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I think that it's a given that Obama will go into a flurry of patronage nominations, his lapdogs in the Senate confirm them, then the Democrats lose control of the Senate in January 2015.


If the GOP were smart, they would make noise without obstructing *too* much, and as soon as they control the Senate and the White House, completely eliminate the filibuster, reverse every one of these liberal cluster!@#$ policies Obama enacted, eliminate all of the judicial positions Obama just appointed people to, destroy the liberal sacred cows, restore some fiscal sanity and then reinstitute the filibuster on the eve of losing the Senate with a provision that it cannot be modified further without 75% of the Senate approving it.


Too bad they're not smart.


I think they haven't thought it through, because yet again, denial of reality is keeping them from doing it.


We are supposedly living in times where the Republican party is merely a "regional party", and the "demographics" say that Republicans will never hold national office or statewide office in majority ever again. This is what they wish to be true. Just like with them "believing" in Obamacare, or ESPN believing in Mark Sanchez.


They would have gone on denying every event that suggests their wishes aren't happening. But, the Buttfumble/Obamacare happened.


IF the Rs win the Senate, you'll see a floor vote on Obamacare...something. You'll see some D Senators, who just ran on repealing and replacing Obamcare as the only way they stayed in office, added to the Rs. This can only happen if the Rs get rid of Harry Reid, which means they need 51.


Then, all they have to do is use the same shady tactic that was used AFTER the President signed it into law to modify it = Reconciliation. "What's good for the goose". What are the Ds going to say? "Whaaa you did the same thing we did?"


It's defunded, dismantled, separated by state, left to the states to decide if they want to participate. Whatever.


And, ALL of this happens...because the fillibuster rulers have been changed now, and that prevents Barbara Boxer or Harry Reid from stopping it.


In all cases, all the Rs need is 51 Senators in 2014, and Harry Reid will just have signed Obamacare's death warrant today.


Obama won't be able to stop it. He didn't stop the Senate from rewriting the law he signed, 3 days after he signed it. So, what legal/moral ground does he have? And, if the Rs have 51 or more Senators? 2104 was a lost election.


If I was Harry Reid? This is the last thing I'd be doing with my time.


But, I'm not living in delusional world, where the R party can't beat me ever again, am I?





Businesses Wary as Obama Picks Get Edge in Senate Rules.


President Barack Obama will have a stronger hand to push through environmental, financial and other regulations after the Senate voted to let a simple majority confirm most presidential nominees.


Yesterday’s rule change means Obama no longer needs Republican support to win approval of his nominees to run federal agencies and serve on federal trial and appeals courts. There are 231 Obama nominees pending in the Senate, including 53 judges, 81 candidates for cabinet-level agencies and 13 at independent regulatory agencies, according to figures provided by the White House.


Most important, in many ways, are picks to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which handles challenges to federal regulations and is called the second-highest court in the country.




Democrats Nuked The Ratchet.

The seemingly inexorable march towards economic socialism and political statism has been accomplished through legislative and judicial ratchets which, once established, were all but impossible to reverse in part because the filibuster helped lock in the agenda and those supporting the agenda.


Because of the ratchet, the nation moved only in one direction: Towards redistribution of wealth, and bigger government.


Because of the ratchet, there was little or no hope of fundamental reversals.


Not anymore.

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