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My wife had one in 2011 as a result of a vertebral artery dissection after running a triathlon. It was very painful, and destroyed almost 1/4 of her cerebellum. She was 37 at the time, and in amazing shape.


She's recovered fully. As a matter of fact, she ran two triathlons this past summer, the Boston Marathon this past spring, and the NY Marathon this past weekend.


In short, age and health doesn't matter. It can happen for any number of reasons. And you can recover fully depending on the severity. The brain has redundancy built in. It still sucks, though. This isn't a toothache, and people shouldn't joke about it.

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Kubiak had a Transient Ischemic Attack, or as it's known, a "mini-stroke." No long-lasting problems from it, but they need to determine the cause.

with any stroke there are long lasting problems. A TIA is a serious warning that you might have the real stroke sooner than later. I know first hand from my Mom, she has had 2 major strokes and 2 TIA's.


Any stroke is no joke let me tell ya. The recovery period is long since there is brain damage. She recovered from her first stroke nicely almost back too normal.


The second one really disabled her to the point that she needs daily care.


I hope Coach never has to go threw what my Mom did.


Glad he's OK. I'm here in Houston and generally speaking, on most days (especially Mondays) he's public enemy number one (perhaps he and Schaub share that title). I was glad to see the amount of concern that fellow Houstonians displayed last night and today.


Feeling like someone is a bad coach is far from wishing them dead. I don't care how much I dislike a coach or player. I would never wish them dead. I'm sure that's how most Houstonians feel.

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