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It only took 50 posts before someone bothered to google the NY State Lemon Law.


I googled all lemon laws, not knowing which state he is in...some states do cover private sellers, as I noted in my note.

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dude you should be sued for that alone LOL




You tawkin' to me?


# 1 - I didn't register for the sole purpose of asking this question.


I posed the question, simply because I was curious how others felt about the moral issues and to see if they'd ever been on either side of a similar situation.

It's a dialogue, that apparently, has been of some interest to quite a few people.


Why would anyone write out LOL at the end of their own unfunny post? Go figure.


So many mysteries.


Tom will be the judge.


NEF_in_Indiana can be the slow witted bailiff.






"Judge, why haven't you killed yourself yet???"


"You're in contempt. Plaintiff, please kick the bailiff in the nuts..."

You tawkin' to me?


# 1 - I didn't register for the sole purpose of asking this question.


I posed the question, simply because I was curious how others felt about the moral issues and to see if they'd ever been on either side of a similar situation.

It's a dialogue, that apparently, has been of some interest to quite a few people.


Why would anyone write out LOL at the end of their own unfunny post? Go figure.


So many mysteries.



Things amaze sometimes... :D


But anyway, welcome to the forum , DML2005.


Please stop back again and discuss Bill's football, football in general, or whatever. There are several sections, including politics, consumer items, fantasy football, and soon, the upcoming draft.


would the original poster please answer these two questions:


1) Did you include "as is" on the contract


2) Did they ask you about the transmission, and did you tell them exactly what you wrote here in the forum ("we suspected there might be a problem with the transmission but we didn't want to publicize it")

Retired from the US auto industry - process engineering, manufacturing, management, coatings systems and laboratory stuff. UAW plants.


I see massive balance-of-trade figures that started in 1993 and continue. How long do you think this economy will fly if this continues?


We see wage depression. We talk about outsourcing. We see people buying evrything Chinese. I'm going to be dead in ten years or so, and you will have to deal with the devastion of your purchasing decisions.


No jobs for your kids, for one.


Bon apetit. :D



So people should buy inferior products to prop up the economy? Whatever happened to making better products that people actually want?


You disclosed the condition of the car, the buyer had an "expert" inspect it. Tough beans - he's just trying to rattle you.


You could offer to refund his money, less a reasonal per diem charge since he drove it for 5 days, and take the car back. I've replaces those trannies and 2400 is about twice what it should cost. I also replaced my timing chain at 30,000 miles so you're lucky you got that much out of it.


If you're not included to negotiate then invite him to sue. It's small claims court, you don't need a lawyer, and you'll probably win. Befriend the mechanic who "inspected" the car - unless he's a close friend or relative of the buyer (and willing to lie) he can vouch for the fact that he told the buyer despite the slippage he was getting a deal.


Caveat emptor.

would the original poster please answer these two questions:


1) Did you include "as is" on the contract


2) Did they ask you about the transmission, and did you tell them exactly what you wrote here in the forum ("we suspected there might be a problem with the transmission but we didn't want to publicize it")




That's the key to the whole issue here. "As Is" doesn't absolve you if you were fraudulent in your dealings here. If you knowingly sold the car with consealed trans problems, you could be in trouble on this one. As someone else said, offer to split the costs, after all you said you got more money than you thought you would on the sale

That's the key to the whole issue here.  "As Is" doesn't absolve you if you were fraudulent in your dealings here.  If you knowingly sold the car with consealed trans problems, you could be in trouble on this one.  As someone else said, offer to split the costs, after all you said you got more money than you thought you would on the sale




Sounds fair... not to sound like an ass (:D) , but there is now about 50 posts on a message board about this, and many quote you as saying you you knew about the tranny problem but didnt tell them because it wouldnt help sell it.


Call the people, offer $1200 back, they make out, you make out. done


Last thing to say about this. This may sound dumb, but when you sell something for relatively big $$$, and the buyer is upset, don't forget they now know where you live. Buyer or their friend gets a liitle crazy and damages your car or house or who knows what else. The world is full of nutty people. Just check out this board!!! You'll at least sleep better if you negotiate & settle out

Got you thinking, eh? :D  And I "get" the global economy.


Some time ago, being selfish was actually considered a negative trait.  You seem to celebrate it, evrything a matter of money.


Believe me, I know a lot about an efficient market. - more than you suspect. But you will do well to learn temperation of same. Material goods are not the be all and end all...


We are not enemies, Todd - we have amicably conversed several times - but reflect on the future.


Your friend,





Why should he subsidize Americans versus Chinese or Japanese?

Sounds fair... not to sound like an ass (:D) , but there is now about 50 posts on a message board about this, and many quote you as saying you you knew about the tranny problem but didnt tell them because it wouldnt help sell it.



Seriously that is the best comment in this thread. I don't know the way the law works on that issue. I do know, however, that as a general rule if you're ever worried about getting sued for something, it's not a good idea to post anything about it on a public internet message board. It's called an admission - it doesn't matter if you're outright admitting liability, the term is construed broadly to encompass the kinds of statements you've been making. It can and will be used against you in court, and you have only yourself to blame.

BTW - we've also got the 4-door model of the exact same car. Same year and everything. It's ALSO had the transmission slippage problem. I've put about 40,000 miles on it since the problem began. When it goes, it goes.

Why would you not take care of this before it becomes a major problem? :D


Call the people, offer $1200 back, they make out, you make out. done




And you know this how? He never refused those people to take the car to get looked over, which is THEIR Responsibility, should he hold their hand when he goes anywhere else in his life. Quite frankly, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read in this thread.





Get it through your head.

Why would you not take care of this before it becomes a major problem? :D




Either way, they're going to want to replace the transmission.

40,000 mile ago the dealership, AAMCO, or whomever, would have been more than happy to put in a new transmission.


So far, I've gotten 40,000 extra miles on the thing. Why not run it until the transmission finally looks like it's had enough? So, far, just the usual slippage.

What's the worse that could happen? Get a new transmission?I think I'm ahead of the game. Suppose I put out $2,000 for a new tranny and some asswipe totals out my car tomorrow. The insurance company sure isn't going to compensate me for my recent $2,000 output. I was at the Goodyear garage this past Saturday (getting tranny flushed, among other things)and this very thing happen to a customer who was talking at the counter. He'd just put weeks and many dollars into a car that got totalled 2 days after getting it on the road. Heartbreaker.


BTW - I bought this car used with about 64,ooo miles on it. I had the first transmission replaced at about 70,000 miles on this car. Fortunately, I'd bought the extended warranty from the dealer when I purchased the car. I didn't take chances with a private party, knowing that in fact it does all come down to BUYER BEWARE.



Thanks to everyone for their input on this subject.


AAMCO is a mjor rip off! They should be shut down. GoodYear and AAMCO, never go to either of them bastards. They will steal you blind when fixing your car.


You sold the car as is, don't worry about it. Unless you're a dealer they are stuck with it.

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