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Obama Guts Military By Getting Rid Of Those Who Oppose Him?


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WASHINGTON – After multiple top generals described to WND what they regard as a full-scale “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration, the commander of U.S. Army Garrison Japan was summarily relieved of duty and his civilian deputy reassigned, pending a “misconduct” investigation.

Nine generals and flag officers have been relieved of duty under Obama just this year – widely viewed as an extraordinary number – and several sources put the total number of senior officers purged during the five years of the Obama administration as close to 200.



In response, prominent retired generals – ranging from Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, a Fox News senior military analyst, to Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, a founder of the Army’s elite Delta Force, to Medal of Honor recipient Maj. Gen. Patrick Henry Brady – have all gone on the record with WND, characterizing Obama’s actions as nothing less than an all-out attack on America’s armed forces.

According to U.S. Army Japan, Col. Eric Tilley was suspended from his job by Maj. Gen. James C. Boozer Sr., commander of U.S. Army Japan and I Corps (Forward) for a “lack of confidence” based on the results of an inquiry.

A spokesman for U.S. Army Japan, Maj. Kevin Toner, would not elaborate on what prompted a “lack of confidence,” saying it would be “inappropriate to make public the allegations because the investigation did not lead to findings of criminal misconduct.”

Tilley is to be replaced by Col. Joy Curriera.

Tilley’s dismissal is only the latest in what retired Navy Capt. Joseph...................................


Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2...c23VYmfk3YEh.99



More on Benghazi in the article.

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as far as attitude toward the military goes, the Dems have fallen a long way since the days of president Kennedy. at least back then they recognized the necessity of a strong, cohesive national defense.


now the military is being reduced to an arena for social experimentation, while the president boasts of being good at killing people with drones.



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Stalin purged his military's leadership too.


Obama is trying to instill a culture of fear that if you do not toe the party line and follow the agenda that your career is over.


More Chicago style thug politics at its finest.


Why on earth would Herr Obama want to Drive out highly decorated, loyal, America loving patriots, who are experts in their fields and have experience and leadership the military needs to be cohesive and effective fighting force, in a time if war of all things??? Hmmm.....

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Yes, same thing going on here. Wow! And you want me banned? Did you graduate from high school?


One used firing squads and piano wire to get his message through, the other is ruining careers and veiled threats to get his message across. Different methods used, same intent to control the military.

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One used firing squads and piano wire to get his message through, the other is ruining careers and veiled threats to get his message across. Different methods used, same intent to control the military.


Lol, yes, but how will he control it once he friggin leaves office in three year you idiot? And is that a no on being able to make it out of high school?

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Yes, same thing going on here. Wow! And you want me banned? Did you graduate from high school?


Ah, gatortroll, comparing itself to decorated, accomplished people who have served this country. Your banning when it comes, will be because you contribute nothing here, it won't be for some deep political philosophy that you hold. You will be banned because you are an idiot, no matter how many times you come here with a different screen name.

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So he fires the military for not thinking like he does, but doesn't do schit about complete incompetence?










During her testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, Sebelius admitted that the website is still "not where we need to be." That is quite an understatement. One government estimate put the number of people registered in the first 24 hours at six. If that seems a joke, it was. In a Saturday Night Liveskit, Kate McKinnon played Sebelius and noted, "Millions of Americans are visiting HealthCare.gov, which is great news. Unfortunately, the site was only designed to handle six users at a time." Still, the Obama administration insists it will not release the current number of actually registered people until the middle of November while admitting that it will be low.

However, if history is any judge, Sebelius can take heart. Her job should be secure. Neither crimes nor incompetence seems to meet the standard for termination for federal employment. Take National Intelligence Director James Clapper. In a public hearing before Congress, Clapper denied that the NSA was collecting "any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans." That was clearly false. Clapper later admitted that he gave "the least untruthful" statement that he could think of. That, of course, would still make it a lie and thus perjury. However, Clapper was neither prosecuted nor fired.

Irrelevant waste

Likewise, waste is something that does not even register in Washington. The Pentagon ordered a dozen Italian-built C-27J Spartans at nearly $50 million a pop only to roll them directly from the factories into mothballs. That's right, $567 million of aircraft sent directly to a facility in Arizona dubbed "the boneyard." Then there is the $772 million spent for 30 Russian Mi-17 helicopters that an inspector general report found could not be flown by the Afghans. Then there is the $34 million spent to build a huge headquarters longer than a football field for the Marines in Afghanistan with a theater, special operations rooms and other amenities. The Pentagon did so despite the objections from the commander that the Marines neither needed nor wanted the building. An inspector general found that the 64,000-square-foot facility "will probably be demolished" without being used.

Even when lives are lost, negligence is not a basis for termination, as shown in the Benghazi scandal. The State Department's own internal review found "systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies" leading to the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. But the Accountability Review Board "recognizes that poor performance does not ordinarily constitute a breach of duty that would serve as a basis for disciplinary action but is instead addressed through the performance management system." In other words, even with four dead and an international crisis, the officials responsible could only be "reassigned."

Arrogance of power

Given this history, one can understand Sebelius' response to critics that "the majority of people calling for me to resign ... are people I don't work for." Indeed, the people whom she works for measure success along political, not performance, lines.

Accordingly, new contracts have been issued to fix the Obamacare registration system. And, in the ultimate triumph of hope over experience, Sebelius is promising to personally ensure their success.


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