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EJ might be better when he gets back.


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Geno does throw a beautiful ball. It usually goes to the defender, but beautiful nonetheless.

clearly, you haven't listened to Gruden. smith is a great guy. Incredible. He has potential to be a star in this league
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Sorry E.J. got hurt. And to those who say he can only learn by playing ..... that's true here's some things to consider.


He can still see the speed of the game. Maybe this will cause him to play faster.


Seeing what what Lewis has missed on his reads. There are some plays Woods is wide open. Hopefully EJ will take advantage of when he returns because I think that is the combo the Bills will need the most.


Seeing Lewis take those massive hits . I hope EJ has learned that self protection is just as important as completing passes.


Even tho he is not playing now I think he will be better once he gets back.


We can generate some positives from EJs injuries and some of them are valid points. One you didn't mention is that he was said to have spent some time in the booth to get a bigger picture on the offense.


However my biggest disappointment of the season is that his injuries have taken valuable reps away from him and that the growing pains that I thought would be significantly behind him by midseason are assuredly still ahead of him.


I feel like NFL game experience is the biggest ingredient he needs and the one he isn't getting.


Check it out sometime. Watch a few pass plays for each, just looking at the QB.


Geno takes a classic drop, ball high, eyes downfield. When his head turns, his feet and whole body turn, ready to fire. When he throws, it has good velocity because he drives the ball, because his feet are properly set. He climbs the pocket well, still head up, ball up (usually), and feet moving correctly.


EJ seems to try to use his "arm talent" to fling the ball to a receiver he just spotted. He seldom climbs the pocket, preferring to lower the ball and take off to find a clear patch of grass outside the pocket so he can (hopefully) set himself up to throw.


I'd rather have EJ. But I really want him to work on footwork. Arm-talent is for college.


Totally agree with your post.


I'm hopeful that Nate Hackett is truly a good QB coach because that's what EJ really needs. He possesses everything needed to be a great QB.


All he needs is game experience and good coaching IMO.

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Lewis to Goodwin connection has been even better. Goodwin needs to play more...He has a better presence on the field.

That's the nexus of the issue wrt EJ losing SIGNIFICANT playing time this year - including the preseason.

He's NOT developing the timing and chemistry with his receivers. Whatever Lewis or Tuel or Joe Badabeep does is flotsam.

None of them have the ability to be the franchise QB. EJ does. It's his development that we need to be watching... and it ain't happening this year so far.

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