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Jonathan Martin AWOL, Incognito suspended

uncle flap

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Can't disagree. And it's a father's job to teach his boys not to be, enable or associate with dirtbags.

Sometimes its hard to recognize dirttbags as a kid until it rather late. Sometimes as an adult too.


Most all environments chilrden grow up in are different.

But you are correct in a way. parents should prepare their offspring for when they leave the nest and then walk the good path.

Enabling bad behavoiur is just wrong out and out. Drawing a defining line is the challenge i think .

Unless the parent are garbage to begin with

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I've managed to not get caught up into this media circus.


There is one important point, and only one. The Dolphins O-line just got even worse. All that matters to me.


You guys go carry on your soap opera now...and keep up the guessing. You'll be right eventually.

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You guys go carry on your soap opera now...and keep up the guessing. You'll be right eventually.


LOL....Love this post.


The Whitlock "article"...eerrrr, I mean OPINION piece is garbage. Comparing the Fins locker room to a prison yard? Yeah, no sensationalism there. And then Whitlock has the audacity to mock & belittle other blacks (Dolphins) who are sticking up for Incognito. He (Whitlock) says that they're "stupid" and have "self-hatred." Yeah, right. Who the He!! is Whitlock to tell us WHY those teammates are backing RI, and not Martin!? Does Whitlock have some psychology/psychiatry degrees I don't know about!? And even if he did, aren't people FREE to do what they want? Incognito used the "N" word on black guys he works with, and THEY didn't think it was wrong or racist. An NFL locker room is very unique and very unlike your "normal" work setting. Of course, the violence on the field and the desire to win is also very unique.


I've always thought Whitlock was just another useless "expert"/gasbag, who probably initially got to his position because of "affirmative action", and this drivel just proves it once again.

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LOL....Love this post.


The Whitlock "article"...eerrrr, I mean OPINION piece is garbage. Comparing the Fins locker room to a prison yard? Yeah, no sensationalism there. And then Whitlock has the audacity to mock & belittle other blacks (Dolphins) who are sticking up for Incognito. He (Whitlock) says that they're "stupid" and have "self-hatred." Yeah, right. Who the He!! is Whitlock to tell us WHY those teammates are backing RI, and not Martin!? Does Whitlock have some psychology/psychiatry degrees I don't know about!? And even if he did, aren't people FREE to do what they want? Incognito used the "N" word on black guys he works with, and THEY didn't think it was wrong or racist. An NFL locker room is very unique and very unlike your "normal" work setting. Of course, the violence on the field and the desire to win is also very unique.


I've always thought Whitlock was just another useless "expert"/gasbag, who probably initially got to his position because of "affirmative action", and this drivel just proves it once again.


LOL So Whitlock isn't FREE to offer his opinion or his interpretation of the story? Sheesh, I didn't realize only whites were allowed to mock and belittle blacks. THEY should know THEIR place, right? :wallbash:


I thought that was actually a fairly apt comparison considering the degree of culture shock likely experienced by Martin. The parallels might be sensational, but it's an inherently sensational story. No matter your thoughts on what may or may not have happened, the simple fact that a player left a team alleging improper conduct by his own teammate(s) is quite extraordinary.


Sure, it's been a circus, but it's interesting to read people's interpretations, speculations, and prognostications. There's nothing wrong with wanting to reserve judgment, but don't we expect reporters and columnists to explore every angle? I think it'd be a lot more boring if there simply wasn't any coverage because the writers "just don't know" exactly what went down, or were unwilling to try to put together a story beyond the simple facts.


There is a social/psychological angle at play here. It isn't the same as simply rattling off so-and-so's rushing total in yesterday's game. But obviously, you've got it all figured out, so perhaps those who were looking for some insight into something they don't know much about should read your column instead. :lol:

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Is this even news anymore?


Well none of us determine whether or not it's news.


FWIW, just today:


1) Cornerback Dmitri Patterson became the first Dolphin player to say that he'd accept Martin back as a teammate.


2) Jay Glazer became the first member of the media to interview Incognito and that interview will air on Fox NFL Sunday at noon Eastern tomorrow.


3) Dolphin icon and patriarch Don Shula weighed in on the subject. He feels the Dolphins are tarnishing the brand by compromising themselves with people like Incognito.


4) It was made public that the Dolphins and the league were immediately made aware of the golf tournament incident and that the Dolphins took action even though no one yet knows what action that is. We do know that the Dolphins essentially covered up the incident, thus enabling Incognito to continue to act like the !@#$ that he is.


5) Former Rams Head Coach Mike Martz said that the exact reason that he and the team drafted Incognito was because he had the toughness and belligerence they felt they needed to improve the team.


These are all significant events.


While not everyone has stamina for this story, it will continue its natural news life cycle.

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LOL....Love this post.


The Whitlock "article"...eerrrr, I mean OPINION piece is garbage. Comparing the Fins locker room to a prison yard? Yeah, no sensationalism there. And then Whitlock has the audacity to mock & belittle other blacks (Dolphins) who are sticking up for Incognito. He (Whitlock) says that they're "stupid" and have "self-hatred." Yeah, right. Who the He!! is Whitlock to tell us WHY those teammates are backing RI, and not Martin!? Does Whitlock have some psychology/psychiatry degrees I don't know about!? And even if he did, aren't people FREE to do what they want? Incognito used the "N" word on black guys he works with, and THEY didn't think it was wrong or racist. An NFL locker room is very unique and very unlike your "normal" work setting. Of course, the violence on the field and the desire to win is also very unique.


I've always thought Whitlock was just another useless "expert"/gasbag, who probably initially got to his position because of "affirmative action", and this drivel just proves it once again.


His point is actually a very intelligent one. What he's saying is that he believes it's sad and self destructive that blacks in the locker room would rather identify with a tattooed up white thug than an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate black man.


You may not agree with his point and that's fine, but you can't deny that he has a lot more perspective and experience commenting on this than most.


I've read him for a long time and admire his provocative nature. I think he does an excellent job of cutting through complicated and inflammatory topics and getting to the heart of the matter.

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His point is actually a very intelligent one. What he's saying is that he believes it's sad and self destructive that blacks in the locker room would rather identify with a tattooed up white thug than an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate black man.


You may not agree with his point and that's fine, but you can't deny that he has a lot more perspective and experience commenting on this than most.


MY point was that Whitlock is saying "these black guys should think and act like me." Again, who the He!! is he to tell other black guys...or other any color people...how to think & act? Sure, he has an OPINION about it, just like millions of other folks WHO ARE NOT NFL LINEMEN, but it stinks & reeks of "this is how I think & act, so that is how you should think & act.....I know best and you don't!" And even his notion that it is "sad & self-destructive" is pure garbage. I DON'T seem to recall there being a big problem with "bullying" in NFL locker rooms, or with NFL linemen ruining their lives because they have "hazing" episodes. In fact, this incident with RI & JM is about as rare as a union worker staying awake for his full shift. LOL

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The Whitlock piece is brilliant. Drivel? Unbelievable that anyone could say that. That's why all the best sports journalists all over the country are admiring it and praising it.


LOL....Love this post.


The Whitlock "article"...eerrrr, I mean OPINION piece is garbage. Comparing the Fins locker room to a prison yard? Yeah, no sensationalism there. And then Whitlock has the audacity to mock & belittle other blacks (Dolphins) who are sticking up for Incognito. He (Whitlock) says that they're "stupid" and have "self-hatred." Yeah, right. Who the He!! is Whitlock to tell us WHY those teammates are backing RI, and not Martin!? Does Whitlock have some psychology/psychiatry degrees I don't know about!? And even if he did, aren't people FREE to do what they want? Incognito used the "N" word on black guys he works with, and THEY didn't think it was wrong or racist. An NFL locker room is very unique and very unlike your "normal" work setting. Of course, the violence on the field and the desire to win is also very unique.


I've always thought Whitlock was just another useless "expert"/gasbag, who probably initially got to his position because of "affirmative action", and this drivel just proves it once again.


Well, I do have an advanced degree in the foregoing and I think his comparison is apt. The culture of self promotion and ego centrism, militancy, promoted by hip hop culture is disgusting. If you like it, that's fine, that's your right. But a lot of us don't like Grand Theft Auto culture. Embrace it if you will. But to say he only has his job because of affirmative action is absolutely, and totally racist. If someone writes a murder shouldn't murder, or a pedophile shouldn't commit pedophilia, would that bother you too as illegitimate journalism? Conservatives hate when people talk about race 100% of the time, except when it's about the decline of white supremacy, then they play the victim and blame everyone else for their problems.


It's so strange, such a strange world we live in. I hate American politics more than I can possibly express. Whitlock is a journalist, with a strong resume, has written a lot of brilliant things over HIS LONG career. Wow, it's so amazing that you think any black man that disagrees with you doesn't deserve his job. Amazing





MY point was that Whitlock is saying "these black guys should think and act like me." Again, who the He!! is he to tell other black guys...or other any color people...how to think & act? Sure, he has an OPINION about it, just like millions of other folks WHO ARE NOT NFL LINEMEN, but it stinks & reeks of "this is how I think & act, so that is how you should think & act.....I know best and you don't!" And even his notion that it is "sad & self-destructive" is pure garbage. I DON'T seem to recall there being a big problem with "bullying" in NFL locker rooms, or with NFL linemen ruining their lives because they have "hazing" episodes. In fact, this incident with RI & JM is about as rare as a union worker staying awake for his full shift. LOL


Is this even news anymore?


ah yes, here it comes. The story is a week old, so let's stop talking about it!!!


God forbid American sports fans engage in an intellectual debate about something serious!!! I find this current discussion fascinating and frankly refreshing. Why shouldn't we talk about it? It's an interesting story, clearly something is emerging here that may have long-term implications about sports culture and the future of how NFL locker rooms are conducted. BUT LET'S STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ALREADY. This thread has over 25 thousand views, so clearly it has piqued people's attention.


But why don't you tell us what we should be interested in? Intellectual matters bore you to tears, apparently... Maybe head on over to the WWKD thread...

Edited by MarkKelso'sHelmet
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The Whitlock piece is brilliant. Drivel? Unbelievable that anyone could say that. That's why all the best sports journalists all over the country are admiring it and praising it.




Well, I do have an advanced degree in the foregoing and I think his comparison is apt. The culture of self promotion and ego centrism, militancy, promoted by hip hop culture is disgusting. If you like it, that's fine, that's your right. But a lot of us don't like Grand Theft Auto culture. Embrace it if you will. But to say he only has his job because of affirmative action is absolutely, and totally racist. If someone writes a murder shouldn't murder, or a pedophile shouldn't commit pedophilia, would that bother you too as illegitimate journalism? Conservatives hate when people talk about race 100% of the time, except when it's about the decline of white supremacy, then they play the victim and blame everyone else for their problems.


It's so strange, such a strange world we live in. I hate American politics more than I can possibly express. Whitlock is a journalist, with a strong resume, has written a lot of brilliant things over HIS LONG career. Wow, it's so amazing that you think any black man that disagrees with you doesn't deserve his job. Amazing







ah yes, here it comes. The story is a week old, so let's stop talking about it!!!


God forbid American sports fans engage in an intellectual debate about something serious!!! I find this current discussion fascinating and frankly refreshing. Why shouldn't we talk about it? It's an interesting story, clearly something is emerging here that may have long-term implications about sports culture and the future of how NFL locker rooms are conducted. BUT LET'S STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ALREADY.

yeah yeah yeah. But that was so last week. J-Lo has a baby bump this week, Amanda Bynes was seen with Alex Smith and AJ Hawk was seen out with the youngest Kardashian girl...


Gosh. Over react.

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here in our own community, another example how society treats so called "snitches" and almost admires thugs:


It's nearly impossible to fathom that this really happened: At least three teachers at Cheektowaga Central High School kept up a clearly inappropriate personal relationship with a student who had been charged with murder.


Two of the teachers joined in cellphone calls from jail, that interrupted classes, and one told the incarcerated student that a student snitch, whom she named, might testify against him. The third worked part time at the Erie County Holding Center and kept the defendant informed of events at school and in the Holding Center, where one of his relatives was also jailed.


Cheektowaga police said their investigation was hindered by a lack of cooperation from potential witnesses. That's no wonder, considering that a teacher was identifying at least one of those witnesses, making the student vulnerable to possible retaliation. The student identified by the teacher did not testify at the trial.





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The Whitlock piece is brilliant. Drivel? Unbelievable that anyone could say that. That's why all the best sports journalists all over the country are admiring it and praising it.




Well, I do have an advanced degree in the foregoing and I think his comparison is apt. The culture of self promotion and ego centrism, militancy, promoted by hip hop culture is disgusting. If you like it, that's fine, that's your right. But a lot of us don't like Grand Theft Auto culture. Embrace it if you will. But to say he only has his job because of affirmative action is absolutely, and totally racist. If someone writes a murder shouldn't murder, or a pedophile shouldn't commit pedophilia, would that bother you too as illegitimate journalism? Conservatives hate when people talk about race 100% of the time, except when it's about the decline of white supremacy, then they play the victim and blame everyone else for their problems.


It's so strange, such a strange world we live in. I hate American politics more than I can possibly express. Whitlock is a journalist, with a strong resume, has written a lot of brilliant things over HIS LONG career. Wow, it's so amazing that you think any black man that disagrees with you doesn't deserve his job. Amazing







ah yes, here it comes. The story is a week old, so let's stop talking about it!!!


God forbid American sports fans engage in an intellectual debate about something serious!!! I find this current discussion fascinating and frankly refreshing. Why shouldn't we talk about it? It's an interesting story, clearly something is emerging here that may have long-term implications about sports culture and the future of how NFL locker rooms are conducted. BUT LET'S STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ALREADY. This thread has over 25 thousand views, so clearly it has piqued people's attention.


But why don't you tell us what we should be interested in? Intellectual matters bore you to tears, apparently... Maybe head on over to the WWKD thread...




Great post.


It's sad, but it's the twitterization of our culture. Throw out 140 characters and get over it. Next topic. What's Justin Bieber doing?


You should also read his linked article to what happened with Dez and his take on that. It's provocative but really interesting. 68% out of wedlock rate! Wow.

Edited by dubs
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On no 4, it was probably handled by promoting incognito to the leadership council.



This is going to sound silly and stupid, but I think there is at least a chance that the Dolphins did exactly that. That is, they took a player in RI with a history of immature jackassery and gambled that the weight and responsibility of being a team leader would get him to channel his aggression into more productive channels (i.e., hurting the opponents more than his teammates).


I am NOT endorsing that plan, just saying that could have been the plan from the Dolphins coaches.


I've done it with my 8 year old boy and it worked for a while. Although he is light years ahead of RI in emotional maturity, even in his Star Wars pajamas.



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I made my comment in jest, but what you said makes perfect sense. I have done this myself. Give a slacker a position of leadership to try to motivate them.


Given they let every member of last years walk and have not just Richie but pouncey on it this year.... I think they just are terrible at identifying long term locker room leaders and are lacking vision.


Your talking about empowering a slacker to step up not enabling a guy that thinks the world should bend to his beliefs already to dictate from a platform.


If I were tannehill I'd stop attending the meetings!

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it is amazing that now, even in the media, there are so many taking a moral high ground based on their principles and experience in the league when they were a part of this very culture. I do not care what some player relevant to the game 10 years ago is thinking today, I want to know what he was doing to address and change this 10 years ago. Most likely, nothing.

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it is amazing that now, even in the media, there are so many taking a moral high ground based on their principles and experience in the league when they were a part of this very culture. I do not care what some player relevant to the game 10 years ago is thinking today, I want to know what he was doing to address and change this 10 years ago. Most likely, nothing.



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it is amazing that now, even in the media, there are so many taking a moral high ground based on their principles and experience in the league when they were a part of this very culture. I do not care what some player relevant to the game 10 years ago is thinking today, I want to know what he was doing to address and change this 10 years ago. Most likely, nothing.


Strong point.

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Is this worse then spygate in New England?


Is this worse then the bountygate in New Orleans?


Is this the best thing we could as for as Bills fans?


No, it's not really- and I don't think you'll see the same draft pick penalties, or suspensions, unless a twist is yet to come. Them not being fired would be a commentary on how much leash having a Super Bowl ring gets you.


Though I think the uniqueness of the three across the league is less than the nfl wants to admit. Maybe got a little further pushing the boundary than many and Mangini, cerullo and now Martin are just the first 3 to really force the nfls hand.

Edited by NoSaint
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