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Flee - Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit "nightmare cities"

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For some reason, a lot of people like to post all of the negative articles about Buffalo; I don't mind. Things are just fine here, thank you very much. Please keep up the negative press so things don't get too crazy here...we're doing just fine....




Cool article. Interesting to see that Buffalo's return from the down years is mostly a home grown and small project by project situation. Having jobs in the region will be critical to sustaining the momentum.

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For some reason, a lot of people like to post all of the negative articles about Buffalo; I don't mind. Things are just fine here, thank you very much. Please keep up the negative press so things don't get too crazy here...we're doing just fine....




A nice hotel in "midtown" :) Buffalo would be awesome.

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Gee, I wish they could find oil in Western New York so we could cut taxes, too. If it wasn't for oil Texas would just be one big Mississippi

I see you know as much about Texas as you know about everything else. bravo.

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