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IQ Testing (LAMP)


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Anything where he had to actually think for himself, he was an absolute moron. To this day I am unsure if he was smart or dumb.


Why would you speak about DC Tom in this way?


Anyhow, your point about memorization is spot on. Of all of the forms or maybe better said outcomes of intelligence this is the one that matters little. I am more fascinated with creative people. Ones who can not only solve problems but can frame solutions in a way that nobody else even comes close to thinking about.

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I know mine, it's not extremely high, but from Elementary School to in my mid 20's I have tested about the same. I never over achieved in HS, I was a solid B-C student. I did not find school interesting and I was horrible in mathematics and foreign languages. In college I did well retaining everything I read and studied I just got bored. It was not that I was lazy - I was disinterested. It'd have been nice to have stayed and got a degree but I did not know what options were available. I was young and dumb. Parenting was not all that for me, though my mother tried hard. If I could go back I would have chosen a different school (NCSU, tOSU) even if it meant taking a year or two off. I would have studied animal sciences or other ag types of studies.


One of the most impressive feats I have seen was someone taking a rubix cube and solving it in under 90 seconds. Doing it naked while in bed with me made it even more fun.


As a general observation it strikes me that many of the regulars on the board are people that are well educated (except Beerball) and intelligent (except AJ in spite of his assertions to the contrary).

I would also guess many of us are introverts. It is easy to see there are many here who are intelligent with high IQ's.


I would bet over half of the population at PPP is an INTJ. (I am).

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As a general observation it strikes me that many of the regulars on the board are people that are well educated (except Beerball) and intelligent (except AJ in spite of his assertions to the contrary). There is really no good way to know this with certainty but the humor, comments and insights generally seem to me to indicate smarts.






It's interesting to hear you say that, cause getting back to the idea of different forms of intelligence, I've argued that wit and humor have always seemed to me to be a form of intelligence.

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It's interesting to hear you say that, cause getting back to the idea of different forms of intelligence, I've argued that wit and humor have always seemed to me to be a form of intelligence.

4merCrayonz > Oppenheimer
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I think you've raised some very interesting concepts.


I have come to the conclusion that confidence(or the appearance of) often gives the impression of intelligence, even if there is not much behind the words that are said.


With the notable exception that confidence doesn't count for **** if you believe in something irretrievably dense like rolling a 3.5 on a die.


I've mentioned people at work call me "Mr. Google." The main reason is that, when I bull ****, I do it with a great deal of confidence. I once had a guy at work convinced that Krakow, Poland was the second-largest Buddhist city in the world outside of China. "I didn't know that. Really?" "No, dumbass. I'm completely making that up."


Hard work counts more than brains. Confidence counts more than both.


Why would you speak about DC Tom in this way?


I ought to report you... :censored:


It's interesting to hear you say that, cause getting back to the idea of different forms of intelligence, I've argued that wit and humor have always seemed to me to be a form of intelligence.


Grass is always greener...

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As a general observation it strikes me that many of the regulars on the board are people that are well educated (except Beerball) and intelligent (except AJ in spite of his assertions to the contrary). There is really no good way to know this with certainty but the humor, comments and insights generally seem to me to indicate smarts.

hmmm.....if that is true then why are we Bills fans???

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lol, yeah this was quite a while ago...I wish I could read these papers better, but they are so faded...the dude wrote an entire page about my performance, or else it's just some wordy explanation of the testing process.


I see what looks like "Lender-Gestalt", "Rotter Incomplete Sentences", and "House-Tree-Person" something test. There's also something that looks like "wide-range achievement test". Apparently the tested the bejeezus out of me...I must have been doing more than just not completing assignments back then for my parents to do all this lol


Yeah, looks like you received a complete battery of tests. Sounds like you were evaluated by a clinical psychologist rather than a school practitioner. The Bender-Gestalt is a test of visual-motor integration. The Rotter and the House-Tree-Person are projective tests (similar to the widely known Rorschach) intended to evaluate social/emotional concerns. Those projectives aren't even used anymore due to their poor psychometric properties and subjective interpretation. The Wide Range Achievement Test is a comprehensive academic skills assessment.


Given the nature of your parents' referral concerns, either this person went way overboard with their evaluation, or you had more serious issues than just homework completion :D

Edited by Johnny Hammersticks
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Yeah, looks like you received a complete battery of tests. Sounds like you were evaluated by a clinical psychologist rather than a school practitioner. The Bender-Gestalt is a test of visual-motor integration. The Rotter and the House-Tree-Person are projective tests (similar to the widely known Rorschach) intended to evaluate social/emotional concerns. Those projectives aren't even used anymore due to their poor psychometric properties and subjective interpretation. The Wide Range Achievement Test is a comprehensive academic skills assessment.


Given the nature of your parents' referral concerns, either this person went way overboard with their evaluation, or you had more serious issues than just homework completion :D




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This thread is right in my wheel house. Ask questions if you would like...

Any thoughts on the Luminosity style exercises?

Can they stave off my impending Alzheimer's for a handful of years?-)

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Getting back to intelligence testing, and it's worth. An excerpt from one of my favorite Walt Whitman "not Walter White" works.


"Here is the test of wisdom,

Wisdom is not finally tested in schools,

Wisdom cannot be pass’d from one having it to another not having it,

Wisdom is of the soul, is not susceptible of proof, is its own proof,

Applies to all stages and objects and qualities and is content,

Is the certainty of the reality and immortality of things, and the excellence of things;

Something there is in the float of the sight of things that provokes it out of the soul.


Now I re-examine philosophies and religions,

They may prove well in lecture-rooms, yet not prove at all under the spacious clouds and along the landscape and flowing currents.


Here is realization,

Here is a man tallied—he realizes here what he has in him,

The past, the future, majesty, love—if they are vacant of you, you are vacant of them."



Any thoughts on the Luminosity style exercises?

Can they stave off my impending Alzheimer's for a handful of years?-)


I'll just say that there is no peer reviewed research out the to support "cognitive re-training." That said, any activity you can do to keep your brain sharp (i.e., puzzles, word games, reading) is beneficial. With the emergence of neuron regeneration research, I believe that this concept is not too far off. I may be out of a job...haha.

Edited by Johnny Hammersticks
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Don't know my number, Mensa doesn't give it, they just let you know you're in the top 2% of intelligence when you're accepted in.


Don't they have a few token idiots? :D


Sorry you left the door wide open for that.... But on a friendlier note ... Good for you.

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I actually am a bills fan because I invented a time machine, traveled forward in time, and know they are going to win 7 straight Super Bowls starting in 2015. I assumed all of us high IQers did the same. (Didn't we meet in alternate 2021?)

Traveled forward in time - - maybe - - but how'd you get back?



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Don't know my number, Mensa doesn't give it, they just let you know you're in the top 2% of intelligence when you're accepted in.


I always thought that Mensa was just some strange latin influenced word meaning wanker.

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One of the most impressive feats I have seen was someone taking a rubix cube and solving it in under 90 seconds. Doing it naked while in bed with me made it even more fun.



As a bit of a rubix cube aficionado myself i feel compelled to point out that simply rearranging all of the colours to be on their correct side faces is not necessarily indicative of solving the cube.


Anybody can be shown the numerous "patterns of moves" needed to be able to "solve" it. It simply becomes a memory issue(and with practice a motor memory issue) on whether one can do it.


Figuring out how to derive the patterns from scratch is truly solving the cube......and I think it would be humanly impossible to do in 90 seconds.

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It's interesting to hear you say that, cause getting back to the idea of different forms of intelligence, I've argued that wit and humor have always seemed to me to be a form of intelligence.


I have an undergraduate in Psychology also (got me a government job in a completely different area) and I remember this idea of multiple intelligences. There were many of them if I remember correctly. There's intelligences in arts, music, even sports. Of course there are the standbys of mathematics and reading comprehension also. Point being, there are strengths and weaknesses to everyone's intelligence. Was it Carl Jung that first proposed this? I can't remember. I'm sure I could google it but I'm a bit lazy right now.


Hammersticks, you're a school psychologist? If I can get off my but and go after it, I would like to become a school psycholgoist myself. It seems that you're a bit exacerbated by parents and politics of the position. Are you overall satisfied with the position though?

Edited by HamSandwhich
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