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Have you heard of Bitcoin? What do you think about it? I would be interested to hear what some here think of it, given that PPP has a decent mix of libertarian tendencies.


I've known the term for a while but only recently looked it up as it has been becoming more and more mainstream lately. After watching a few videos explaining it I have to admit I am intrigued. While it is clearly complicated, it has the potential to be much more legitimate than I thought before I learned more.




^^wikipedia article^^




^^series of videos that explain it (highly recommended if you are interested)^^

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There have been a number of people who made money speculating on it.


More and more merchants are apparently accepting it as currency for online purchases. It will be interesting to see if it can actually become a competitor currency to established national currencies.

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Have you heard of Bitcoin? What do you think about it? I would be interested to hear what some here think of it, given that PPP has a decent mix of libertarian tendencies.


I've known the term for a while but only recently looked it up as it has been becoming more and more mainstream lately. After watching a few videos explaining it I have to admit I am intrigued. While it is clearly complicated, it has the potential to be much more legitimate than I thought before I learned more.




^^wikipedia article^^




^^series of videos that explain it (highly recommended if you are interested)^^


Do a search on the forum. OC wrote a painfully boring and self-centered treatise on it several months ago, If you're into pain.

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OC wrote a painfully boring and self-centered treatise on it several months ago, If you're into pain.


Which thread? He has comments in both.....





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Here's a good investment, if you can find it (Target, Walmart, etc)....


Doc McStuffins Checkup Center



Prices range from $60-70 depending on where you get it. Then eBay it....




(or sit on it till the market drops out, like Bitcoin will, your choice)

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