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The Tea Party wasn't right about anything you fool. They didn't see or complain about a coming computer glich they were just bitching and moaning about the expansion of health care. Purely partisan bitching. And how would have ruining the full faith and credit of thse United States have helped or made this better? You clowns got lucky SOMETHING went went. Enjoy the fact that your fellow citizens are having trouble getting health care insurance while you can. Even blind a--holes find something sometimes.


You realize that the credit of the US was never in doubt before, during or after the shutdown, right? You do understand that if the government were forced overnight to only spend what it takes in that debt service would be a high priority and not even the clowns in control now would choose not to fund our debt. Maybe once you realize that you can begin to understand why all this debt isn't good as the cost of it threatens our ability to fund all the social programs and bloated government agencies you desire. As much you hate to admit it, even those that you vote for at the Federal level would absolutely fund our debt, the military, SS and medicare if they were forced to prioritize spending.

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no just fundamentally flawed in their rationality and ability to make an informed decision. Not that Romney was the answer. The answer was none of the above. Most people can't make a decision for the better to save their life. That is why we are a fat, uneducated, ignorant, star !@#$ing and intollerent country. The world is not all that better. Or worse. Responsibility has been removed from this world.

Romney would have been more of an answer than Barry is. And with Barry's approval ratings at 39% and dropping, people are finally starting to catch-on, albeit too late.


You realize that the credit of the US was never in doubt before, during or after the shutdown, right? You do understand that if the government were forced overnight to only spend what it takes in that debt service would be a high priority and not even the clowns in control now would choose not to fund our debt. Maybe once you realize that you can begin to understand why all this debt isn't good as the cost of it threatens our ability to fund all the social programs and bloated government agencies you desire. As much you hate to admit it, even those that you vote for at the Federal level would absolutely fund our debt, the military, SS and medicare if they were forced to prioritize spending.


You'll forgive gatorman for that reality is way over his head. See him for what he is: an echo chamber for progressive ideas. He's one of those guys who sees the unemployment rate drop because millions are leaving the workforce, and insists everything is getting better.


The Tea Party wasn't right about anything you fool. They didn't see or complain about a coming computer glich cluster fluck of immense dimensions with a complete lack of security. They were just bitching and moaning about the forced expansion of health care insurance that didn't necessarily meet the needs of the recipient. Purely partisan bitching that has now expanded to bipartisan bitching. And how would have ruining the full faith and credit of thse United States have helped or made this better? You clowns got lucky SOMETHING went went. Enjoy the fact that your fellow citizens are having trouble getting health care insurance while you can, even blind a--holes find something sometimes though it is has always been the intention of the ACA to take away people's insurance policies.





Romney would have been more of an answer than Barry is. And with Barry's approval ratings at 39% and dropping, people are finally starting to catch-on, albeit too late.

agreed that he would have been better. Focusing in on the key issues and not propping up a self serving agenda to create a legacy... kind of like McCrory is doing in MC - Romney would have done business. But it would not have been the right answer. There was no right answer this past election. We were too effed.

You'll forgive gatorman for that reality is way over his head. See him for what he is: an echo chamber for progressive ideas. He's one of those guys who sees the unemployment rate drop because millions are leaving the workforce, and insists everything is getting better.


I know it's an incredible longshot to think that the gatorman could understand common sense or reason but just maybe we can knock the legs of support out from under some of those views. On 2nd thought, nah, it ain't gonna happen.


The Tea Party wasn't right about anything you fool. They didn't see or complain about a coming computer glich...


You're correct in this. No one could have predicted the level of carelessness, recklessness and incompetence displayed by Obama's administration, especially since the regime kept the $500,000,000 process of creating the website a secret with their no-bid contract.


one of the biggest implications of this gov election is that the virginia gov mansion will be southern campaign headquaters for hillary for 2016. i'm betting mcauliffe helps her win the very important purple state that is virginia.


one of the biggest implications of this gov election is that the virginia gov mansion will be southern campaign headquaters for hillary for 2016. i'm betting mcauliffe helps her win the very important purple state that is virginia.


Assuming he doesn't fubar the state with Obamacare before the Benghazi survivors opt to stop being silent.


Obama has dealt progs a powder keg of incompetence just waiting to go off. You may want to cover your ears.


one of the biggest implications of this gov election is that the virginia gov mansion will be southern campaign headquaters for hillary for 2016. i'm betting mcauliffe helps her win the very important purple state that is virginia.


You don't think she's too polarizing of a figure?


Nah, you are correct. The Dems could nominate a mop and it would beat whatever old, white, bible thumping fool the GOP trots out yet again. I think they are trying to fail. Maybe they can nominate Bob Dole again...


agreed that he would have been better. Focusing in on the key issues and not propping up a self serving agenda to create a legacy... kind of like McCrory is doing in MC - Romney would have done business. But it would not have been the right answer. There was no right answer this past election. We were too effed.


Why would Romney have not been the right answer? Granted He was not perfect, I Didnt agree with everything he said or all of his positions, but compared to obama he would have been the right choice for the country.


Looking back at their campaigns Romney has already proven to be more right than wrong.




one of the biggest implications of this gov election is that the virginia gov mansion will be southern campaign headquaters for hillary for 2016. i'm betting mcauliffe helps her win the very important purple state that is virginia.


What difference does it make??!!!??




You don't think she's too polarizing of a figure?


Nah, you are correct. The Dems could nominate a mop and it would beat whatever old, white, bible thumping fool the GOP trots out yet again. I think they are trying to fail. Maybe they can nominate Bob Dole again...

I think mccain is still hanging around somewhere.3rd times a charm!


You don't think she's too polarizing of a figure?


Nah, you are correct. The Dems could nominate a mop and it would beat whatever old, white, bible thumping fool the GOP trots out yet again. I think they are trying to fail. Maybe they can nominate Bob Dole again...

there are about 10 swing states that are in play from now til the forseeable future that will decide who becomes president. the old dominion is one of the biggies.christie is the best shot for republicans but hasn't he been disinherited? wouldn't the tea party sabotage his efforts? too bad, cuz he might well help the country more than any other viable candidate right now.


there are about 10 swing states that are in play from now til the forseeable future that will decide who becomes president. the old dominion is one of the biggies.christie is the best shot for republicans but hasn't he been disinherited? wouldn't the tea party sabotage his efforts? too bad, cuz he might well help the country more than any other viable candidate right now.


Note to conservatives: Chris Christie is the new John Huntsman...the guy all liberals say is the GOP's best chance. Before Huntsman it was McCain. You'd think people who knew what was best would stop giving us leaderless dolts like Obama.


Why would Romney have not been the right answer? Granted He was not perfect, I Didnt agree with everything he said or all of his positions, but compared to obama he would have been the right choice for the country.


what exactly were his positions? he went from moderate to far right in a heartbeat...chameleon. who knows which color he'd have become after he'd won. we can be fairly certain he'd support big business at the expense of nearly anything else, though.


Note to conservatives: Chris Christie is the new John Huntsman...the guy all liberals say is the GOP's best chance. Before Huntsman it was McCain. You'd think people who knew what was best would stop giving us leaderless dolts like Obama.

you'd think you all would choose somebody that had a chance in hell of winning the electoral vote. hint, it's no one on the far right.

you'd think you all would choose somebody that had a chance in hell of winning the electoral vote. hint, it's no one on the far right.


Fortunately for conservatives, Obama is making such a mess of things that the 2016 Dems will sound like John McCain insisting he's not George Bush. Hillary will do it until the thin-skin-in-chief leaks a Benghazi memo to shut her up, while Wendy Davis tells everyone how she's really pro-life, but likes to abort 24-week-old fetuses. and Alan Grayson emails more KKK photos and Joe Biden announces he's running for president but calls himself by the wrong name.


But yeah...let's hope we don't see one of those crazy people from the far right, eh?


Christie will be the Repub nominee in 2016 and stands a very good chance of winning.

Christie won't beat Mike Huckabee or Jeb Bush for the Republican nominee if either decide to run.

Christie won't beat Mike Huckabee or Jeb Bush for the Republican nominee if either decide to run.


Which is probably correct, sadly for them. They really have no friggin clue...


Christie won't beat Mike Huckabee or Jeb Bush for the Republican nominee if either decide to run.


Yes...more bush vs Clinton. Sigh.....


Kinda kidding but not really because there are enough dumb people who vote so how much longer until chelsea Clinton can claim her heir to the throne

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