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Sean Payton made a potential game changing blunder against the Falcons

Big Turk

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With the clock running and New Orleans having a first down the Saints snapped the ball with the game clock at 2:03 when they still had 5 seconds left on the play clock, giving them no real reason to snap the ball instead of taking it down to the two minute warning. It ended up not mattering since Pierre Thomas ripped off a first down run the next play and effectively allowed them to kill the clock wth Atlanta getting the ball back for one play which ended the game, but still.


Payton is considered one of the best game day/game management coaches in the NFL, but even he made what was a huge blunder. The Falcons only had 2 timeouts left but running a play before the 2 minute warning effectively gave them 3. If they would stopped the Saints and gotten the ball back, the Saints would have given them 40-45 extra seconds of game clock to try and mount a drive, which could have been the difference between winning and losing.


Just saying that even the best game day coaches make mistakes, potentially big ones such as this and although it turned out OK, it still was a potentially major mistake.


Let's remember this next time we get on Marrone for what we deem as a questionable decision...he isn't the only one that makes these type of blunders...

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Sometimes you do it, or call that pass he did because you think the element of surprise will pay off. I'm surprised he put if back in the falcons hands at the end with kneel downs though. Should've run brees around - especially that second down play where he kneeled fast.


Was an odd two minutes but it worked

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With the clock running and New Orleans having a first down the Saints snapped the ball with the game clock at 2:03 when they still had 5 seconds left on the play clock, giving them no real reason to snap the ball instead of taking it down to the two minute warning.


On the play before that, there was a flag so the clock was stopped at 2:03.


Better question is why he ran that odd play on 4th down and gave up a bunch of yards while leaving a few seconds on the clock. What would they be saying about Payton's game management if Ryan had connected on a hail mary to win the game? IMHO they should have punted, even from the 30, or alternatively have taken the safety. I'm sure Brees could have used up 12 seconds sprinting 70 yards to his own end zone.

Edited by Bills Fan since '64
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Payton's an aggressive play caller - he takes a lot of risks and if he didn't have Drew Brees as his quarterback it wouldn't pay off even half as often as it does (but then if he didn't have Drew Brees maybe he wouldn't call the same plays?). He's already tossed a game away at New England this season with poor clock management in the final 2-3 minutes of a game.

Edited by GunnerBill
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On the play before that, there was a flag so the clock was stopped at 2:03.


Better question is why he ran that odd play on 4th down and gave up a bunch of yards while leaving a few seconds on the clock. What would they be saying about Payton's game management if Ryan had connected on a hail mary to win the game? IMHO htey should have punted, even from the 30, or alternatively have taken the safety. I'm sure Brees could have used up 12 seconds sprinting 70 yards to his own end zone.


I thought the play was going to be Bree's running around , get outside the tackle box, then throw the ball out of bounds...take same amount of time off clock but don't lose the yards

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