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Still another woman driver video

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Fixed it for you. She just needed to back into the empty slots behind her and drive off. This is laughable and scary at the same time.

My tractor might be 18'? My truck is 25'. A truck is a lot harder to maneuver, as well. If I had a SuperSteer New Holland I could do 5' circles.


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I really want to believe this is fake. Surely no one can be that dumb?


You want to know how dumb drivers are? Go to a grocery store and watch them push shopping carts.


In this lady's defense, I don't think anyone else in that lot knew how to park either. That entire parking lot looked like a meeting of the American Foundation for the Blind.

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She is the only one who parked properly. The white vehicle (BMW?) next to her did the doosh double spot move first. Then everyone else has to follow suit.


What the hell is a K turn?


And I call bull on Boyst for his 20 second claim. I'm sure his girlfriend could tell us what he can do in 20 seconds without even "putting the truck in drive."

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4 points? Even at 25', I would think 1 point would be enough.

I know for sure 4 pts because the guess work. I could just push'm out the way.


She is the only one who parked properly. The white vehicle (BMW?) next to her did the doosh double spot move first. Then everyone else has to follow suit.


What the hell is a K turn?


And I call bull on Boyst for his 20 second claim. I'm sure his girlfriend could tell us what he can do in 20 seconds without even "putting the truck in drive."

In order with out asking... Sex, get dressed, snack, drink and couch turning TV on at the same time. Some times I hurry and can get a quick piss in before hitting :20.

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So it's a 3-point turn?



In order with out asking... Sex, get dressed, snack, drink and couch turning TV on at the same time. Some times I hurry and can get a quick piss in before hitting :20.


You've got one lucky girl, there. My wife is jealous.

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