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Normally I say "laugh", but this time? This time it's "guffaw"!


Apparently this guy thinks he's Marc Antony. :lol: You know "I've come here to bury Obamacare, not to praise it".


Then, he thinks he'll be clever, but turning the whole thing around, and in the end, the reader will agree that the death of Pure government activist policies/approaches is something that will be mourned tearfully, and that that masses will rise up in praise of it, and demand the heads of those evil Senators who....


Come on. They killed it themselves. This "metaphor" doesn't even work, and he thinks purist Big Government will?


Talk about wishcasting. The man doesn't seem to know his history, or the status of his ideology, in terms of winning elections. Every single time a liberal has run as who he really is (which neither Obama or either Clinton has never done): you get Mondale/McGovern/Carter.


Liberals have learned, through punishment, since Mondale, to stop putting forward governement-only solutions and running on them. This guy wants to throw all of that conditioning out, because: it pleases him to do so.


My response? Go ahead, in fact, I'll send you money. :lol: Let's end this war with you losing it big. Best thing for the country.




Next up? Oh man, and you thought the last guy was a clown?






First of all the guy thinks that Republicans have some sort of duty to work with Democrats on this thing?


What? :blink:


The Ds passed this thing in the middle of the night, improperly, using trickery, and over the objections of Massachusetts Democrats who purposely elected an R to stop this mess, amidst back-room deals and payoffs that have caused most of the players to resign in disgrace, and the designer of it to resign and call it a "train wreck". There was not 1 single R vote for it. And, to make matters worse, they've called Rs every name in the book, and flat out accused them of not caring about sick people, because they opposed this abortion.


So, where in the hell do you get the notion that Rs have to do anything for you, buddy?


If I'm one the guys who've been around for this whole thing, and especially if I'm one of the guys who was purposely sent to DC to kill this whole thing? Here's what I say: "You have to be on crack to think I'm going to work with you on anything. You've been arrogant, you've been ignorant, you've been childish. You created this mess. You clean it up. Why should we give you anything? What have you done for us in the last 4 years, besides attack us?


There are consequences to be paid for you, and especially your donor's behavior, and you are all damn well going to pay them. Period. If for no other reason than: you all need to learn this lesson, because you never would have behaved as you have, since 2005, had you known it already."


Then, he concludes with the very same authoritarian language that got Ds into this mess in the first place: "there's no going back".


So let me get this straight: You've decided that we all have to play ball with you, on a national scale, becaue Terry McAullife sqeeked out an election, that he almost lost because of Obamacare, to an extremist opponent who you sandbagged with a 3rd party candidate? You are saying that Rs should work with you, to do exactly what you want, and in return, they get a few concessions here and there, because "there's no going back"?


:lol: There are too many WTFs in there to contemplate. The political tone-deafness requried is amazing.


The wishcasting here? He wishes that this was 2005, before the Iraq War allowed these clowns to think that opposition of that = broad acceptance of progressive policy. He wishes that his party didn't have to honor the checks, and/or default on the debt, that it's many mouths have written since 2005. He wishes that consequences weren't part of bad behavior.


And most of all, he wishes that the same disinterested electorate that allowed his party to F this up so badly, won't be just as disinterested when the other party destroys it and starts over....especially inlcuding the Medicaid expansion he says can't be turned back.


He wishes all of this. How many of you think his wishes will come true, and that Fairy Godmother "demographics" is going to save them from Average Joe, of any skin color, has to pay 2x more from health care, through no fault of his own?

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