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Is Tom Brady in decline?

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He's certainly been uncharacteristically inaccurate this season with misses on some throws that are normally routine for him.

It's only natural for a player's abilities to decline. I said last off-season that at best he had 1, maybe 2, more good years. I guess I was giving him too much credit.

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I remember I used to spend time in a high school girls room where she had a poster on the ceiling. "If you aim for the stars, the least you will get is the the sky." While I did not know what it meant at the time, it's been at least a week and now I understand it. Tom Brady got to the stars and now he's just falling back to Earth and still in the sky. He'll take a long slow decline and still be among the top 5 QB's in the league.

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How much of this is lack of support from receivers? I hope he's in decline, but really i think he'sm just missing Welker, Gronk, Hernandez, Branch & Lloyd. Edelman has been his best receiver and I wouldn't consider him anything special.

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How much of this is lack of support from receivers? I hope he's in decline, but really i think he'sm just missing Welker, Gronk, Hernandez, Branch & Lloyd. Edelman has been his best receiver and I wouldn't consider him anything special.


I'm with you on this. I think the rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. While I hope this is the case, I won't be putting any nails in that coffin until he's clearly going down.

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It's true that the supporting cast isn't helping, but he is getting old, and he has played extra games every season. I think he has had more lingering injuries than has been let on, through the years.

I am writing this really small so less people will read it. But, the guy is one hell of a QB and has done some great things, even tainted and having some question marks he plays with heart and plays incredibly. If he were to win one last ring, well, I'd not lose much sleep over jut one more. I can rationalize that by thinking we are not ready for a ring this year and maybe next.


That felt awful to say.

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wishful thinking for Bills fans...


Sure, he and his #22 ranked offense are no longer ranked the # ONE offense in both points & Yards like they were last season. But there are reasons....


#1) No WR Wes Welker to catch 100+ passes, as he is now in Denver. Then the player they brought in to replace Welker in Danny Amendola in true to his past as he has been injured a lot this season

#2) No TE's as both Gronkowski was out the first 6 weeks as he was recovering from an injury. Also, the Pats #2 TE Aaron Hernandez on their depth chart is gone because he is sitting in jail pending a murder trial.

#3) The Patriots let 3 WR's, Dion Branch, Brandon Lloyd & Donte Stallworth & TE Kellen Winslow Jr all leave. So they are left with Rookie WR's Aaron Dobson & Kenbrell Thompson who are both just learning the offense.

#4) The run game hasn't been quite the same with Shane Vareen on IR, and the primary RB Stevan Ridley riding the bench due to fumble - injury problems.

#5) 3rd down & possession receiving RB Danny Woodhead is now in san Diego


The Patriots still have possession WR Julian Edelman, they now have WR Amendola & TE Gronk back playing. RB Stevan Ridley looks to back in form. Although, the Patriots may never get back to that #1 ranking this season because they just lost starting RT for the season to a broken leg. I feel it won't be very long before those rookie WR's are tearing it up for Tom & Bill.


The Patriots were without their most productive offensive players the first 8 games this season, and STILL went 6-2.


well of course he is but give him a cast like Atlanta has and he would be as dangerous as anyone, but it's coming to an end

HA, Atlanta...


The only guy in that receiver corp doing anything this season is TE Tony G, as both Roddy White & Julio Jones (on IR) have done nothing so far this year. Kinda why the Falcons are 2-5.


Brady is way better then Matt Ryan anyway.

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