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Henrico county VA (just northwest of Richmond)The city of Richmond has it too. Chesterfield county (just south-west of Richmond) voted theirs down, and it was only 2%.


What is Virginias regular sales tax?

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i actually find the results worrying. the aca was a big player in how close this was. the problems need fixing right now. then it will take some time to regain the electorates confidence and illustrate the strengths of the plan. it certainly can be accomplished but even as a staunch progressive, i'm disappointed. wouldn't wanna live there but thank goodness for northern virginia. it's amazing to me how virginians vote against self interest so often. look at the election maps from yesterday.


regarding the food and lodging tax, we have it at 7%. even the conservatives here mostly like it. in effect, tourists pay the lions share for new community buildings and renovations, gardens and beautification and art and cultural events. the discretionary food dollars locals spend, get paid back several fold by the cycle of more tourists for better facilities and events and more and better jobs in the hospitality industry it's only on restaurant food. if the revenue is well spent, it's a good thing.


would you be otherwise offended if I posted that my county had a GOP member elected or other such news?


Its not inflammatory. Its worthless. Idiots who label themselves with political alliances are worthless, for that matter. I am neither republican or democrat. I am a free thinker who is free to change his mind however fit. Many folks, including you run such narrow minds it brings down evolution.


A political post on a political site, imagine that. Great free thinking there! And you are actually calling someone else an idiot?


It's official: Gatorman is in seventh grade and he writes these posts in study hall.


Oh, and he can pizz farther than his best friend, Wallace.


Now this is awesome! What 7th grader is in study hall at 9 o'clock at night? I mean you free thinkers can't even come up with decent insults. No wonder you guys get so frustrated so easily




4% tax included on all food items purchased in the county. That's in addition to the 5% sales tax. And the idiots fell for the line that it was needed, " for the schools"...

That's the one that burns me up. I don't mind paying it b/c I have a kid in school, but on principle I don't get why the burden of funding schools should fall disproporionately on those who eat out. Makes no sense to me.


i actually find the results worrying. the aca was a big player in how close this was. the problems need fixing right now. then it will take some time to regain the electorates confidence and illustrate the strengths of the plan. it certainly can be accomplished but even as a staunch progressive, i'm disappointed. wouldn't wanna live there but thank goodness for northern virginia. it's amazing to me how virginians vote against self interest so often. look at the election maps from yesterday.


regarding the food and lodging tax, we have it at 7%. even the conservatives here mostly like it. in effect, tourists pay the lions share for new community buildings and renovations, gardens and beautification and art and cultural events. the discretionary food dollars locals spend, get paid back several fold by the cycle of more tourists for better facilities and events and more and better jobs in the hospitality industry it's only on restaurant food. if the revenue is well spent, it's a good thing.


The law is still costing Democrats political capital for sure. Just like the shut down over the ACA cost the Tea Party. I imagine its going to be back and forth like that for awhile. Imagine when and if the GOP tries to take away the benefits of the law like dropping people for preexisting conditions.


i actually find the results worrying. the aca was a big player in how close this was. the problems need fixing right now. then it will take some time to regain the electorates confidence and illustrate the strengths of the plan. it certainly can be accomplished but even as a staunch progressive, i'm disappointed. wouldn't wanna live there but thank goodness for northern virginia. it's amazing to me how virginians vote against self interest so often. look at the election maps from yesterday.


regarding the food and lodging tax, we have it at 7%. even the conservatives here mostly like it. in effect, tourists pay the lions share for new community buildings and renovations, gardens and beautification and art and cultural events. the discretionary food dollars locals spend, get paid back several fold by the cycle of more tourists for better facilities and events and more and better jobs in the hospitality industry it's only on restaurant food. if the revenue is well spent, it's a good thing.


The ACA rollout is definitely hurting the Democrats.


A food and lodging tax is VASTLY different that a straight meal tax. Food and lodging would definitely fall more on visitors to the state.


The meal tax by contrast, even though people foolishly believed the hype that up to 40% would be paid by out of state people, will be funded nearly entirely by residents of Henrico county VA. The current sales tax is 5.3% in Virginia. The meal tax is a 4% additional charge (in addition to the 5.3% sales tax) that counts towards any prepared food. While I do not believe this affects grocery items, it does count towards anything someone hands you. So everytime you go to Starbucks and get your latte, you get a meals tax. Every restaurant you visit, you get a meals tax. Every fast food or hot dog stand you go to, you get the meals tax.


Now try and convince me that up to 40% of this would fall on visitors to the state. It's jprseshit. And it's all gonna go to the schools, right? Except there is ZERO accountability for that money to actually prove it went to the county schools and not some other black hole the criminals will dump it down. In 1998, big tobacco signed what is called the Masters Settlement agreement which essentially gives each state in the union money each year to help settle the insurance and health lawsuits, in agreement that BT would limit advertizing in the public arena. The money was supposed to fund the schools. You might have noticed that Joe the Camel dissappeared about this time, it's not a conincidence.


So what does this have to do with the panacea of a meals tax? Last year, the Richmond Times Dispatch reported that the money obtained through the first eight years or so (cant remember the exact details, I am too lazy and angry to look it up), more than half of it cannot be accounted for! Not that it went to other places than the schools, it cannot be found! Poof! Gone!


So now tell me that this meals tax is a good thing. People just voted themselves out of more money to fund the crackhead government, but Im sure they'll give the money to the schools this time...


That's the one that burns me up. I don't mind paying it b/c I have a kid in school, but on principle I don't get why the burden of funding schools should fall disproporionately on those who eat out. Makes no sense to me.


Rob, there is no way to prove where the money will go. The tax goes into the county coffers to do with as they see fit. There is no way to definitely ensure that the money from the meals tax will go to the schools. As you might know, Henrico County VA has some of the very best schools in the country. On top of normal taxes, you no doubt know how much you have to spend to supply each child, as you have to buy all school supplies, essentially everything each child needs throughout the day.


I would be MUCH more willing to accept this if there were a shred of proof where this money will end up. But we all know where it's going, right?




Henrico county VA (just northwest of Richmond)The city of Richmond has it too. Chesterfield county (just south-west of Richmond) voted theirs down, and it was only 2%.

I was just there in that area. Beautiful but screwrd up area.



4% tax included on all food items purchased in the county. That's in addition to the 5% sales tax. And the idiots fell for the line that it was needed, " for the schools"...


That's nucking futz! So how do the "poor" people feel about that?

Posted (edited)

Rob, there is no way to prove where the money will go. The tax goes into the county coffers to do with as they see fit. There is no way to definitely ensure that the money from the meals tax will go to the schools. As you might know, Henrico County VA has some of the very best schools in the country. On top of normal taxes, you no doubt know how much you have to spend to supply each child, as you have to buy all school supplies, essentially everything each child needs throughout the day.


I would be MUCH more willing to accept this if there were a shred of proof where this money will end up. But we all know where it's going, right?

We're on the same page here. I don't like anything about it. My point was that even if the money was funneled directly and exclusively to the schools I'm still opposed to it - not because I personally would have a problem paying it, but because there's no logical connection between eating out and schools, and therefore, no reason why people who eat out should be disproportionately responsible for funding the schools (or the government generally, for that matter).


More Yankees, more federal workers

Correct. All these candy ass commies pack their carpet bags and head south to escape their northern shitholes, and bring with them the malignant politics that rendered their hometowns inhospitable land fills, and turn our glorious southern states into **** heaps as well. If we lived in a sane world, Yankees wouldn't be allowed to vote in decent southern folks' states. Edited by Rob's House

We're on the same page here. I don't like anything about it. My point was that even if the money was funneled directly and exclusively to the schools I'm still opposed to it - not because I personally would have a problem paying it, but because there's no logical connection between eating out and schools, and therefore, no reason why people who eat out should be disproportionately responsible for funding the schools (or the government generally, for that matter).

Sure there's a connection. People that eat out a lot at nice restaurants are either single, widowers, or people with a lot of diposable income that send thier children to private schools. You know, the type that typically vote down school budgets. By making them pay more which will ENTIRELY go towards school children ;) ;), then the individual school district tax requests will be lowered and these greedy folks with too much disposable cash will be less likely to vote down the reasonable local tax increases. /sarcasm


Sure there's a connection. People that eat out a lot at nice restaurants are either single, widowers, or people with a lot of diposable income that send thier children to private schools. You know, the type that typically vote down school budgets. By making them pay more which will ENTIRELY go towards school children ;) ;), then the individual school district tax requests will be lowered and these greedy folks with too much disposable cash will be less likely to vote down the reasonable local tax increases. /sarcasm

If you'd left out the winks and "/sarcasm" you'd have just made a friend of Gatorman.


The law is still costing Democrats political capital for sure. Just like the shut down over the ACA cost the Tea Party.


The difference between the Obamacare failure hurting progs and the shutdown hurting the Tea Party is that come midterms, no one will be standing around asking "What Obamacare failures?"

Posted (edited)

We're on the same page here. I don't like anything about it. My point was that even if the money was funneled directly and exclusively to the schools I'm still opposed to it - not because I personally would have a problem paying it, but because there's no logical connection between eating out and schools, and therefore, no reason why people who eat out should be disproportionately responsible for funding the schools (or the government generally, for that matter).


Correct. All these candy ass commies pack their carpet bags and head south to escape their northern shitholes, and bring with them the malignant politics that rendered their hometowns inhospitable land fills, and turn our glorious southern states into **** heaps as well. If we lived in a sane world, Yankees wouldn't be allowed to vote in decent southern folks' states.


The South would still be the biggest shithole in the world had it not been for the North and the Federal government. Losing the Civil War was the best thing to ever happen to the south. The North ended slavery, the New Deal brought electricity, the Federal government opened defense plants and defense industry all over the South, all those old foks down there on Social Security and Medicare. Gees, the South should be on their knees thanking us

Edited by gatorman



The South would still be the biggest shithole in the world had it not been for the North and the Federal government. Losing the Civil War was the best thing to ever happen to the south


Is this one of those "9/11 was good for the economy" arguments?


If you'd left out the winks and "/sarcasm" you'd have just made a friend of Gatorman.


The food tax I support is a tax on drive throughs which waste gas and cause pollution. 2% if you can't get out of your car and stand in line!


Is this one of those "9/11 was good for the economy" arguments?




The South would still be the biggest shithole in the world had it not been for the North and the Federal government. Losing the Civil War was the best thing to ever happen to the south. The North ended slavery, the New Deal brought electricity, the Federal government opened defense plants and defense industry all over the South, all those old foks down there on Social Security and Medicare. Gees, the South should be on their knees thanking us


Typical liberal thinking. Your theory is that if it hadn't happened the way it did it wouldn't have happened at all. Reconstruction & New Deal were both contrived and botched and neither left the South better off.

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