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Adolescence and the pursuit of boobies

The Big Cat

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On the heels of this eye-opening exploartion, I'm bumping this over here because it came up in the trade deadline thread, and I know there's got to be some great anecdotes.


With the access to the Internet afforded to today's young males, getting a glimpse at boobies just isn't the decathlon it used to be. I fear that when you take the effort out of it, so goes the enjoyment and satisfaction as well.


I grew up a 90's kid, so obviously my experiences were much different than yours. But I vividly remember discovering my dad's collection of late 70's early 80's Playboys when I was 10. The older neighborhood kids soon took a fond interest in hanging out in our basement. Likewise, I can remember on at least one occasion having several friends over, splaying those babies out over the basement carpet and going through them one by one.


Each week the newspaper had a TV guide insert magazine and each week I'd flip to the back to comb through which upcoming HBO content contained "nudity" and/or "strong sexual content." If something appeared, I'd make a mental note of it. If there was weekend programming before or around 10 pm: JACKPOT. I can't tell you how many LOUSY cop drama/thrillers from the 80's/90's I've watched JUST to catch a peek at a boob or two.


What about you guys? I'd venture to guess none of us grew up with the Internet--how'd you manage YOUR fix?

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In my generation or era everything was printed. So undoubtedly somebody had access to a stash of mags like their father's, an uncle's etc, etc. it is wild to think how quickly and easily accessible materials are to kids today. Normal nudity is probably not a big deal but there are all kinds of bizarre hardcore materials a click or two away.

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Our generation had no bras. :thumbsup:


Reminds me of an old joke:


An elderly couple is eating breakfast. The wife says to her husband remember when we were young we would eat in the nude? The husband says to her we can relive our glory days let's get naked! After disrobing the wife says gee honey your nakedness still makes me hot for you ... my breasts are on fire right now. The husband says well you may be turned on by my nakedness but your boobs are on fire because the right one is in your coffee and your left one is in your oatmeal.



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Reminds me of an old joke:


An elderly couple is eating breakfast. The wife says to her husband remember when we were young we would eat in the nude? The husband says to her we can relive our glory days let's get naked! After disrobing the wife says gee honey your nakedness still makes me hot for you ... my breasts are on fire right now. The husband says well you may be turned on by my nakedness but your boobs are on fire because the right one is in your coffee and your left one is in your oatmeal.


Doesn't remind me of an old joke. Reminds me of last weekend walking through Berkeley.

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On the heels of this eye-opening exploartion, I'm bumping this over here because it came up in the trade deadline thread, and I know there's got to be some great anecdotes.


With the access to the Internet afforded to today's young males, getting a glimpse at boobies just isn't the decathlon it used to be. I fear that when you take the effort out of it, so goes the enjoyment and satisfaction as well.


I grew up a 90's kid, so obviously my experiences were much different than yours. But I vividly remember discovering my dad's collection of late 70's early 80's Playboys when I was 10. The older neighborhood kids soon took a fond interest in hanging out in our basement. Likewise, I can remember on at least one occasion having several friends over, splaying those babies out over the basement carpet and going through them one by one.


Each week the newspaper had a TV guide insert magazine and each week I'd flip to the back to comb through which upcoming HBO content contained "nudity" and/or "strong sexual content." If something appeared, I'd make a mental note of it. If there was weekend programming before or around 10 pm: JACKPOT. I can't tell you how many LOUSY cop drama/thrillers from the 80's/90's I've watched JUST to catch a peek at a boob or two.


What about you guys? I'd venture to guess none of us grew up with the Internet--how'd you manage YOUR fix?


This sounds a lot like the mid 90's for me too. Pretty much spot on

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My friend's parents got a free month of HBO about the time it started ( late 70s). Thing is, Adelphia never came to turn it off for many years. On a Saturday nights they would start with a hard R movie after HBO went off the air (about Midnight or 12:30) and the third or fourth movie was an X. I remember a few had Harry Reems.

Edited by Wacka
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My friend's parents got a free month of HBO about the time it started ( late 70s). Thing is, Adelphia never came to turn it off for many years. On a Saturday nights they would start with a hard R movie after HBO went off the air (about Midnight or 12:30) and the third or fourth movie was an X. I remember a few had Harry Reems.


LoL... We had cable. One of the first in our family, 1970's... Remember the corded channel box? Had about a mile of cord, three band selector and the push buttons. Anyway, we had "The Playboy Channel." My great (yes great) aunt & uncle would come to visit... This had to be late 1970's and my great uncle (my father's father's brother) would make a bee line right to the basement and hit The Playboy Channel... He was like 80+ years old. Again, this was the late 1970's. Man he couldn't get enough! They lived out in the country on a farm where one couldn't get cable. The poor guy couldn't get enough! Man would he have been in his glory today! Supposedly, he was like the stag party king back in the day. First to arrive, last to leave! That had to be the 1920's and 30's... LoL...


See boyst, what farm living would have done to you back in the day! You would have been hold up in the barn w/your cows and bad 8mm flim and dreaming of the day you could go visit your nephew who had Playboy Channel in the suburbs! ;-P ;-P

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LoL... We had cable. One of the first in our family, 1970's... Remember the corded channel box? Had about a mile of cord, three band selector and the push buttons. Anyway, we had "The Playboy Channel." My great (yes great) aunt & uncle would come to visit... This had to be late 1970's and my great uncle (my father's father's brother) would make a bee line right to the basement and hit The Playboy Channel... He was like 80+ years old. Again, this was the late 1970's. Man he couldn't get enough! They lived out in the country on a farm where one couldn't get cable. The poor guy couldn't get enough! Man would he have been in his glory today! Supposedly, he was like the stag party king back in the day. First to arrive, last to leave! That had to be the 1920's and 30's... LoL...


See boyst, what farm living would have done to you back in the day! You would have been hold up in the barn w/your cows and bad 8mm flim and dreaming of the day you could go visit your nephew who had Playboy Channel in the suburbs! ;-P ;-P


That's gold!


I'm also curious if posters here have sons of a certain age and how porous the blockade is between them and carnal knowledge nowadays.


Lest we forget, it's A LOT easier to come by now AND while Chef might call nudey magazines from the 70's "porn," the Internet has a much MUCH different definition of "porn." Kinda blows the whole innocence thing right out of the water.

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Once you see one set of boobies...







you want to see them all! :w00t:




In grad school I lived in a condo and at the community pool this nice looking woman pushed herself up out of the water at the side of the pool. Immediately in front of her was this 4 or 5 year old boy. As she pushed up her top fell off so her boobs were free and basically hanging right in the kids face. Even at that age he was fascinated ... The look on his face was priceless. It helped that she had a nice set and really didn't much freak out over the whole thing.



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That's gold!


I'm also curious if posters here have sons of a certain age and how porous the blockade is between them and carnal knowledge nowadays.


Lest we forget, it's A LOT easier to come by now AND while Chef might call nudey magazines from the 70's "porn," the Internet has a much MUCH different definition of "porn." Kinda blows the whole innocence thing right out of the water.


Son who will 13 in March. We have all the blocks set up etc....but these kids know how to jailbreak bout anything, including net nanny etc. so we have plenty of talks about how porn is a movie, just like COD is a game...not real life etc. I know he watching it somewhere.


We never had HBO, but CITY Tv out of Toronto had blue movies on late Saturday ...first boobie scenes for me.


I do remember having the Penthouse hidden in my closet in 9th grade. Can't for the life of me remember how I got it.

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Each week the newspaper had a TV guide insert magazine and each week I'd flip to the back to comb through which upcoming HBO content contained "nudity" and/or "strong sexual content." If something appeared, I'd make a mental note of it. If there was weekend programming before or around 10 pm: JACKPOT. I can't tell you how many LOUSY cop drama/thrillers from the 80's/90's I've watched JUST to catch a peek at a boob or two.


What about you guys? I'd venture to guess none of us grew up with the Internet--how'd you manage YOUR fix?


Totally with you on this. I can't tell you how many awful CBC dramas I sat through.

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Son who will 13 in March. We have all the blocks set up etc....but these kids know how to jailbreak bout anything, including net nanny etc. so we have plenty of talks about how porn is a movie, just like COD is a game...not real life etc. I know he watching it somewhere.


We never had HBO, but CITY Tv out of Toronto had blue movies on late Saturday ...first boobie scenes for me.


I do remember having the Penthouse hidden in my closet in 9th grade. Can't for the life of me remember how I got it.


And I'm sure you could set up a digital Fort Knox, and it won't do **** to prevent him from getting a hold of it the way a lot of us did: from that deviant lackey kid who's got it now on his phone, his tablet, his laptop and has all his bookmarks in the cloud so they can be accessed from anywhere.


We had the friend with the cable box that kinda got good reception on the Spice channel. But there was only one box in his house: his parents room. Didn't stop us from lining up on his parents bed and talk our way through what were or weren't seeing.

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A good friend of mine growing up, used to get his "fix" by ordering those softcore movies off of Time Warner back in the 90's.


Weird thing was, it was obviously would show up on his parents bill. To deal with this, he would watch whatever he ordered and immediately call his mother afterword explaining how he was watching TV and this porn just mysteriously came on. His mom would then call Time Warner and they would have it removed from the bill. And he did this multiple times! How his mom or Time Warner never questioned it, I'll never know.


I on the other hand had a old school sattelite dishe growing up. The ones with the huge dishes that moved as you changed satellite. It was easy enough to find the right stations.

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