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Taking Chances to Build a Better Team Good Or Bad ?

T master

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Not to look ahead to far but was just wondering what some of the rest of you Bills fans opinions would be to a question that would be looking ahead .


So we finally made our move this year (which i think was great for the team) & picked our QB of the future, given the Bills past draft pick bad choices i was wondering .


If EJ continues to do well this year with growth as he has shown & say next year in any of the rounds say a Johnny Manziel , or a Taj Boyd fall to us do you take the chance & pull the trigger on said player at the QB position to do like the Redskins did or pass & get another player ?


I loved the pick up of Tuel but if you watch other good teams that have had success they are not afraid to pick up another good QB if they come along which i think has been part of the Bills problems in the past .


And i'm not saying picking up a Tyler Thigpen type that did OK in college i'm saying a guy that has proven himself in his college career to be a stud , like when we passed on Russel Wilson the year before the guys college stats & resume prior to entering the NFL were off the charts that kind of guy .


Look at the Pats they are always picking up QB's & developing them if for nothing else future draft picks in trades with other teams that come up with a need for a QB , then they find a good one like they seem to have with the kid from Arkansas & they keep him as a back up or if the situation presents itself trade him while picking up another prospect .


Just wondering your thoughts because i know we need to get other good players but i love it when we take chances on players that have a quote questionable past (look at Kiko) i think we need to take more chances in the draft with those players & with QB's to build a better mouse trap for the future .

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There's no guarantee EJ is the future of this team yet, but given the amount of depth issues the team has, I couldn't see any GM drafting another QB early.

Although you never tell the other GM's you are thinking that...."ohhhh, Johnny Manziel (or insert other highly touted QB) is available....we need a good backup or starter...of course, is anyone willing to trade up with us??" The phone should ring pretty quick.

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Not to look ahead to far but was just wondering what some of the rest of you Bills fans opinions would be to a question that would be looking ahead .


So we finally made our move this year (which i think was great for the team) & picked our QB of the future, given the Bills past draft pick bad choices i was wondering .


If EJ continues to do well this year with growth as he has shown & say next year in any of the rounds say a Johnny Manziel , or a Taj Boyd fall to us do you take the chance & pull the trigger on said player at the QB position to do like the Redskins did or pass & get another player ?


I loved the pick up of Tuel but if you watch other good teams that have had success they are not afraid to pick up another good QB if they come along which i think has been part of the Bills problems in the past .


And i'm not saying picking up a Tyler Thigpen type that did OK in college i'm saying a guy that has proven himself in his college career to be a stud , like when we passed on Russel Wilson the year before the guys college stats & resume prior to entering the NFL were off the charts that kind of guy .


Look at the Pats they are always picking up QB's & developing them if for nothing else future draft picks in trades with other teams that come up with a need for a QB , then they find a good one like they seem to have with the kid from Arkansas & they keep him as a back up or if the situation presents itself trade him while picking up another prospect .


Just wondering your thoughts because i know we need to get other good players but i love it when we take chances on players that have a quote questionable past (look at Kiko) i think we need to take more chances in the draft with those players & with QB's to build a better mouse trap for the future .


I'm just curious, besides Cassel (who turned out to be terrible in my opinion), who have the Pats developed and traded? Mallet doesn't look to be trade bait at all but a future replacement for an aging QB. I certainly wouldn't categorize this as "always picking up QBs and developing them."

Edited by Mark80
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IMO, we have far more pressing needs than QB (especially early on) in the 2014 draft. Even if EJ doesn't finish out the season playing at a high level, I feel that the Bills will give him time to develop. That said, if the right guy is hanging around in round 4 or later, I wouldn't be opposed to taking a QB for depth there. Spending a 1st round pick on a QB requires a certain level of commitment to that player. So far, I don't think EJ has shown anything to suggest that he doesn't deserve that time to show he is worth it.

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There's no guarantee EJ is the future of this team yet, but given the amount of depth issues the team has, I couldn't see any GM drafting another QB early.


Agreed. CB has to be #1 Priority followed by TE, LG, S, CB, WR, LB in next years draft. If a QB comes around, probably be undrafted ala Tuel.

Edited by mattsox
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