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Mom Fired for Posing in Playboy


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Jessica Zelinske was fired from her job after posing in Playboy's Hot Housewife Issue. Apparently she had asked permission of her boss to do so and received assurance that she would not need to worry.


She was fired a month after the issue arrived on news stands.

Zelinske told [her boss, Timothy McBeaini] weeks beforehand that she was answering a Playboy casting call and received an assurance from him that her job -- paying $18,000 annually plus commission -- would not be in jeopardy if she appeared nude in the iconic men's magazine.


The "Hot Housewives" issue with Zelinske was released in late July. In early September 2011, McBeain handed her a "Corrective Action Report," notifying her that she was fired on the spot for violating the company's "standards of common decency."


The notice went on to say, "You have violated Charter's professional conduct policy by making the personal choice to pose nude in a well-known publication."Zelinske worked as an account executive, the Strib reports. We have to think the fact she's sexy enough for Playboy's cover wouldn't hurt when it comes to selling ads anywhere between here and Mars, so sounds like this is Charter's loss in more ways than one.


We have a winner in the Worse Boss in America Contest!!


And I really do not need to ask but.... Would Ya?



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Jessica Zelinske was fired from her job after posing in Playboy's Hot Housewife Issue. Apparently she had asked permission of her boss to do so and received assurance that she would not need to worry.


She was fired a month after the issue arrived on news stands.



We have a winner in the Worse Boss in America Contest!!


And I really do not need to ask but.... Would Ya?




I have a good feeling that her termination did not come from him. Now how strongly he stood up for her when the termination came from above will determine what kind of a boss he was.

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She should have been fired for putting those ugly fake boobs on an otherwise beautiful woman.

If they shake, in an instant. I hate when the fake ones are all hard and don't move with it. That said those are kinda bad but the rest is hot enough.

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She should have been fired for putting those ugly fake boobs on an otherwise beautiful woman.

I'm with ya there. I hate those things. They just look bad.

If they shake, in an instant. I hate when the fake ones are all hard and don't move with it. That said those are kinda bad but the rest is hot enough.

Like Chef Jim, I think they always look bad...........But, google image her when she's lying on her back. I guarantee they don't shake. I think there's concrete in there!


My god you guys are tough. I would, even if she had one rock hard boob growing on the top of her head. She's smokin.

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I have a good feeling that her termination did not come from him. Now how strongly he stood up for her when the termination came from above will determine what kind of a boss he was.

I'm sure the boss was all for it and bought an issue five minutes after it went on sale. Agreed that he didn't make the termination decision.


My god you guys are tough. I would, even if she had one rock hard boob growing on the top of her head. She's smokin.




Apparently some of you guys have never seen a good boob job.

Edited by KD in CT
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I'm sure the boss was all for it and bought an issue five minutes after it went on sale. Agreed that he didn't make the termination decision.






Apparently some of you guys have never seen a good boob job.

I'm sure the boss was all for it and bought an issue five minutes after it went on sale. Agreed that he didn't make the termination decision.






Apparently some of you guys have never seen a good boob job.


Yeah I live in LA for 25 years and I've never seen a good boob job. No really, I've never seen a good boob job.

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How is posing nude against a "standard of common decency?" What exactly is wrong with the human body? People who don't flush the toilet after they use it have more of a right to be fired by this policy than a woman who poses nude.

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