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Teenage bikini babe found not guilty in car crash because...


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Because she was responding emotionally to a form of assault.


That is why she fiddled w/the bikini top for 20 seconds trying get it back on and then crashed.


Tough one... But the douchebag died... Tough on the ones hurt... They should have pulled over and kicked his obnoxious azz out when it escalated. Me thinks, it wasn't really bothering them until he crossed the line. And still it didn't bother them since she was trying for 20 seconds to re attach it.


Oh well...

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Just to play devil's advocate. Why not pull over first, put on your top and then resume driving? So what if your boobs are exposed for 30 seconds.


Because her split-second risk analysis concluded that having her boobs exposed for the 5-10 seconds it takes to safely pull over on the highway, plus the risk of having the douchebag grab her exposed boobs from the backseat in those 5-10 seconds wasn't worth the risk that she couldn't reattach the top without crashing. She didn't create the problem she was forced to deal with so I'm not going to hold her liable for the fact that her decisions/efforts didn't yield the optimal results.


It's a shame a kid had to die for his own idoicy, but sometimes that happens. The other kid who sued is just a douchebag looking for a payout (a promising football career at Yale?), so no sympathy for him.

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Because her split-second risk analysis concluded that having her boobs exposed for the 5-10 seconds it takes to safely pull over on the highway, plus the risk of having the douchebag grab her exposed boobs from the backseat in those 5-10 seconds wasn't worth the risk that she couldn't reattach the top without crashing. She didn't create the problem she was forced to deal with so I'm not going to hold her liable for the fact that her decisions/efforts didn't yield the optimal results.


It's a shame a kid had to die for his own idoicy, but sometimes that happens. The other kid who sued is just a douchebag looking for a payout (a promising football career at Yale?), so no sympathy for him.


No. I am afraid the truth is not being told. Seems the survivors have taken sides. It was stated in court that she tried for 20 seconds to fiddle getting the top on while moving. 20 seconds. I betcha that is not the first time all those friends seen her breasts. The sh*t just hit the fan, douchebag died while they were all yucking it up (dead dude more than others) and survivors polarized while lawyering up.


If it was so bad, what the hell were they hanging w/that dude in the first place for? Again, all yucking it up while flying down the highway... Douchebag messes w/operator and dies... Now everyone cover's own azz.

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I'm glad the kid who did the crap is the one who died. Usually it's somebody innocent............How stupid can you be. I remember being 19 and doing dumb things, but I don't think trying to get in an accident was one of them:


Berman’s behavior was disruptive before the bikini top prank — he had opened an umbrella inside the car and stuck his feet in the driver’s face.

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I'm glad the kid who did the crap is the one who died. Usually it's somebody innocent............How stupid can you be. I remember being 19 and doing dumb things, but I don't think trying to get in an accident was one of them:


Berman’s behavior was disruptive before the bikini top prank — he had opened an umbrella inside the car and stuck his feet in the driver’s face.


Exactly bbb... BUT it (death) leaves an important part of the story untold. The guy is dead, they all blame him... He can't come back and say what role the others played in it! Blame the dead guy that caused it! The others all assume the serious saint role now! Come on! They were still friends w/the dead clown. What did they see in him in the first place?


I think they are all covering their azz and the driver is playing defenseless saint. She couldn't protect her "assets" on the road @ 65, but has done well to protect her assets in court!

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