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is this FO using the Seattle method

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I live near Seattle and am a huge sports fan. I listen to the local sports talk station all the time. When Pete was hired as the coach and president and then hired Schneider(sp?)some people liked it and some people hated it. What they did when they first came in was make 70+ roster movers from the start of the year even into the season. They built a good "D" and tried to figure it out on offence.


This team is trying to figure out what they have. They are trying to get the pieces together to make a winning team. I like what I see in terms of fight a d young talent. I am tired of losing but I also think this team is on the rise.

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Even this loss didnt feel like a BAD one. In previous years being down 2TDs the defense would ahve folded up tents and crawled home. They didn't. They stepped up, held the team in the game and gave them a shot for the win. Don't give up on this bunch Bills fans, this isn't the same old ****.


Oh and by the way, SQUISH THE FRICKING FISH.


Where's Des when you need him?

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This FO has turned over this roster in many ways. They have brought in middle of the road FA to fill holes. In some ways their first year they threw mud at the wall to see who would stick. Then they built from their. I have been in Seattle the whole time for their rebuilding. I have watched every game this year. I have read a lot about what is going at One Bills Drive and I just cant help but feel they are trying to do the same things.


Flynn is not the reason I feel this way.

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This FO has turned over this roster in many ways. They have brought in middle of the road FA to fill holes. In some ways their first year they threw mud at the wall to see who would stick. Then they built from their. I have been in Seattle the whole time for their rebuilding. I have watched every game this year. I have read a lot about what is going at One Bills Drive and I just cant help but feel they are trying to do the same things.


Flynn is not the reason I feel this way.


I thought your point was quite clear from the get-go, and I do think there's some merit to it.

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Look at the way the Pittsburgh team was built over the last 8-10 years and you will see the model that Whaley is following. The defense will come along quicker than the offense, but when we get our guy @ QB (hopefully we already have in EJ) we will start contending year in and year out. I have full faith in Doug as the GM for this team.

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