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Rome Mentions McGahee Again -- Why?


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The Willis reference is exactly as bbb describes but its 2 years old now--give it a rest...So Willis isn't as engaging or storied as Michael Irvin--I am not sure I want him to be.  He's just a hard-working, intense football player--who has overcome a lot to get back on the field-fits the blue collar image of the town he plays in...I think I like him that way...Don't really care what Romey and the clones think about his interview skills.


oh, and BTW, I'm sure Willis had given about 10,000 fewer interviews has at the time as Irvin has in his lifetime, and my understanding is that Irvin is being paid to be articulate now, and is part of the biz, so he'd better be an "easy interview."

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i searched for that thread with Willis leaping into the arms of the fans in the EZ at the Ralph after a TD... too bad the link to the pic is dead...


does anyone have it?


I mean, he could tell every interviewer in the world to !@#$ off. If i can look at that picture, all is right in the world..


one of my favorite Bills pics ever...

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I tell ya, it sucks when I have to actually work to do my job...  :D


He was responding to someone giving him props for a great interview. Basically he was saying that pretty much anyone can interview Michael Irvin because Irvin is a colorful character with alot to say - unlike Willis, who Rome (correctly) stated doesn't have much experience to draw from in such situations.


It wasn't a slam at Willis nor Rome giving himself any credit. Rome may be alot of things negative (he definitely repeats himself too often) but he's one of the best interviewers in the business.

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