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Ya'll may think I'm crazy but I love this team, warts and all


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I disagree. Look at the age of our players & expiring contracts. Factor in our lack of depth & the fact we are $20 million under the cap, we just can't sustain injuries & win. Then turn to EJ, he's proven nothing besides the fact he is injury prone. We are still missing the key piece that consistent winners have, a franchise QB.

So you do not want to give EJ a chance. You want to cut him now and draft another Qb? Would you rather have last years team?

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I disagree. Look at the age of our players & expiring contracts. Factor in our lack of depth & the fact we are $20 million under the cap, we just can't sustain injuries & win. Then turn to EJ, he's proven nothing besides the fact he is injury prone. We are still missing the key piece that consistent winners have, a franchise QB.

EJ has proven nothing which means he hasn't proven he is NOT a franchise QB. I think what we do know is that he is at best a good manager of the game and won't create as many TOs as we've seen with Lewis and Tuel. As most posters have argued, with EJ this team is probably 5-4. Think about what that suggests. A really good football team can become a playoff contender with a QB who can manage the game without a lot of TOs. Obviously, an elite QB turns this team into a top-flight contender, but you could say that about a lot of teams.

I agree with the OP, this is a very good team, that is well-coached, and heading in the right direction.

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So you do not want to give EJ a chance. You want to cut him now and draft another Qb? Would you rather have last years team?


Oh give EJ all the chances in the world, but don't expect the second coming of Russell Wilson the last 7 games. EJ was regressing his last 2 games as defenses found the looks to rattle him. His completion percentage plummeted and his stats took a nose dive. Of course I would rather have EJ over Fitz.

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We're witnessing the growing pains of a young and talented team that is fighting its way through obstacle upon obstacle, and that includes the HC and OC. Does anyone not believe that if EJ runs out of bounds in Cleveland rather than taking that shot to the knee, the Bills are probably at least 5-4 right now? What they've had to deal with at the QB position, combined with other key injuries, is nothing short of disastrous, and yet there they were, yesterday, pushing an 8-0 team all over the field.


There are lots of things that can be improved, there's no doubt, but I think this is the start of something pretty special. The worm will turn. If not during the 2nd half of this season, then in 2014 for certain.


Those of you bitching about who should be cut, or complaining that Marrone is a horrible HC and Hackett is an awful OC, really need to step back and take a look at how the team is playing, and compare it to what you see around the rest of the league.


If you disagree with my perspective that's fine, but to me it's so clear to see the difference on the field now as compared to the past decade+. The loss hurt yesterday, but I'm enjoying the hell out of watching this team.

This is where I am eball. The criticism on this board weekly is mind boggling when the bigger picture is ignored. This Bills team IS way different than previous years, and coaching is miles better, although I do have some reservations about Hackett in the booth, all in all no better or worse than any other team in the NFL. Mistakes happen, and when they happen in bunches or at the worst possible times we as fans tend to overreact. For the first time in a very long time my heart pumps when I watch the Bills play, and yes it pumps for the wrong reasons sometimes, but in the last 13 years I've barely had reasons to believe. I get upset to a point of being bitchy for the rest of the day when they lose, to being full of life when they win. What I see is a team that is really just one consistent QB away from contending. Sure we have parts we can upgrade on the team and that's what the draft is for, but the nucleus is there and any fans should see it if they've been following this team for a while. The Bills right now remind me of the Seattle teams the couple tears prior to Wilson joining them last year. Even Seattle can't expect their defense to win games, and as good as their defense is, they're only as good as the scoreboard dictates, meaning if they're playing from behind all the time, they are limited as to what they can do. The difference is in the confidence that the offense in Seattle will find their way eventually, and they usually do. With the Buffalo Bills trying out QB's in actual games this year, the confidence isn't there, and it's normal to feel that way. The news of EJ coming back is music to my ears, but like all the other QB's we've tried out this year, EJ needs to take the reins like he owns this team. Show me the money kid!
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There's nothing crazy about it at all--- it's fairly evident that the ground has shifted and the Bills are competitive with more than mere smoke and mirrors. There's a solid talent base here and a coaching staff with a clue--- despite all of the rookie growing pains, which were to be expected.


I tend to lean optimistic in general (what's the point otherwise?), but over the past 10+ seasons, the optimism felt forced and as though it were flying in the face of logic. To not like the current state of the franchise and where it appears to be heading now feels like an attitude that flies in the face of logic.


Hope springs...

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We've been saying every game is huge for weeks now. I think we've run out of huge games. If they rattle off 5 straight wins then the last two games of the season will be huge. But this team needs to show they can win 2 in a row before I start expecting 5. Until that time, what's huge is that they just keep playing with toughness and heart, and they continue to learn what they are capable of as a team, because next year might really be good.


I meant "huge" in the sense that it will give us insight into where this team really is, mentally. In the past, they have played some "close but no cigar" games against good teams...but as the season wore on, those close games became replaced by blow-outs...Steelers are a team the Bills, you would think, should/could beat, but they will not be pushovers at home, and lots of Steeler pride in the mix. I think the Bills showing up, and, like you said, playing with toughness and heart is very important. My money is on that happening...rather than the back-sliding days of yesteryear! I agree, they need to start getting used to winning, instead of playing pretty well, but losing....but I really think this team is different than what we have had in the recent past.

Edited by Buftex
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I agree, this has the makings of a very good team (and coaching staff) that has to take its lumps and learn before they can become contenders. They're clearly headed in the right direction, and are much better to watch than the teams of the last 13 years. You're not alone, I BILLieve in this team too. They're going places once they come out of the learning stage,

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I don't agree.


I love the defense and Bills DC Pettine! However, I am starting to really dislike this new Bills OC.


The offense continues to drag this team down by trying to force rookie QB's to win the game. Yesterday was a perfect example of this.


The Chiefs won with 3 FG's on offense!!Chiefs QB 12 of 29 for 124 yards 0 TD's ,0 INT's.

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I don't agree.


I love the defense and Bills DC Pettine! However, I am starting to really dislike this new Bills OC.


The offense continues to drag this team down by trying to force rookie QB's to win the game. Yesterday was a perfect example of this.


The Chiefs won with 3 FG's on offense!!Chiefs QB 12 of 29 for 124 yards 0 TD's ,0 INT's.


How does the offense drag anything down when it racked up 470 yards? A rookie QB made a bad, predetermined throw and TJ Graham fumbled at the most inopportune time and place. Those two plays turned the game around.


Alex Smith was 19 of 29 for 124 0/0 BTW. :)

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We're witnessing the growing pains of a young and talented team that is fighting its way through obstacle upon obstacle, and that includes the HC and OC. Does anyone not believe that if EJ runs out of bounds in Cleveland rather than taking that shot to the knee, the Bills are probably at least 5-4 right now? What they've had to deal with at the QB position, combined with other key injuries, is nothing short of disastrous, and yet there they were, yesterday, pushing an 8-0 team all over the field.


There are lots of things that can be improved, there's no doubt, but I think this is the start of something pretty special. The worm will turn. If not during the 2nd half of this season, then in 2014 for certain.


Those of you bitching about who should be cut, or complaining that Marrone is a horrible HC and Hackett is an awful OC, really need to step back and take a look at how the team is playing, and compare it to what you see around the rest of the league.


If you disagree with my perspective that's fine, but to me it's so clear to see the difference on the field now as compared to the past decade+. The loss hurt yesterday, but I'm enjoying the hell out of watching this team.


I disagree with you a lot, but I really tend to agree with this. My guard is more raised though, I think. I'm hoping that these aren't the same old Bills, but I'm in no way convinced. The Bills' easy stretch of the schedule is coming up (scroll down to "Chain of Strength"). I need to see wins during this stretch, not just close games. A blowout or two would be nice. Now, this team has been way better at home than on the road, and we've only got two true home games left (Jets & Dolphins), but if we're really turning the corner, we should be able to beat Pittsburgh and Jacksonville and Tampa Bay on the road and Atlanta on a neutral field. Win five or even four of those six and they'll make a believer out of me. Or win three of those, then go on to beat the Patriots in Foxboro. Or better yet, just win out and make the playoffs! Okay, that probably won't happen, but it would be fun if it did.

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The offense continues to drag this team down by trying to force rookie QB's to win the game. Yesterday was a perfect example of this.


You are entitled to your opinion, but you're saying that Hackett calling a play that gave Tuel a run/pass option on 3rd and goal on the first drive of the 3rd quarter, with the Bills ahead by 7, is "forcing rookie QBs to win the game?"


I would have to say I disagree. Also, Hackett's playcalling got the Bills into a tie at 13 after KC had taken the lead and probably 95% of all Bills fans believed the game was over.


Tuel made a couple of big mistakes yesterday, but they weren't Hackett's fault in my opinion.

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I know I am in the minority . I can absolutely see progress but I believe I am so jaded because of so many years of complete bullcrap I guess I have a short fuse and the current regime is on a super short leash to me. I will try to be optimistic because god knows being negative is a giant succubus. We should try stringing 2 wins together maybe 3 so I can see some consistency. Then I will put my flag back on the house.


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What these past few games have proven very definitively is that you don't win in the NFL without a high quality QB. You might come close, but you just don't win.


This team desperately needs a high quality NFL QB. We hope that QB is Manuel.


Kolb/Lewis/Tuel....all not quite good enough.


This team could've/should've beaten NE/Cincy/KC and if they had they would be 6-3 instead of 3-6.

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Eball for Prez -2014! Nice post. The board is so much more enjoyable to read the day after a loss.




I used to think the off-season was brutal here...but then the regular season happens and almost makes me long for those hot, summer days...nothing like going to TSW football forum, and seeing a thread like "HACKETT NEEDS TO GO!!!!", or "WHY IS STEVE JOHNSON STILL ON THIS TEAM?". :wallbash:

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