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Greenpeace members shocked at jail conditions

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I only read the first set of reader comments, but not a single one of them felt any sympathy at all for the greenies. this may provide a valuable life lesson for them.


"They had never expected that they would face such consequences for their peaceful protest in a democratic state." :lol:

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if you are planning going to jail , make sure it's a rich liberal country because at best you'll live like an average citizen, many Russians are lucky to have one room above freezing during the winter, also during the winter tobacco is about as close to a vegetable as they get.

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Several non-smoking activists also complain of being placed in cells with chain-smokers.


lol what?



A young Finnish female activist is a vegan and unable to eat prison food, Paikacheva said, adding that prison officials had denied her request for vitamins to be delivered to her.

Oh, how horrible!! She should just tell them they're liberals who hate George Bush and I'm sure they'll be eating top shelf food in no time.

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But they do have access to WiFi right? I mean that is a basic human right. How else are they supposed to Tweet about the horrid conditions?


I hope there is a starbucks in the prison that's out of splenda.


The horror!

Edited by meazza
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