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The decline of Stevie Johnson ?

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That right there. The guy has gone through a good deal of injuries and maybe he will start missing a game here or there but he hasn't yet. I can understand the idea that he may not get the production as in years past but so many variables factor into that. Having more options at receiver, a rookie QB, poor offensive play calling and tons of 3 and outs being only a few of them.


Truthfully, I can't understand that idea. If the Bills play in general improves (as we hope it will with new coaching, new QB etc) why shouldn't Stevie be more productive not less?


It's also a valid point that WR, in general across the league, tend to be a bit "Diva". Comparatively speaking, SJ's antics are harmless and mild.


The freakin' penalties got to go though - SJ and across the team.

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Bad Hamstrings,Bad Back. These are connected . If you ever had a bad back,then you know the hamstrings come with it. once your back goes,it `s over.Hope Stevie comes back strong. But it could spell trouble for the future.


He is still pretty young. The hammy is a constant problem though. He's one of those guys who wakes up at 29 years old and says," wow I actually have to stay in shape all year to play this game. Not doing that just cost me a third and last big contract in this league. Damn, wish id a thought of this 5 years ago......"


kids.. can't do a thing with them... :)

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The connection I would make is that he doesn't work out nearly enough in the off season. Players with longevity in this league are work out fanatics. Any player can and will get hurt but if you dont take care of your body it wont take care of you.

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Are people really arguing that SJ can't stay healthy? If he misses the game today it'll be the first game he's missed since 2009. He missed games back then because he wasn't a starter, not because he was injured. Granted, he's nicked up lots but it has never prevented him from playing. People should be in love with the type of player who gets smashed - like all NFL players do - and never takes a game off. The guy has a big mouth but he has a big heart too.


B word about his on field antics if you want but whining about him getting hurt is hilariously idiotic.

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The guy just had a death in his family. I think there is a better time to have discussion like this. Love him or hate him, he is still one of our own.



Not only that Stevie is a rarity in today's NFL that he tries to play thru injuries no matter what. Kinda the exact opposite of trade bait Byrd.


Although It might be wise at point in his career to sit out a few games until he recovers so he doesn't suffer a more serious injury.


Are people really arguing that SJ can't stay healthy? If he misses the game today it'll be the first game he's missed since 2009. He missed games back then because he wasn't a starter, not because he was injured. Granted, he's nicked up lots but it has never prevented him from playing. People should be in love with the type of player who gets smashed - like all NFL players do - and never takes a game off. The guy has a big mouth but he has a big heart too.


B word about his on field antics if you want but whining about him getting hurt is hilariously idiotic.

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This is crazy. The guy has played through pain and gives it his all each week playing through pain. He's not on the decline, he's playing under a different system more times in the slot, than his natural outside position. He also has a rookie with some natural accuracy and progression of reads. We need SJ and he is at a good price.


Lastly, they are not absolute, but yes having soft tissue issues between hamstrings, groin, it band, etc are all connected. You can have anatomic issues with your back, and not your hamms, but if it is an issue of soft tissue pulls, etc. yes, they can be connected.

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The Lower lumbar muscles are most certainly related to the hamstrings. Now one causing an injury over the other is a totally different questions. Back issues like strains or pulls are associated with having weak core muscles or a contusion depending on HOW he was injured. Either way Stevie get your ass on the field and entertain the masses.

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Robert woods is doing the job at a fraction of the cost .

Ummmmm...NO. Haven't seen Woods take it over the middle and take the big hit or get that extra couple of yards. Stevie is a problem for opposing defenses.....his problems this year, other than physical......are that Hackett wants him to run cookie cutter routes....so his runny nose young QB's don't have to think to much. With Fitz, Stevie used to have freedom to take it whereever it would disadvantage the DB....and get really open. Fitz could read and react.....but our QB crew now can't do that....they need formula routes so they know in advance where he will be. So, a conflict between Hackett's style and Stevie's best effectiveness style will mean one will leave at some point. I am voting for Hackett to leave, as Stevie is a legit talent, and we can't say that about Hackett.
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You need multiple GOOD WRs to be a successful team in the NFL. We currently have 1 good WR in Stevie, and 1 WR who looks like he will be another in Woods. Why not keep them both and actually improve the team? This thread shows that a lot of supposed "fans" are more interested in personal crusades than seeing their football team improve.


The team is better with Stevie on it, plain and simple.

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I think he could do a better job of staying in shape all year.


I have no idea what his year round workouts consist of, and maybe he's doing everything he can in the offseason to be in peak physical condition, I just get the sense that Stevie isn't the kind of guy that takes anything too seriously and that includes off season conditioning.


If I were a GM and I signed a guy to a long term contract I would have specific terms in writing for off season strength and conditioning and ensure my investment will train like the true professional I am paying him to be.

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anyone who can regularly beat anybody's top corner is a number one. Don't care what his measureables are.

SJ13 is a #1 wideout.


He is currently ranked mid 50s in both receptions and yards, so a lot of teams have # 2s outperforming him. But, he is still the best the Bills have got.

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Ummmmm...NO. Haven't seen Woods take it over the middle and take the big hit or get that extra couple of yards. Stevie is a problem for opposing defenses.....his problems this year, other than physical......are that Hackett wants him to run cookie cutter routes....so his runny nose young QB's don't have to think to much. With Fitz, Stevie used to have freedom to take it whereever it would disadvantage the DB....and get really open. Fitz could read and react.....but our QB crew now can't do that....they need formula routes so they know in advance where he will be. So, a conflict between Hackett's style and Stevie's best effectiveness style will mean one will leave at some point. I am voting for Hackett to leave, as Stevie is a legit talent, and we can't say that about Hackett.


You do realize that timing and precise route running of the WR is a hallmark of the WCO, and that the WR playing with the top QB in the league (Manning and Brady for sure) have been widely and repeatedly quoted as saying "if you don't run the route exactly as he expects, he won't throw to you"? I laugh every time someone predicts SJ would be the top WR in the league if he had Brady or P Manning throwing to him. The truth is, he wouldn't do what Brady or Manning expected a lot of the time...and thus they wouldn't throw to him.


It makes it harder on any QB, even HOF QB, if the WR doesn't run the expected route with the expected timing. A lot of effective throws are released long before the WR is there, especially the so-vaunted ones that "hit the receiver in stride". Fitz took a lot of heat for bad throws and INTs, much of it legit - and some of it because he expected one route and the WR ran something else.


If we want to run a WCO under any offensive coordinator, the WR must execute routes as they are designed. Period. I don't think that's what's hindering Stevie, myself.


anyone who can regularly beat anybody's top corner is a number one. Don't care what his measureables are.

SJ13 is a #1 wideout.


This. Not #1 in the league, but a legit top-20, and being paid like it.


On the other hand, it is a point that Stevie seems to be playing hurt a lot, and while his willingness to do so is admirable, one does wonder if it hinders his effectiveness, and whether, if he took the Jerry Rice approach to off-season conditioning, might he possibly playing hurt less often and even better?

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As a LMT I see it related at times but it could be seperate issues. I know Stevie is a gamer and plays in discomfort at times and I don't see that changing. I think this has more to do with a death in the family.

Edited by seq004
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He is currently ranked mid 50s in both receptions and yards, so a lot of teams have # 2s outperforming him. But, he is still the best the Bills have got.

this year yes. All I'm saying is their is more to it than a guy who couldn't be stopped the last few years, to be done based on a quarter of a season, with a new OC, and QB.
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