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Colts Elevate Da'Rick Rogers to the Active Roster


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No talented athletes without the work ethic or drive to succeed and a lack of self control are a dime a dozen.


What evidence everyone used to conclude how amazing this guy is escapes me.


Also everyone was sure he'd get sniped off of the buf PS... Well i guess Indy made it to week 10 without the secret of his immense talent getting out...


If this team was Seattle or New Orleans it may have made sense to cut their losses. That is the whole point. All that it cost you to keep him was Hogan or any other guy that could be your 6 WR. It was such a low risk move for a rebuilding team.

He dominated (yes dominated) SEC competition. He might be a complete idiot but as an undrafted rookie it doesn't matter how loud he yells because his voice would not be heard. They should have given him a chance to grow here and if he didn't it did not cost you anything!! Best case scenario he is the big physical WR that you need, worst case he is gone after the season. A season in which you are 3-7.


The 2 moves that bothered me the most this year were releasing Rogers and spreading Fitz's cap hit over 2 seasons. I hate those two moves the most because there was no reason for either of them. There was zero chance that you could be worse off by doing the opposite of what they did (unless they were looking to spend that Fitz $, which they weren't). I can understand the logic with everything else that they did (whether I agree with all of the other decisions is another story). Those two decisions just make zero sense to me.




I respectfully disagree. How would you feel going to work and busting your butt every day while a co-worker didn't put in effort and take the job seriously? Most people can't ignore that and it eventually creates bad feelings with the rest of the workers. Some (many?) will eventually figure they can reduce their effort if the boss isn't making the other guy work or getting rid of the other guy.


I have worked in a lot of places where the hard working nice guy was let go and the lazy a-hole was glorified. That's how sales work. It is about production and what you are capable of producing. Not everyone is the same.

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Its not rocket science. It's a bottom line results driven business, and it's mostly about talent.

If DaRick does well cutting him was a major Marrone blunder IMO.

And if DaRick craps out, then coach made a good decision.

Time will tell.


If DaRick does well he should call Marrone and thank him for helping to set his lazy ass straight.



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He should have set him straight as a Buffalo Bill. But noooooooo, we have Chris FN Hogan! <_<


Marrone gave him every opportunity but when a player is SO obviously screwing the pooch in practice and in games, a coach, especially a new coach, is doing every other player a disservice by keeping him.


I cannot believe we are actually lamenting the loss of DaRick Rogers. Only in Buffalo.



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Marrone gave him every opportunity but when a player is SO obviously screwing the pooch in practice and in games, a coach, especially a new coach, is doing every other player a disservice by keeping him.


I cannot believe we are actually lamenting the loss of DaRick Rogers. Only in Buffalo.




I feel like the "so obviously screwing the pooch" stuff comes across a bit overstated from almost every report I heard along the way. I'm not arguing he was immaculate on the field but I think it was better than most are now giving credit for. He certainly had mistakes and lapses but the way people describe him makes it sound akin to Brandon Marshall trying to force his way out of Denver. Atleast that's how it reads to me.


I know it's totally conjecture but my totally making this up and throwing it up against the wall theory is SOMETHING happened between the last mini camp and start of training camp that got back to the coaches but not the fans. He was getting a lot more shots and actually doing stuff with them in may/June then July roles around and it was a struggle to get reps even before things like the fumble incident . Either he failed with some sort of assignment/test they sent his way, or they learned about some risky behaviors (MRAGS claims hearing about drug use and for as emotional as some of his reactions could come across, I don't at all think he'd make the story up although who knows on his source), or SOMETHING happened that put him at the bottom of the pecking order come day one of camp.

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I feel like the "so obviously screwing the pooch" stuff comes across a bit overstated from almost every report I heard along the way. I'm not arguing he was immaculate on the field but I think it was better than most are now giving credit for. He certainly had mistakes and lapses but the way people describe him makes it sound akin to Brandon Marshall trying to force his way out of Denver. Atleast that's how it reads to me.


I know it's totally conjecture but my totally making this up and throwing it up against the wall theory is SOMETHING happened between the last mini camp and start of training camp that got back to the coaches but not the fans. He was getting a lot more shots and actually doing stuff with them in may/June then July roles around and it was a struggle to get reps even before things like the fumble incident . Either he failed with some sort of assignment/test they sent his way, or they learned about some risky behaviors (MRAGS claims hearing about drug use and for as emotional as some of his reactions could come across, I don't at all think he'd make the story up although who knows on his source), or SOMETHING happened that put him at the bottom of the pecking order come day one of camp.


Well, it seemed every day I heard from folks at practice and every day they had new stories about Rogers not knowing where to be for drills, or where to be in certain formations, etc. Never mind his lack of hustle.


But whatever. Let's lament the loss of the greatest UDFA receiver to ever lace up a pair of skates. Hopefully, his third team in four months is the charm.


EDIT: "Pair of skates." That'll teach me to post about the Bills when watching the Sabres."



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Well, it seemed every day I heard from folks at practice and every day they had new stories about Rogers not knowing where to be for drills, or where to be in certain formations, etc. Never mind his lack of hustle.


But whatever. Let's lament the loss of the greatest UDFA receiver to ever lace up a pair of skates. Hopefully, his third team in four months is the charm.





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I think it was a fairly arrogant move on the Bills part. It had little to do with skill or potential on the field and had everything to do with "I'm in charge now, you're not, you're cut". This team couldn't (and still can't) afford to make personnel decision based on teaching players a "lesson".

really? He had one catch in the preseason ONE. He wasn't getting it done and if we kept him he would have to play special teams and Easley wouldn't be here.
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Well, it seemed every day I heard from folks at practice and every day they had new stories about Rogers not knowing where to be for drills, or where to be in certain formations, etc. Never mind his lack of hustle.


But whatever. Let's lament the loss of the greatest UDFA receiver to ever lace up a pair of skates. Hopefully, his third team in four months is the charm.


EDIT: "Pair of skates." That'll teach me to post about the Bills when watching the Sabres."




If you were getting personal reports, so be it. I heard about a couple of isolated incidents but not daily glaring issues like you are describing.

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I remember him getting released and picked up by Indy. Hyperbole helps people get their point across. It was a no risk all reward situation and they managed to screw it up. At least we have Hogan...


Yes, hyperbole. That's the perfect word to describe what I'm hearing about The Legend of Darick Rogers.



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As far as the comparisons to Cris Carter, Carter was drafted whereas DaRick wasn't. So that should say enough.


That said, I hope DaRick has a John Parella-esque career where he turns it around after getting cut here. More likely, he will have an Aaron Maybin-esque career (minus the fat signing bonus)

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Yes, hyperbole. That's the perfect word to describe what I'm hearing about The Legend of Darick Rogers.




Plenty of Hyperbole in the negative vitriol that was hurled against Rogers by his detractors here on TSW. Much like the anti Byrd crap that was based on innuendo, conjecture and rumor.

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Yes, hyperbole. That's the perfect word to describe what I'm hearing about The Legend of Darick Rogers.




To be fair, he's only in team 2 of his short career, not his third in four months as you described.


Normally you are pretty level headed but you seem to take the Rogers discussions more personally than most. I don't think anyone's claimed him to be some slam dunk great player.

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Plenty of Hyperbole in the negative vitriol that was hurled against Rogers by his detractors here on TSW.


Like what? Are you gonna tell me that his lapses in concentration and other gaffes didn't justify Marrone cutting him?


Vitriol? LOL. Hyperbole doesn't begin to describe the phenomena.



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To be fair, he's only in team 2 of his short career, not his third in four months as you described.


Normally you are pretty level headed but you seem to take the Rogers discussions more personally than most. I don't think anyone's claimed him to be some slam dunk great player.


I already corrected my error above.


And I'm being perfectly level-headed when I defend the multitude of reasons Marrone had to cut him. He's done jack schit in this league and some around here are acting like he was royally screwed by the organization that gave him a chance in the first place.


And trust me when I say, it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to take ANYTHING DaRick Rogers does or doesn't do in the NFL personally. I sincerely hope the kid has grown up and makes the most out of his opportunity.


But we need to save the hype for when he proves it.




For Chris FN Hogan....no!


Hogan had a FAR better camp and pre-season. Indeed, it wasn't close and it was a rather easy decision.


But lets all act like it was the complete opposite.



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