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Alec Baldwin on MSNBC

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So I DVR'd Alec Baldwin's new show on MSNBC and wow :blink:


I'll give anybody a chance, two even. I've watched Rachel Maddow, Piers Morgan, CurrenTV, Angry Ed, AJAM, Joyless Bitchar, and Chris Hayes. Granted I haven't watched Al Sharpton, but thats because he's an established Marxist and well documented racist piece of sh*t.


But what I've seen from Alec Baldwin's show, is a leftist talking to a leftist about leftist issues with a left leaning slant

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So I DVR'd Alec Baldwin's new show on MSNBC and wow :blink:


I'll give anybody a chance, two even. I've watched Rachel Maddow, Piers Morgan, CurrenTV, Angry Ed, AJAM, Joyless Bitchar, and Chris Hayes. Granted I haven't watched Al Sharpton, but thats because he's an established Marxist and well documented racist piece of sh*t.


But what I've seen from Alec Baldwin's show, is a leftist talking to a leftist about leftist issues with a left leaning slant


I'm sure gatorman is enjoying it :D

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So I DVR'd Alec Baldwin's new show on MSNBC and wow :blink:


I'll give anybody a chance, two even. I've watched Rachel Maddow, Piers Morgan, CurrenTV, Angry Ed, AJAM, Joyless Bitchar, and Chris Hayes. Granted I haven't watched Al Sharpton, but thats because he's an established Marxist and well documented racist piece of sh*t.


But what I've seen from Alec Baldwin's show, is a leftist talking to a leftist about leftist issues with a left leaning slant


So who picks up the tab for the show?


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So I DVR'd Alec Baldwin's new show on MSNBC and wow :blink:


I'll give anybody a chance, two even. I've watched Rachel Maddow, Piers Morgan, CurrenTV, Angry Ed, AJAM, Joyless Bitchar, and Chris Hayes. Granted I haven't watched Al Sharpton, but thats because he's an established Marxist and well documented racist piece of sh*t.


But what I've seen from Alec Baldwin's show, is a leftist talking to a leftist about leftist issues with a left leaning slant


So who picks up the tab for the show?


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If you turn on NBC and expect to see somebody parading guns and being extremely conservative... you're gonna have a bad time.


So, that was the only alternative to a leftist kook? Did you really want to say "clinging to their guns and religion"?

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And you expected what exactly from Alec Baldwin? Celebrities who think the world cares about what they have to say off the big or small screen solely because of the fact that they are celebrities are the worst kind of celebrities. Oh just to be clear if a bicyclists were to run over a celebrity I would stand, applaud and buy the bicyclist a drink.

Edited by Chef Jim
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So I DVR'd Alec Baldwin's new show on MSNBC and wow :blink:


I'll give anybody a chance, two even. I've watched Rachel Maddow, Piers Morgan, CurrenTV, Angry Ed, AJAM, Joyless Bitchar, and Chris Hayes. Granted I haven't watched Al Sharpton, but thats because he's an established Marxist and well documented racist piece of sh*t.


But what I've seen from Alec Baldwin's show, is a leftist talking to a leftist about leftist issues with a left leaning slant


And Rush, Hannity and O'Reilly are any different? Aside from being complete idiots, I mean. Where is your thread about those complete wastes of humanity?

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And Rush, Hannity and O'Reilly are any different? Aside from being complete idiots, I mean. Where is your thread about those complete wastes of humanity?


So you're saying Alec Baldwin is a complete idiot? Good, you're making progress.

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And you expected what exactly from Alec Baldwin? Celebrities who think the world cares about what they have to day off the big or small screen solely because of the fact that they are celebrities are the worst kind of celebrities. Oh just to be clear if a bicyclists were to run over a celebrity I would stand, applaud and by the bicyclist a drink.

omg. I just crapped myself.
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id probably buy that book


I've kicked myself over and over again for not taking notes. I have dozens of stories about cooking for Hollywood. Kind of a cook and tell book. I was at this place in the article below for this final service and this was a small restaurant maybe 80 seats so we were a small family. I have a ton of stories about that place and the celebrity royalty that ate there on a daily basis. Many of them would scoff at the likes of Alex Baldwinif they were alive today.



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And Rush, Hannity and O'Reilly are any different? Aside from being complete idiots, I mean. Where is your thread about those complete wastes of humanity?


And you know this how? Have you actually watched O'Reilly or Hannity or Listened to Rush? Yeah, didn't think so.


Unlike you I actually make an effort to form my own opinion. Now go back to Huffpo and DailyKos for your dose of the Daily Truth

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No, Michael Savage.

I actually heard a couple of minutes of that guy's radio show once. Ultimate parody that far too many people take seriously. It's like political WWE.


It's too bad the left didn't have the equivalent on Err America. It might have lasted more than a week.

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Savage just does what will get him $. He was a rabid lefty until conservative radio became popular. He was on KSFO ( a conservative station) before he was syndicated. They share the same building with KGO (the liberal station). People at both stations hated him. He had an ISDN line put in his house because nobody would work with him.

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