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Posted (edited)

The story in Miami is now national and goes something like this:


Subject A causes a generally hostile work environment for Subject B ... and extorts him out of money ... and, oh yeah, by the way, allegedly threatens his life. And the lead in every story is Subject A calls Subject B a bad racial name. THEN it's the life threatening stuff.


Before, he was just a bully who took it too far. NOW he's a raaciisstt. What a bad man! Kick him out of the NFL! The word he used suddenly becomes an excuse for covering the story. Not the other stuff.


I know racial sensitivities trump logic, and that I'm likely in the minority opinion (yes I'm white...and no, that shouldn't matter), but why should anybody care that he called Martin a name that's likely said a hundred times a day in the locker room?


Incognito should've been suspended long before this. (And either Philbin or Martin or another teammate should've stood up to this bully).


The moral here, if you're white, you can treat people like dog****. Just don't call them racial names.


When we learn to not get our panties in a wad over a stupid word -- a loaded word, but a word nonetheless -- and stop being so sensitive, then maybe we can start looking at racial issues logically.

Edited by Just in Atlanta

The media needs the national dialogue to be about race in one form or another and will continue to do so until the US elects a white president again, at which time the race thing will change to a gender thing.


So we're still allowed to shiit in white people's mouths right? I need clarification on this ASAP. I had a burrito for lunch and I have a co-worker who has really been pissing me off.


So we're still allowed to shiit in white people's mouths right? I need clarification on this ASAP. I had a burrito for lunch and I have a co-worker who has really been pissing me off.


Only if you also intend on killing them.


This helps tie in to the Redskins crusade.


We must get rid of all racism in the NFL.


They can start by only allowing players from mixed races, so a player with ancestors from Europe (white), Asia (oriental), Africa (black), Central America (hispanic), and North America (redskin) would be a gold mine.


Sounds like a plan.


Just no Eskimos. I hate those mother !@#$ers.


I knew there was someone I forgot, unless eskimos count under redskin.


I knew there was someone I forgot, unless eskimos count under redskin.


They're actually yellowskins. They just appear as redskins because of the cold wind.


I am far from a PC enthusiast, and I understand your point of view, however, he would have been kicked off the team even had he not used a racial slur. You can't call someone and leave a voicemail like he did. Anywhere. You'd lose a job at Pizza Hut for that...


Incognito's a P.o.S. and the hazing B.S. that runs through sports' teams and other places is absolute garbage that has almost no positive effect.


I'm annoyed as hell at the media for acting like the racial component is even important.

Posted (edited)

I am far from a PC enthusiast, and I understand your point of view, however, he would have been kicked off the team even had he not used a racial slur. You can't call someone and leave a voicemail like he did. Anywhere. You'd lose a job at Pizza Hut for that...

Well, maybe, but perhaps not...talent at that level gets extra priviledge...more than Pizza Hut talent.


The slur brings it into a new stratosphere, more than threatening to defecate in someone's mouth (!) or to kill said person (!!), which in my view is utter mindlessness. Just read the comments in one story; 90 percent are race related.


If someone A) Called me a honkey cracka, B) Said they were going to defecate in my mouth and C) Kill me, my list of grievances would be C, B with a distant like Pluto third to A.

Edited by Just in Atlanta

Incognito's a P.o.S. and the hazing B.S. that runs through sports' teams and other places is absolute garbage that has almost no positive effect.

No joke about sports worlds hazing. Wrestling was the worst hazing I have ever seen. I went to Iowa for many wrestling camps, it was tremendously intense and anyone who knows wrestling knows Univ. of Iowa's legacy. The stories I heard from the wrestlers there - they had won back to back National Championships at the time - were amazing. I will leave those stories there, though.


The hazing does have an effect, though. My freshman year I was duct taped to a hurdle for track, sophomore year for football many of us would have to carry the Seniors equipment and other silly things. Wrestling was being gagged, hands tapped and thrown out in your boxers while checking your weight to the gymnastics or cheerleading team. You'd get rolled up in the mats, given lots of red bellies and charlie horses. Occasionally someone was a real a-hole and they'd get held down by towels and guys would nail them in the gut. Often time their "crime" was that they did not make weight after challenging someone else to a wrestle-off. Other times it could be that they gave up in a match or show boated in match.




They can start by only allowing players from mixed races, so a player with ancestors from Europe (white), Asia (oriental), Africa (black), Central America (hispanic), and North America (redskin) would be a gold mine.


Golf tried that and it went great for a while but then the hookers ruined it.


They might be running with the racial angle for the wrong reasons, but to me, that's the most interesting thing about Incognito's rants. I can't picture how Incognito can get away with the racial stuff in that locker room since he's the minority there. He'll never follow up on the threats, so they are nothing more than idiotic ramblings. The racial thing though, I don't know how that doesn't paint Incognito in a horrible light in that locker room.

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