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Jackson fined for ball flip

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I'm beginning to wonder what has happened to football. The idea that Fred Jackson needs to be fined for flipping the ball to a Browns player after a nice play reminds me of the time that Eric Moulds was penalized 15 for "maliciously spinning the football." What are they worried about, that someone's feelings might be hurt? If someone taunts you, just tell the recess monitor and have him reported to the principal.


Baseball has a better system. You can taunt all you want, just be ready to bail out of the batter's box next time you're up.

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I'm beginning to wonder what has happened to football. The idea that Fred Jackson needs to be fined for flipping the ball to a Browns player after a nice play reminds me of the time that Eric Moulds was penalized 15 for "maliciously spinning the football." What are they worried about, that someone's feelings might be hurt? If someone taunts you, just tell the recess monitor and have him reported to the principal.


What an ironic paragraph for this board. I agree.

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I'm beginning to wonder what has happened to football. The idea that Fred Jackson needs to be fined for flipping the ball to a Browns player after a nice play reminds me of the time that Eric Moulds was penalized 15 for "maliciously spinning the football." What are they worried about, that someone's feelings might be hurt? If someone taunts you, just tell the recess monitor and have him reported to the principal.


Baseball has a better system. You can taunt all you want, just be ready to bail out of the batter's box next time you're up.


Being fined for it is a bit much but I don't really care about Fred Jackson's finances and neither should any Bills fan. Be it salary envy or wanting to save him a buck because you like him.


But I for one am sick of Bills players doing stuff like that. Not because I am against trash talking or the like...that can be fun....but it's pathetic when a team that has earned no respect on the field tries to get it by disrespecting their opponent with poor sportsmanship. Earn it. You come to expect these kind of implosions from Stevie Johnson and it is very out of character for Fred Jackson but like I said, this is what the Bills do time and again when they get a rare moment in the spotlight. It's also usually accompanied with a loss.

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Roger Godell <sp> is ruining the NFL as we know it. Not sure what his ultimate goal is by running the league this way but he for sure is not making any friends, within the league or on the outside. He's a clown.


Maybe, but this isn't one of those cases. If opponents started tossing the ball in Bills players faces every time they made a play Bills fans would be beside themselves with rage. It's classless disrespect intended for other people to see. If a player wants to talk smack behind a facemask where they know that nobody on tv can hear or see them that is fine because it is just between those two. As for endzone celebrations, and that stuff.....yeah that stuff is not worthy of the attention Goodell and the NFL gives it.

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Roger is from Jamestown and his mother was from Buffalo . He will help keep the Bills in Buffalo with the next owner. I don't mind strict penalties to keep it from getting out of control.


I know he is from WNY but I heard him say the other day that he grew up in DC and was a Redskins fan. I don't know how he feels about the Bills situation but that was information I did not know.

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Maybe, but this isn't one of those cases. If opponents started tossing the ball in Bills players faces every time they made a play Bills fans would be beside themselves with rage. It's classless disrespect intended for other people to see. If a player wants to talk smack behind a facemask where they know that nobody on tv can hear or see them that is fine because it is just between those two. As for endzone celebrations, and that stuff.....yeah that stuff is not worthy of the attention Goodell and the NFL gives it.


It didn't seem malicious but the slippery slope argument is valid here

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I know he is from WNY but I heard him say the other day that he grew up in DC and was a Redskins fan. I don't know how he feels about the Bills situation but that was information I did not know.

His father was at one time a US Senator and Rep from NY. He passed away living in D.C.

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Roger Godell <sp> is ruining the NFL as we know it. Not sure what his ultimate goal is by running the league this way but he for sure is not making any friends, within the league or on the outside. He's a clown.


And yet, it continues to grow




Being fined for it is a bit much but I don't really care about Fred Jackson's finances and neither should any Bills fan. Be it salary envy or wanting to save him a buck because you like him.


But I for one am sick of Bills players doing stuff like that. Not because I am against trash talking or the like...that can be fun....but it's pathetic when a team that has earned no respect on the field tries to get it by disrespecting their opponent with poor sportsmanship. Earn it. You come to expect these kind of implosions from Stevie Johnson and it is very out of character for Fred Jackson but like I said, this is what the Bills do time and again when they get a rare moment in the spotlight. It's also usually accompanied with a loss.


I don't mind intensity and a little swagger but if you are going to try to show a guy up, I agree its much more effective on the scoreboard than after a decent 9 yard run. It's a fine line sometimes and Fred's normally on the right side of it, so I'm not upset but I generally agree with you

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Pretty lame penalty, I've seen worse.........and the fine is complete BS.


Probably tossed the ball thinking a ref was there to pick it up, like every player does. This time an opposing player was there......

Whole lot of crap over nothing.

Agree, Fred is not like that. I even named my cat Fred in honor of Jackson

Edited by ALF
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Like pointed out I think he thought the official was right there, because he was, then he stopped. I didn't think he realized what he was doing.


I was a coach for track. Our boys relay team had just won. The last guy finished and off the track tossed the batton next to his sweats immediately exiting the track a good 15 seconds after crossing the line. He was DQ'ed by an overzealous official. Just the way it goes.

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