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Mother files complaint, says her son in HS was bullied because...

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I played QB on our Pop Warner football team. We sucked big time. The only way I knew if my passes were a completion or an interception were based on what side of the field cheered because I was always flat on my back after I threw the ball. Did I feel like we were bullied? No, I felt like we sucked balls. But I was still having fun.

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Lol...........no slant to the way that story was written.


The winning coaches huddled together "feeling bad"



If winning by a lopsided score is bullying....................who will play some of these tiny rural schools.



My daughters played on our local HS volleyball team, they were always good (undefeated or 1 -2 losses) and whenever we played this other school (that was consistently awful, they cheered if they even got it over the net) it was never a problem because the coach on the losing team was so good and supportive to all her girls regardless of their play, that a sense of sportmanship always ran thru those matches (and the crowd) because of the wonderful example these coaches set.



The parents that filed the lawsuit aren't just hurting their kids, but evryone at that school.

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Here's a great way to help your self of steam. Do what our high school wrestling team did. They had a match every year against the Batavia School for the Blind. Or better yet, if your football team is having self of steam issues have the school suit up the girls field hockey team (do they still play field hockey?). Well hmmm that may not work. All of my sisters played field hockey and they were some tough girls. Lot's of bruises and black eyes on that team.



Oh and note to parents. One sure way to get your child bullied at school is to file a bullying complaint against the team that just whipped your son's ass.

Edited by Chef Jim
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I am not really for it yet, why not have a "mercy rule?" Don't some baseball tourneys use that rule? Heck, the game would be over by the second half and everybody can move on. 91-0... Ouch, what a slaughter! LoL That's like Kazakhstan (sp) beating Thailand in hockey 50 something to 1. Supposedly the arena erupted when Thailand scored! There is only 60 minutes in hockey, how the heck does a team score almost 60 goals? Is Stevie Wonder in net? Ray Charles and Stephen Hawking playing defense for this football team?


It is ridiculous that this called bullying. I am all for yanking the plug though on these stiff games. The competition that this team plays has been seriously lapped. What they need to do is sh*tcan the bullying BS and rethink the competition this team plays... Put them up against some better teams.

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I am not really for it yet, why not have a "mercy rule?" Don't some baseball tourneys use that rule? Heck, the game would be over by the second half and everybody can move on. 91-0... Ouch, what a slaughter! LoL That's like Kazakhstan (sp) beating Thailand in hockey 50 something to 1. Supposedly the arena erupted when Thailand scored! There is only 60 minutes in hockey, how the heck does a team score almost 60 goals? Is Stevie Wonder in net? Ray Charles and Stephen Hawking playing defense for this football team?


It is ridiculous that this called bullying. I am all for yanking the plug though on these stiff games. The competition that this team plays has been seriously lapped. What they need to do is sh*tcan the bullying BS and rethink the competition this team plays... Put them up against some better teams.


As someone whos been on the losing end of a "mercy rule," I actually found it more embarassing than finishing out the game.

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Here's a great way to help your self of steam. Do what our high school wrestling team did. They had a match every year against the Batavia School for the Blind. Or better yet, if your football team is having self of steam issues have the school suit up the girls field hockey team (do they still play field hockey?). Well hmmm that may not work. All of my sisters played field hockey and they were some tough girls. Lot's of bruises and black eyes on that team.



Oh and note to parents. One sure way to get your child bullied at school is to file a bullying complaint against the team that just whipped your son's ass.

wrestling blind kids is hard. You cannot break contact with them
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Not really related to the OP's Football article, but an opinion piece on Bullying.



The bullies will keep winning if kids don’t fight back


By Karol Markowicz


As parents across the country read the story of Rebecca Ann Sedwick, the bullied 12-year-old Florida girl who killed herself last month, it’s impossible not to imagine what we’d tell our own kids to do in her situation.


Central to that conversation is the question of why. Why does this happen?


The world has changed, we tell ourselves. There were always bullies, sure, but now there is a nonstop barrage in the form of text messages, tweets, Facebook statuses, Snapchats and probably a dozen other social-media sites that kids are using that we haven’t even heard of yet.

Or we say: It’s the parent’s fault. They didn’t monitor their children closely enough, didn’t care that their child was being abusive.


But there have always been absentee parents and mean children. Yes, the Internet provides more opportunities for a kind of bullying, but what’s really changed is that real bullies don’t face consequences anymore.


It used to be that bullies had something to worry about. The bullied kid might catch them alone and beat them up. These days, that’s hardly a risk at all. We’ve become a society that views physical force, even in self-defense, as unacceptable.


Never mind that children are jumping off rooftops because of words; it’s fists we’ve banned completely.


Across the country, there are stories of bullied kids who fought back . . . and were promptly suspended or expelled. Last year, 9-year-old Nathan Pemberton of Colorado Springs fought back after his bully physically attacked him. He was suspended.


The school district issued a statement: “District 11 schools employ many anti-bullying teaching techniques . . . and none of these methods include violence or retaliation.” Silly!


Last week in Stafford, Texas, a bullied girl who was getting beat up by her tormentor dared to not just take it. She was promptly expelled despite the fact that this was a modern sort of fight — that is, caught entirely on cell-phone video. Is the official policy to just quietly surrender when you’re being pummeled?


After Sedwick’s death, her 14-year old tormentor kept up her online bile, posting: “Yes ik [i know] I bullied REBECCA nd she killed her self but IDGAF [i don’t give a f - - - ]” on her Facebook page. This is not a person worried about repercussions.


While the Polk County sheriff’s office is bringing charges against the girl and her 12-year-old accomplice, they’re unlikely to really be punished.


The bullies of our youth could be stopped with a surprise punch. The ones of today have protection from that, thanks to our zero-tolerance policies. We’re raising a generation of superbullies.


We don’t give the good kids a fair chance to stand up to the bad ones.


We let the bullies hide behind their keyboards and never have to see the real-world consequences of their actions. If they did, maybe they’d GAF.

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Chef uses that miss spelling every day. Much like Tom with you %&@!$ idiots. Like the Bee Gees old hits go on and on.


The origination of "self of steam" comes from the self proclaimed "King of the Shoutbox". Other malaprops from the canine boy include "lamb basted", "wear with all" and "mute point". He makes Yogi Berra look like a Roads Scholar.

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The origination of "self of steam" comes from the self proclaimed "King of the Shoutbox". Other malaprops from the canine boy include "lamb basted", "wear with all" and "mute point". He makes Yogi Berra look like a Roads Scholar.


You got bullied a lot in school I bet

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This is how we were taught. From the Andy Griffith Show Opie and the Bully.


Opie is having to put up with a bully, Sheldon, who is demanding 5 cents from him every morning on his way to school. Sheldon says the alternative is a knuckle sandwich. As Opie keeps asking everyone for an extra nickel, including Barney, the Deputy decides to follow him top learn what is going on. Learning that Opie is being bullied, Andy tries to get him to understand that often, bullies are all talk and no action and that facing him, regardless of the outcome, is better than being scared all of the time. The result is a black eye for Opie but freedom from Sheldon.



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This is how we were taught. From the Andy Griffith Show Opie and the Bully.


Opie is having to put up with a bully, Sheldon, who is demanding 5 cents from him every morning on his way to school. Sheldon says the alternative is a knuckle sandwich. As Opie keeps asking everyone for an extra nickel, including Barney, the Deputy decides to follow him top learn what is going on. Learning that Opie is being bullied, Andy tries to get him to understand that often, bullies are all talk and no action and that facing him, regardless of the outcome, is better than being scared all of the time. The result is a black eye for Opie but freedom from Sheldon.



Now isn't that cute. What about when the bullying is constant harassment and emotional damage?
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