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They're planning a "It's A Wonderful Life" sequel

Just Jack

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I don't think it's going to be as likeable as the original movie....




Karolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey’s daughter “Zuzu” in the original, will return for the “Wonderful Life” sequel as an angel who shows Bailey’s unlikeable grandson (also named George Bailey) how much better off the world would have been had he never been born.
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This movie without Jimmy Stewart is not going to work. Who is going to play the role? Zac Efron?


I just threw up in my mouth a little. Then I thought I'd torture myself and imagine Ben Affleck getting the role.



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I don't put a lot of emotion toward entertainment (well, maybe music), but this is pure bull ****. I love this movie and they're going to ruin it with a !@#$ing sequel?! This is almost as bad as the all black Honeymooners movie. Turrible.

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Wow, that sounds really lame.


Technically that's not a sequel. A sequel would involve George Bailey.


Is it impossible to come up with good Christmas stories for a movie?


Couldn't they make, like, a Spider Man christmas flick, or a Dark Knight X-mas? It seems Hollywood can only do comic book movies anymore... :rolleyes:

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