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Scientists find sure-fire cure for a hangover...


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So is this a cure, or a prevention method. I'll second KD's method of hydrating before hitting the sack to help prevent the hangover. But if the damage is done and you wake up with one ... in my experience, the only thing that helps is sleep.

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.....and in the theme of Chef Jim's post above.....

I have always found that the best thing for a hangover is drinking a lot of alcohol the night before. <Boom-Tish>


I found that out many a time realizing why I did not have a hangover the next morning. I was still buzzed.


So is this a cure, or a prevention method. I'll second KD's method of hydrating before hitting the sack to help prevent the hangover. But if the damage is done and you wake up with one ... in my experience, the only thing that helps is sleep.


That was always my challenge. I get up early regardless of how late my debauch was the night before. And a nap in the afternoon? Never.

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I found that out many a time realizing why I did not have a hangover the next morning. I was still buzzed.




That was always my challenge. I get up early regardless of how late my debauch was the night before. And a nap in the afternoon? Never.

Same here. If I stop drinking by 1am, I usually avoid a hangover. That's only if I stick solely to beer; which is the norm. But if I'm up that late drinking, it's not at home - plus it's very rare. Now that I'm back with the band, the days after gig nights will be rough if I don't drink in moderation.

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I don't get hangovers. When I drink I make sure to hydrate like crazy. I force myself to drink water. Lots of it.


How young are you? I used to never get hangovers, no matter how trashed I got. Then somewhere around 35-36 I started getting them when I drank hard liquor. Now I get them when I drink in excess no matter what it is.

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How young are you? I used to never get hangovers, no matter how trashed I got. Then somewhere around 35-36 I started getting them when I drank hard liquor. Now I get them when I drink in excess no matter what it is.


I'm 36. Still don't get them but I hydrate like crazy after I'm done drinking. As I get older I also will have a glass of water between beverages.


I will say the one time I didn't hydrate was messy. Very messy. But still no hangover. Stay away from a drink called the four horsemen.

Edited by Kevin
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