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Is Tom Brady in decline?

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I just had a similar discussing with my aunt this past week, who is from NO. I am under the opinion that with the abismal season last year from the Saints, Peyton and Brees should not both be considered HoF. Tom Brady and Peyton Manning win more than 7 games last year with that Saints team. I know that those guys are considered the best in the business, but we are talking Hall of Fame. Manning makes every coach he has had look like an elite coach, when the fact of the matter is each one was extremely mediocre pre-Manning.


If Brees is elite, NO wins more games. Period. Brees can be remembered as a very very very good QB, but he seems to be a function (to a certain extent) of Peyton at this point. So I don't buy into the look at Brees as an example for Tom Brady nonsense


the saints defense was worse than the bills defense last year. aaron kromer didnt handle head coach well, and on his return joe vitt single handedly also blew some really easy decisions that lost them games.


brees was pretty solid considering the storm going on around that team last year. it wasnt near as simple as just plucking SP from the roster and seeing what bress would do with a different head coach and all else held the same.

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Tic Toc Tic Toc......as soon as Brady is done I am quite sure Bellicheck will leave too....he is not going to hang around a 6-10 team....The pats have this year....next year is going to be hard for them to cruise through the AFC east...the Bills are going to be more than just the tough out they are this year and Geno - if he is good Geno more than bad Geno could make the Jets tough...AND Brady is another year older..... as long as the Fish stick with Tanny......Tic Toc Tic Toc

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Tic Toc Tic Toc......as soon as Brady is done I am quite sure Bellicheck will leave too....he is not going to hang around a 6-10 team....The pats have this year....next year is going to be hard for them to cruise through the AFC east...the Bills are going to be more than just the tough out they are this year and Geno - if he is good Geno more than bad Geno could make the Jets tough...AND Brady is another year older..... as long as the Fish stick with Tanny......Tic Toc Tic Toc


depends on how he feels about Ryan Mallet

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Tic Toc Tic Toc......as soon as Brady is done I am quite sure Bellicheck will leave too....he is not going to hang around a 6-10 team....The pats have this year....next year is going to be hard for them to cruise through the AFC east...the Bills are going to be more than just the tough out they are this year and Geno - if he is good Geno more than bad Geno could make the Jets tough...AND Brady is another year older..... as long as the Fish stick with Tanny......Tic Toc Tic Toc


if thats the case, expect BB the GM to sell out to get BB the coach another ring. i think how he treats the next offseason or two will speak volumes for his future plans.

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Also may depend on how Mallet feels about cocaine


He can feel all he wants about Mallet - but I would bet he is not Brady 2 - the Pats hit the lottery once....BB is just another coach (as are most coaches - ask Shanny) with an average QB

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Look, I don't think that anyone is saying Brady is bad. There's a reason his team is still the division leader, and it's because he's the strongest QB in the division.


That said, I don't think that you can ignore that this is not the Brady we're used to seeing. Yes, he's lost a few people. But that didn't used to matter. It didn't matter when the Pats run game sucked, Brady was just that good.


He's still good, and still a top 10 QB (at least), but injuries rack up. Remember Favre left Green Bay at 38 and people were talking about how he should retire with grace. He still played three more seasons, but he clearly wasn't the same man for the Jets and Vikings than he was for Green Bay. I doubt Brady plans to retire, but I think that within a few years he will, right around the time Tannehill, EJ and Geno will have a few years of seasoning.


Agreed. As usual on this board, there needs to be this strawman on one side that implies "declining = sucks".


I just had a similar discussing with my aunt this past week, who is from NO. I am under the opinion that with the abismal season last year from the Saints, Peyton and Brees should not both be considered HoF. Tom Brady and Peyton Manning win more than 7 games last year with that Saints team. I know that those guys are considered the best in the business, but we are talking Hall of Fame. Manning makes every coach he has had look like an elite coach, when the fact of the matter is each one was extremely mediocre pre-Manning.


If Brees is elite, NO wins more games. Period. Brees can be remembered as a very very very good QB, but he seems to be a function (to a certain extent) of Peyton at this point.


Wow. How much better is he this year than last? The difference w/ the Saints is clearly their defense making the jump from historically bad to at least mediocre (which is a massive difference). Even if the thing about Brady/Manning were true, two of the top five greatest ever is an awfully high standard even for the HoF.


So I don't buy into the look at Brees as an example for Tom Brady nonsense


Whatever. My point was Brees has never had the benefit of a Welker or Moss (or a Gronk equivalent until two years ago). Why does Brady need them now when Brees never has (and Brady didn't used to either as Merriman mentioned above)? You can rationalize it with Payton being the greatest offensive mind in history if you'd like. I'm going with the 36yr old QB losing a step.

Edited by BuffOrange
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Tom Brady losing battle vs. undefeated opponent — time: http://www.sportingn...?eadid=EL/SICOM


I have heard this discussed a few times this season.

It has to happen sooner or later. He can't play forever. Happened to Kelly, Mario, Farve, Montana. Just to name a few.


Age and the beatings take their toll on players.


If I where Tom , maybe one year. He has nothing to prove to anybody and has a Supermodel as a wifey.


I repeat he has a supermodel wife. Heck, I would have retired and 2 years ago after Moss left and served as stud to my wife.


Seriously, why get beat up every week, beat that pu$$y and be happy with life. :)

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How much of this is lack of support from receivers? I hope he's in decline, but really i think he'sm just missing Welker, Gronk, Hernandez, Branch & Lloyd. Edelman has been his best receiver and I wouldn't consider him anything special.


.... but .... in 2006 his recievers were ... drumroll please ... Troy Brown, Reche Caldwell, Brandon Childress, Doug Gabriel, Chad Jackson, Jabar Gaffney, Kelvin Knight, and Johnathan Smith, and they went 14 and 5 that season (and it wasn't on the strength of their running game).


In the past Brady made his recievers great ... now he needs great recievers,Tom Terrific isn't that guy who can carry the team on his back anymore .... still a damn good QB, but definatly on the decline.

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I don't know about Brady, but Gronkowski appears to be in decline. Limited in practice today with a hamstring injury. You get the feeling this guy will never be healthy for any length of time again.

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I don't know about Brady, but Gronkowski appears to be in decline. Limited in practice today with a hamstring injury. You get the feeling this guy will never be healthy for any length of time again.

Gronk has a ton of health issues & I think most of this stems from his back problems @ Arizona. If he was healthy coming into the draft he was a sure fire 1st rounder, probably a top 15 pick. My guess some teams stayed away from him due to health concerns.

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How much of this is lack of support from receivers? I hope he's in decline, but really i think he'sm just missing Welker, Gronk, Hernandez, Branch & Lloyd. Edelman has been his best receiver and I wouldn't consider him anything special.

I agree he also said he wants to play till he's 50 yes Fifty

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Frankly, I think you are selling short what hes done on the field and focusing on the stat line too heavily. While it isnt his best year, he isnt making terrible mistakes, receivers are dropping some great passes, and they are winning and no position in sports contributes more to that than qb.


are you arguing the rest of the roster is covering for him?

Brady's stats aren't very good. While he's not completely the blame for them, they are what they are and obviously other parts of the team are compensating for the poor passing game.


And with Vollmer out, it's only going to get worse.

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I remember I used to spend time in a high school girls room where she had a poster on the ceiling. "If you aim for the stars, the least you will get is the the sky." While I did not know what it meant at the time, it's been at least a week and now I understand it. Tom Brady got to the stars and now he's just falling back to Earth and still in the sky. He'll take a long slow decline and still be among the top 5 QB's in the league.

ahhh the old taking advise from a high school girl routine........ well isn't that just fabulous

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