Just playing the 8th home game as 'home' would be a start. Raise ticket prices something like $2. Anything but this. This is an embarrassment on both sides of the border to both parties.

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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