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Backup Software


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I'm no techie and I don't play one on the Internet, but there are quite a few real IT pros that frequent this place.

That said, I think it would be good of you to post some of your particulars regarding your backup issue(s).

Are you backing up a single PC or a network of computers?

How much data and space do you require? Where and to what are you backing up to?

It might get you better answers more quickly.

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Was looking for a program that did both Disc and File backup. Some programs would offer you Disc free but a paid version for File. EaseUS seems to give both for free while Macrium does not. Basically looking for a program that does both. Free would be nice ! BTW, a single PC and would be backing up onto a second / back up HD and onto DVD discs on another.

Edited by tsnbd
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