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When All Else Fails! Go On A Left Coast Fundraising Tour!


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That's the ticket. Not like the schmuck isn't out here every three weeks kneelbobbing for cash as it is. Really is this what a leader of a private company would do in a crisis? Bills coach goes 0-10 and he spends 3 days a week golfing. Would that be acceptable? Why do we accept behavior like this from the leader of the formally free world? He got elected twice. WTF? The second election couldn't have been legit. No way.



Edited by Dante
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Well he must have fixed the issues with the ACA then. I heard that his devotion to duty was so high that he even skipped the Gettysburg ceremony to write code.


THe economy must be fixed, too, because I seem to recall he wasn't going to rest until he had it back on track.


Or did he say he wasn't going to rest until he brought to justice the people who he let kill the four Americans in Benghazi?


Or did he say he wasn't going to rest until he found Brian Terry's killer?


Or did he say he wasn't going to rest until he found out who was responsible for the IRS targeting Americans who dissented with the president.


Well, one thing is certain. He isn't gong to rest about something.

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gee, maybe he's out raising funds to replace all the tax dollars he's been wasting.


It's actually kind of funny when he comes to California because all the liberals in my FB timeline spend the day bitching about traffic created by the fool they happily put into office.

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It's actually kind of funny when he comes to California because all the liberals in my FB timeline spend the day bitching about traffic created by the fool they happily put into office.

Can't imagine the traffic getting even worse in LA. That has to be something else.
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Can't imagine the traffic getting even worse in LA. That has to be something else.


Traffic in LA is like rain in Seattle; no matter what anyone tells you, it's not near as bad to the locals as it sounds to everyone else. Yes, it's bad, but in relative terms. So when Obama shows up to get movie star money, what is typically stop-n-go-n-standstill for an hour or so becomes standstill for seemingly hours.

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Ozzie's daughter goes batschitt when she can't drive to her house that is a block away because the president is at a fundraiser two miles away.


Funny stuff.


Of course. No getting within two miles of a presidential fundraiser. She must have missed the press conference where he passed that law.

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Maybe somebody should remind her to walk instead. She could lose a few pounds anyways.


Kelly Osbourne

I am 1 block away from my house and they won't even let me walk home! The president is at a party 2 !@#$ing miles away!


But hey...way to contribute to the war on women.


She must have missed the press conference where he passed that law.


You don't usually beat a horse like this, but his whole "Change the ACA from the podium" bit has really seemed to bug you a little.

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You don't usually beat a horse like this, but his whole "Change the ACA from the podium" bit has really seemed to bug you a little.


Because, as anyone who's been paying attention knows, that's not the first time he pulled that ****. And I'm not entirely keen on living in a monarchy, even if the monarch changes every four or eight years.

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Because, as anyone who's been paying attention knows, that's not the first time he pulled that ****. And I'm not entirely keen on living in a monarchy, even if the monarch changes every four or eight years.

If were even that lucky. No shite last week at Costco I spotted a "Ready For Hillary 2016" bumper stick on some soccer mom's Infinity suv. Fuggin Cali! I want to move to New Mexico, Arizona or somewhere with nice weather other than here. Anyway, I see Hillary as just a continuation of Barry' s BS.
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