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Posted (edited)

What needs to happen is someone not assocated with Buffalo or WNY in any way come in and buy the team. Clean house from Brandon all the way down to the lowest person in the building. Cut or trade most all of the warm bodies that really can't help this team be a winner and just start from scratch.


I can hear the whining now 'But he may move them'. YES he damn well might. Esp. with the downtrodden economy in WNY etc. Then again if WNY will pony up the money to keep them here he might stay who the hell knows.


I just know this team needs to get as far away from the norm as possible. Someone NOT from Buffalo and their pessimistic, we are cursed, Woe is me bull **** mentality. Someone that buys the team because he loves football and wants to build a winner.


Otherwise its the same old **** different year.


Oh and if you think Ralph is cheap, you might want to 2nd think Tom taking over. But I am sure the response to that will be 'But he will keep them here'


We just had what looks like one of the best drafts im franchise history. If EJ pans out it will be THE best. We got a stud WR, the best LB we've had since I can remember (on a free trade down pick) and Goodwin looks like he can be a game changer.


But you say the front office should all be fired? Seems to me whaley and co. are doing quite well. I wouldnt fire anybody, We are one more solid draft away from having the most talent in our division.

Edited by Webster Guy

Golisano unfairly gets a bad rap as a Sabres owner. He completely saved the franchise when no owner was on the horizon. Assisted by the salary cap, he was able to make them as financially sound as they ever were in the 'modern era'.


when he bought the team, he was very clear that he wasnt going to be taking major losses on the team, and the goal was to be at the break even mark. He did cut a lot of peripheral costs, and would not get involved in front loading contracts/cap circumvention, etc. I dont hold that against him as he was up front from the beginning.


If he managed the Bills like he did the Sabres, theoretically, he would be less frugal than RW as there is more elbow room to break even. I also think more investment in the Bills would bring much more profit.* As it is, they play it very safe and close to the vest to preserve as much profit as coming in as if its at the ceiling.

*- not taking into account any payback/interest on a loan to finance the purchase.


I think he learned his lesson from the Sabres and would likely hire qualified individual to run day to day operations. Not Larry Quinn or Russ Brandon.



So in short, I think he would be a good owner.


Ehh, He'd be ok. The Sabres are a disaster due to the current owner not coming in and cleaning house. Pegula's an absolute moron when it comes to the on Ice product.


I wouldn't mind Galisano as the owner of the Bills. A major league franchise owners needs to be the biggest fan of their team. Galisano just wasn't for the Sabres. It just seems he bought them due to them being in danger to leave town, being bankrupt, and selling for a very cheap price. I don't think that would be the case with the Bills, who are a money-maker (unlike the Sabres) and because he genuinely seems to love them.

Posted (edited)

Ehh, He'd be ok. The Sabres are a disaster due to the current owner not coming in and cleaning house. Pegula's an absolute moron when it comes to the on Ice product.


Pegula doesn't seem like a very bright guy, but he did somehow make billions


I almost think keeping Darcy was his way of saying "FU" to all the Sabres fans who have criticized him instead of worshipping him.


That, or he really is totally clueless


On another note, what's with calling Golisano "sugar packets?" I've seen that on multiple message boards but I don't get it.

Edited by TheFunPolice
Posted (edited)

"Old Sugar Packets If I understand it correctly it refers to being so cheap he takes the sugar packets from restaurant tables " (on another forum) I was also curious what OSP meant, so did a little digging and found that.

Edited by ALF



We just had what looks like one of the best drafts im franchise history. If EJ pans out it will be THE best. We got a stud WR, the best LB we've had since I can remember (on a free trade down pick) and Goodwin looks like he can be a game changer.


But you say the front office should all be fired? Seems to me whaley and co. are doing quite well. I wouldnt fire anybody, We are one more solid draft away from having the most talent in our division.


Gotta consider the source, WG. KtoR is unhappy he's off suspension. Kind of like a career criminal, he'd 'hold up' Gramma's thread if it'll get him back in the warm confines Posting Pergatory.


It was a backhanded "complement" if you want to call it that. It was something along the lines of "how bout them sabres?" after starting 0-3-1.


Gotcha, thanks.

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