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TH would he have been


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if JP was the QB would that have made travis a better running back


Yes!! Why? Because the Bills offense constantly faced defensive fronts of 8 and 9 men made it almost impossible for a back that hits the hole quickly like Henry to succeed. Bledsoe was/is incapable of getting defenses out of those fronts by burning them with the pass... not because he's slow footed or immobile, but because he has a slow thought process and slow reactions. He also seems to be low on the scale of other NFL QBs in terms of pocket presence. He just doesn't seem be be able to comprehend or sense pressure, where the pressure is coming from, and soemtimes what to do if he does know those two.


McGahee was effective for several reasons...

1) he's more of a "wait for your blocks to develop and then pick your hole" type of runner than a "quick, hit the hole" back like Henry.

2) he's bigger more powerful than Henry so he could get an extra yard or so after initial contact.

3) he had better speed to the outside than Henry... so defenses had to respect that.

4) he was a better blocker on blitzes than Henry and a bigger target as apass receiver.


So... How does JP figure into this?


1st off... JP has escapability, as we witnessed in the preseason, and even in some of the games he played during the season. So, defenses would have to contend with him getting outside the pocket. Also, personally, I've never seen a QB that sets up in the pocket as quickly as JP. So, if 8 and 9 defenders came up to stop the run, I believe JP would have burned the defense a lot more than Bledsoe, and enough so that they would have had to back out of those stacked fronts. No one can say for sure whether or not JP might have had more ints than Bledsoe or not... but I do beleive the Bills TD percentage in the RED ZONE with JP at QB would have been significantly improved over their TD percentage with Bledsoe at QB. I also think that with Clements, Wyche, and Mularkey in house that they would give JP a much different gameplan than they would Bledsoe. I think you'd see moving pocket right/left and rollouts to either side with JP... something you can't do with Bledsoe. All this diversity in the offense would have made Travis more effective than he was... He's definitely capable of having a 1600-1800 yard season if he plays against normal defenses.

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You know that you are on friggin fire today, right?  :lol:  :(



I didn't even mean that as a direct shot at DB. Early in the season, Henry kept tripping, just as he hit the line of scrimmage. That cost us the Oakland game when he fell before the goal line.


What in Gods name was he tripping over ? The mush pouring out of his earholes ? Must have occured a dozen times.

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I didn't even mean that as a direct shot at DB. Early in the season, Henry kept tripping, just as he hit the line of scrimmage. That cost us the Oakland game when he fell before the goal line.


What in Gods name was he tripping over ? The mush pouring out of his earholes ? Must have occured a dozen times.



I didn't even take it as any kind of slap to DB.

The thing is just that I just sat down, and you already have at least 3 great one-liners that made me lol. :(

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