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Don't be a racist at lunch

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it amazes me that anyone would eat haggis while there's so many other things to eat instead. my ancestry is scots-irish, but you could literally rob me by waving a piece of haggis in my face and threatening to touch me with it.

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it amazes me that anyone would eat haggis while there's so many other things to eat instead. my ancestry is scots-irish, but you could literally rob me by waving a piece of haggis in my face and threatening to touch me with it.

Only had haggis once. My grandfather made it to celebrate Robbie Burns day. Not sure how authentic it was since I don't think you can buy lungs in this country and I've got no basis for comparison, but I thought it was pretty damn good.

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"For years, Augusta, Georgia, has held its local elections in November, when turnout is high," Roth noted in his opening paragraph, "But last year, state Republicans changed the election date to July, when far fewer blacks make it to the polls."


If they've held their local elections in November, how the !@#$ would they know anything about July voter turnout? What, are they inferring lower African-American turnout, because de Coloreds be eatin' de fri'd chicken an' watermelon, hyeah!


Speaking of racism, I think this might be the most racist song I've ever heard:




God, do I hate Mamas and Papas.


Try telling an attractive woman in the work place that you would like to have some tapas and you'll be out of a job unless you're Bill Clinton.


Better than offering her rettata,


Is rettata racist? How about tandoori chicken? MREs? Shark fin soup? Spanikopita? Springbok biltong?

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Is rettata racist? How about tandoori chicken? MREs? Shark fin soup? Spanikopita? Springbok biltong?


You and your "white privilege". Unless those foods are widely available to the poor hungry black people in Ethiopia and Thailand, they are per se racist.


Stop oppressing the "black and brown boys"!

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Better than offering her rettata,


Is rettata racist? How about tandoori chicken? MREs? Shark fin soup? Spanikopita? Springbok biltong?


If it went over people's heads please realize what you would have if you put one too many s's in tapas and accidentally hit the space bar in the middle.... HIGHLY sexist.


Anyway I do not appreciate the "rettata" jokes. I have not made that in a while and may try it again. Go Cardinals.


Tandoori chicken has the word "tan" which could be taken as a racist word.


MREs is an anachronism beginning with M.....so is MILF....sexist....and milk is sexist on several levels.


How would you feel about shark fin soup if you came to America on a raft from Cuba?.....................Thought so you racist.


Spanikopita is I think a word made up by you but sounds an awful lot like spank it on pita which is vulgar.


Springbok biltong is from the home of apart hide so duh.

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If it went over people's heads please realize what you would have if you put one too many s's in tapas and accidentally hit the space bar in the middle.... HIGHLY sexist.


Anyway I do not appreciate the "rettata" jokes. I have not made that in a while and may try it again. Go Cardinals.


Tandoori chicken has the word "tan" which could be taken as a racist word.


MREs is an anachronism beginning with M.....so is MILF....sexist....and milk is sexist on several levels.


How would you feel about shark fin soup if you came to America on a raft from Cuba?.....................Thought so you racist.


Spanikopita is I think a word made up by you but sounds an awful lot like spank it on pita which is vulgar.


Springbok biltong is from the home of apart hide so duh.


Cheez-Its? Chicken soup? Gnocchi? Wildschweingulasch? Pierogi?

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Anyway, racism is the really stupid thing

Finally, something you're an expert in.

Racism, or, finding the really stupid thing, and posting it?


Also, Meals Ready (to) Eat are known stereo-typically as "3 lies in a bag":

1. They are not meals

2. They are not ready

3. You can't eat them


No distinction is made between one MRE and another in this characterization. ALL MREs are called "3 lies in a bag", or worse, just "lies". However, Meatballs with Sauce is a fine meal. You can squish it right out of its bag into your mouth like an astronaut, or use the spoon that comes with, so it's ready.


But, Pork Loaf is like eating a ceiling tile. Nothing is ever going to make pork loaf ready...to do anything other than dehydrate you completely, and then prevent you from taking a dump for 2 days. When it is "ready" for that? Look out. "Duck and cover" solves nothing, not for you, or your buddy. Pork Loaf re-entry to the atmosphere must be treated as though it was an NBC attack. The wise squad knows this, and therefore does it's best to ensure none of it's members are issued any of the "loaf" MREs. If they are, the wise squad waits until nobody is looking, and switches their MREs with the unwise squad's.


So, MREs are definitely a mechanism by which the standard vehicles of Racism, pretending one = all, are supported.


And, now MREs have hot sauce in them, and we know who likes they hot sauce: The Asians! And, MREs always have peanut butter in them. We all know what that means: farming subsidy. So, they are racist against white hick farmers, and the South as well.


MREs are definitely racist.

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They are square shaped and thus offensive to nerds. How did you not know this?



Chicken soup?


All those stories about mom and grandma giving someone chicken soup when they were sick.....where were dad and grandpa? Out hunting? Fixing the car in the garage? Mega-sexist food.





The Roman Imperialist stole this food from the Middle East so it is very racist and may eventually cause World War G.




I am certain enough that this is not a food and actually just a random assortment of letters that I did not even dignify it with a Google search.





Is this a trick question? Because I already answered about sauerkraut.


Is black forest ham on white bread diverse enough?


I think it is a good try but there are no forests in Somalia, only desserts and terrorists so nope.

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Whelp, if the 'Mondays' thread taugh me anything, it's that these complaints are all completely valid and reasonable.


So I presume sandwiches are now to be referred to as "the s-word" and July as 'the J-month. No, the other J-month".



I other news, I greatly look forward to educating my children with full 'white privilege'.

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